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Everything posted by Namutree

  1. I would rather not take the chance of you guys missing out on my post Just start a new SJW thread to talk about this kind of stuff. I'll visit it. No I only post what I consider are valid SJ issues in there own thread. I don't want to overdo it and also I don't really want a dedicated SJ thread, would you ? I guess not.
  2. It must be weird for you at times to realize you should be feeling some emotion about an event that has upset everyone else but you just don't feel anything? It feels weird for me. I still recall that during 9/11 all the kids in my class (I was in sixth grade at the time) were frightened and in a bit of a panic. I was the only one who kept the event in perspective. I tried to reassure them. "You'll all be fine. This isn't the end of the world." Are the things I told them, but no one listened to me; they just went on freaking out. The teacher didn't do a very good job keeping the situation calm either. Also, I was the only kid who didn't believe in santa. That was isolating.
  3. I would rather not take the chance of you guys missing out on my post Just start a new SJW thread to talk about this kind of stuff. I'll visit it.
  4. That's nice Bruce, but I don't see how it's related to this. This thread is the closet thing to a current SJ discussion we have and I didn't want to start new thread just to raise this You could try the Capitalism v. Socialism thread we had a while back. It'll just become a never ending argument about whether or not the nazis were socialists.
  5. Doxxing isn't very nice.
  6. Any links for proof?
  7. I used to play Yu-Gi-Oh, but at a high skill level the game becomes terrible. The banned/limited list constantly changes, whoever is lame enough to copy decks online is always boring to duel, and new types of monsters introduced shattered the game's already poor balance.
  8. I think you may be the only one.
  9. No one is confused on what the engagement mechanic is trying to convey, but there is confusion as to what the designers were going for from a game play point of view.
  10. Unfortunately that took me to Gawker, I feel dirty. I'm going to have to stifle a laugh here. You're throwing a fit because someone told your customers(Gawker believes its advertisers to be customers and readers its product) that you were insulting their potential customers? And you think calling advertisers names is going to encourage them to come back? How ****ing stupid are these people? Is there no editor there to look at this and go "maybe insulting the people who pay us isn't a great idea"? I find it utterly baffling the contempt they show for their customers and have to wonder how the ship hasn't already sunk. You **** already leaked Tarantino's script for Hateful Eight so we know you have no ethical standards, but this is just beyond ridiculous. Maybe next time there could be an alert that we will be directed to anti-gamergate sites. We don't want to give them views by mistake.
  11. I'm a teenager now? Good to know.
  12. No. He's a set encounter, and to a new player, he can be quite the Trap. He is always surrounded by a huge cluster of Gnolls. An unaware player will see this huge gathering of gnolls and immediately think: FIREBALL! Of course, if you do cast fireball and Drizzt gets caught in its AOE, he will turn hostile and then your entire party is in for a world of pain. I never thought of that. That would be hilarious!
  13. Let's hope gg's limit break is something cool, like OMNISLASH! Lets just hope it's not the Final Fantasy Tactics version of Omnislash.
  14. I don't know about Jaded Wolf, but I don't think journalism is dead. Although it could be better. Yeah, I follow several types of journalism outside of gaming and its all very good. Like The Economist magazine Jaded Wolf may be too jaded.
  15. I find it very difficult to separate XP and loot and pick out a favorite between the two, since attempts to eliminate either one typically lessens the experience. Again, take BG1. Do people kill Drizzt for the 12,000 xp? Or for his scimitars? I do it for both. I almost never kill him at all. Even my evil characters rarely have cause to do so.
  16. I normally wouldn't say anything to dispute this type of post but because I think my comment is constructive I'm sure you won't mind, you not suggesting that real journalism is dead? You mean gaming journalism ? I don't know about Jaded Wolf, but I don't think journalism is dead. Although it could be better.
  17. Hard not to be desperate when you're on the losing side.
  18. I've been thinking about for a while, and I've changed my vote. Now I voted: 1,2,3,5, and 6. If we have combat-xp then we don't need beastiary-xp, and I just plain don't like lock/trap-xp.
  19. Do you guys have any ideas beyond feedback to fix the engagement system? I agree that it's very flawed and wasn't really needed, but I don't want this to be a thread where we all just repeat that it was a bad idea. I can't really think of any ideas to fix it, but maybe you guys can. So, what now?
  20. Not to mention that adding a longer delay before you can move after attacking to projectiles could easily solve the problem.
  21. http://www.cnn.com/2014/10/22/us/colorado-teens-syria-odyssey/index.html Stupid traitors.
  22. Wouldn't it have been easier to just make a lot of enemies resistant to ranged attacks?
  23. It doesn't matter what the non-gaming public gets because this doesn't concern them. This isn't an attempt to get the public to support us. It matters a great deal for the business side of gaming as investing is driven by public perception.Both sides poisoning the well does us no favors. Gamergate has already achieved some of it's goals; so I say stay the course.
  24. I guess not enough Obsidian members are anti-gamergate. Although more people on the other side of the fence wouldn't make a difference since as far as I've seen the best argument the anti-gamergate side has come up with is to call people names or burn down straw men. It doesn't matter what the non-gaming public gets because this doesn't concern them. This isn't an attempt to get the public to support us.
  25. No ****. I find it hilarious that a group of largely white straight dudes drone on and on about representation of women and minorities while doing **** all about getting more women and minorities into whatever is in question. I suppose its easier to take offense at the lack of minority people at a panel than to support products made by actual minority artists. I mean if you wanted to get more women into gaming, wouldn't supporting the games made by women be a better move than spinning a narrative of how gaming is hostile to women? Wouldn't highlighting women who have succeeded in the industry be a better motivator than whipping out statistics and proceeding to vigorously wag your finger at an I'll-defined target? How about at least not trying to sabotage groups like TFYC who are trying to do something about it?
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