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Everything posted by Namutree

  1. It's been going on too long IMO.
  2. Have you looked into German philosophy of 1933-1945? I think you might like it Weren't the nazis giving out welfare to the poor and conserving animals? They don't seem to believe it.
  3. God made men, Colt made men equal. What a wonderful saying.
  4. See everyone, we need at least some PC. Imagine an America where people who think this; say it. You're not supposed to talk about how negroes need to be ruled by the white man's iron fist. It could make people uncomfortable when the negro's need to be ruled by the white man is talked about so plainly. If only that guy had found a more polite way to say it, then there'd be no problem. I think the real issue is the guy's ideas regarding race dynamics; not the fact he didn't use a pc way of expressing it. Guess the author and I see things differently.
  5. There's is a LOT of BS in this video. What pile of crap.
  6. Not Michigan.
  7. Elections in America can be extremely close. If even 1% more of would-be Clinton voters sit out in November or vote 3rd party over this Trump will win.
  8. I can't say I'd do any different than her family. Toxic people need to be removed. Then again, my immediate family are all screwed up, and my extended family is either far away or dead. It's pretty much everyone for themselves. EDIT: Eh, I guess that's not really true anymore. I tend to forget that. That WAS the situation; which is kind of hard to forget.
  9. Disagree. I hate Hillary more than Saddam. To be fair though, Saddam never ran for US president, so I have less of a connection to him.
  10. Why are you pro-Hillary?
  11. If I donate money to a reputable charity it will likely end up saving lives. If I don't trust ANY of them, I could directly sponsor some kid in Africa. Donating money to the needy is not hard, at all. Your whole point is BS. Hillary, not Saddam, is the one who decided they should be starved to death. Saddam looked the other way, so what? And no, she didn't decide to starve them becuz' Saddam. Unless he had magic mind control, or a gun to her head; she chose to kill 100,000's of Iraqi's of her own free will. If she thought her actions would not kill 100,000's of people; she wouldn't have done it, since killing them was the point. They were the target; not Saddam.
  12. Actually I do. I've got money, and thus the power to save their lives. They'll die and I'll do nothing; I won't even sweat it either. I just don't care. See, when I weigh the value of saving people's lives vs getting myself a new video game. Well, I decide being entertained for like 30 hours is more important than some kid in Africa's life. Because my hatred of her is greater than yours.
  13. Volourn is the heart of this forum.
  14. That would put him into a position of indifference. He's not the reason they're starving; he's just not helping. They're starving because of Hillary (and her allies). There are people starving in Africa right now that I could help, but I don't. Am I the reason they are starving?
  15. So if people are deprived of food and water deliberately by Hillary, Saddam is the culprit?
  16. Clinton has supported sanctions on Iraq in the 90's knowing full well that it would kill 100,000's of innocent people. She shilled for the Iraq war which got even more innocent people killed, costed the US trillions of dollars and screwed the middle east up even more. Clinton pushed for supporting the rebels in Syria which has prolonged and deepened the Syrian civil war which has contributed to the refugee crisis.
  17. Probably confusing me with someone else. I think you showed a car crashing into something and blowing up during that post. Something about full accelerationism.
  18. And the wealthy decide that's bull**** when the taxes are due (regardless of the BS they spew in public to virtue signal). Then they go to their politician friends to come up with work-arounds. Then other politicians spend time trying to fight the work-arounds until the wealthy threaten to abandon said economy (behind closed doors). Then the work-arounds are accepted politically, but not publicly so. Over time more and more work-around's get made to placate the wealthy while the tax system gets more and more complex. Eventually things get so complex that tax collecting gets too troublesome for the government to handle. This forces the state to increase the size of tax related bureaucracy at ever increasing costs. The system becomes a corrupt cluster-f*ck which costs so much money to actually deal with on an annual basis that you would have had far more revenue just accepting that people shouldn't be punished for being successful. Your tax system ends up punishing those fighting to get out of poverty, but does nothing to curtail the wealthy and established; ultimately it actually increases their advantage. Keep taxes simple, enforceable, and fair for all parties involved. You'll deal with less public dishonesty (from elites and politicians), less government waste, less tax evasion, and less of a hassle for tax payers. Just my two cents.
  19. Meet Volourn. Things to know: 1: The EU are nazi SJW's. 2: The USA are nazi SJWs. 3: Canada is the land of nazi SJW's. 4: Volourn's parents were killed by nazi SJW's; which is ironic considering they were nazi SJW's too. 5: You are a nazi SJW.
  20. https://youtu.be/vvULsrjLdI4?t=290 I couldn't resist.
  21. Liked for this comment.
  22. How poetic.
  23. Oh yeah, she might. I rather doubt it personally but she certainly could. Disagree. It's not even remotely possible. Everything she will do is the exact opposite of what needs to be done. 100% chance she will be an awful president.
  24. She is? What you talkin' bout'? Is there something I'm missing?
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