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Everything posted by Namutree

  1. Did you expect Hillary to have some class?
  2. Cocaine Sorcerer already had me do that. Good man.
  3. Now it's time to focus on the future. I want everyone on this forum to tell a local Hillary supporter that Bernie would have won, and it's due to her and the DNC that Trump is president.
  4. We made America great again.
  6. Should have asked me.
  7. It's happening.
  8. That is why Trump won.
  9. *highfive*! No one believed us. Most even said it was impossible. I wasn't brave enough to make that call, and I consider that a testament to just how powerful propaganda is. I had no idea who would win and honestly thought Clinton would. Even if my gut said the Trump support is larger than they think, it's very hard to make that call when you see limited evidence of it according to the mainstream media. Likewise I feel a lot of Trump supporters were "shamed" and thus afraid to announce their existence. People can still deny it to this day, but the fact of the matter is that the media was 100% propaganda this election season. Today it's clear that the only people the establishment has been fooling this whole time has been themselves. I do hope you two placed bets on this though. I don't gamble. EDIT: It wouldn't be fair.
  10. Yep, Granny Captain Planet is gonna teach China that looting and polluting is not the way, and then we're all gonna plant a tree in January. You can go to bed and rest easy. That lady would've fried my bacon.
  11. You should pray to me; I've got the powers.
  12. It's over. It is as I predicted. It all has been. Fear my political prediction powers! I AM ALWAYS RIGHT! ALWAYS!
  13. Yes. EDIT: You call yourself a teacher?
  14. Bernie would have wiped the floor with Trump. No great way to attack him. Even Trump people respected him until he accepted being cheated by DNC. If he had won the primary Trump people would have never lost respect for him. Would've killed their energy and turnout.
  15. More like united against Hillary. DNC should have let Bernie win, or at least lose fairly. DNC rigging screwed Hillary.
  16. Was disappointed this wasn't coloured. I forgot. I'm sorry...
  17. Yes, it is Trump actually could win.....can you imagine having to deal with Trump for the next 4 years Our forum friends in the USA, Im sorry but Trump could be your next president. I'm feeling quite good about it. With his disregard for global warming, those puny planet punks won't get in the way of the economy.
  18. They must pay for their sins.
  19. You and I spoke of Trump's incoming victory, but none believed...
  20. Most of all I want to savor Nate Silver's tears. Come on Trump; you can do this.
  21. Republicans are endangered and Democrats are asses.
  22. I thought so but Democrats the dnc didn't agree Fixed.
  23. It's trash. Terrible idea.
  24. Libertarian right. Good for bringing in big profits and not letting planet geeks get in the way of money. EDIT: Also, some of the questions were idiotic. My opinion on Astrology has no bearing on anything.
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