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Everything posted by Bendu

  1. To reject milestones seems to be common for Bethesda. http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/06/05/what-went-wrong-with-human-heads-prey-2?abthid=51af79d92aabedda5500000c Looks like they did the same with Arkane. http://m.neogaf.com/showpost.php?p=60536433&postcount=71 Beware Obsidian!
  2. I never asked for this.
  3. Dungeon Siege 3 and its DLC are on sale. It's worth the 5 Euro.
  4. Games I'm obsessed with are Civ II + IV and Alpha Centauri. If I consider DG games, I played them constantly for several years. Also Fallout: New Vegas which I've played for more than 500 hours on my Xbox and PC.
  5. Would be cool if Obsidian could make Dishonored 2 instead.
  6. Hopefully. Way better than co-developing a nearly unknown MMO.
  7. If this wasn't a final againts a national opponent I wound't care so much. But right now I can't get enough.
  8. I was so drunk after yesterdays final.
  9. So Van Helsing. Better than Torchlight?
  10. We will see how they are involved in this project. But if they need the money I would rather see them doing another Kickstarter.
  11. “After evaluating our position in the games market, we’ve decided to shift LucasArts from an internal development to a licensing model, minimizing the company’s risk while achieving a broader portfolio of quality Star Wars games," LucasArts parent company LucasFilm said in a statement. Sounds more like they want to collaborate with other publishers rather than funding games themself.
  12. First screenshot:
  13. They are all gone. But I still have two Alpha Protocol, a Portal and a KotOR2 copy left. Preloaded Bioshock Infinite. My body is ready...
  14. What's your steam id?
  15. The game is great. Still playing. I got a free copy of the new XCom game and BioShock 1. Anyone interested?
  16. Dark Souls. Had some epic coop battles against Kalameet.
  17. I defeated Artorias, took his armor, forged the Greatshield of Artorias, and defeated Kalameet, who even mighty Anor Londo dared not provoke his ire, to take the Obsidian Greatsword.
  18. Gonna kick Manus ass...
  19. I'm not convinced. How does player invasion change the fact, that it's boring to kill the same mobs over and over again?
  20. I'm playing cautious like probably most people. Unfortunatly, the game rewards this kind of tactics. The whole bonfire system could have been designed more interesting. It's just boring to kill the same enemies for the fourth or fith time at the exact same position, just because you want to meet a trader. I don't want an easy mode for DS2. I want a less repetitive encounter design.
  21. Nah, the good points are the exploration and combat system. Better AI because it feels lame to pull enemies one by one.
  22. Playing Dark Souls, too. The exploration is still awesome. I finished Blighttown (so far the worst area), did some exploration, found a hidden wall in the swamp, which led me to another optional area . Now on my way to Anor Londo. I don't mind that the game isn't explaining some of the mechanics ingame, but From Softwafe should be consistent and not explaining things in the loading screen. Futhermore, I still don't like that the enemies are respawning after resting at the bone fire. Ok, it's one of the reasons why the game is so challenging, but I would have prefered a better AI. Also not a big fan of the boss fights. Too much trial & error for my taste. Nethertheless, I'm enyoing the game a lot.
  23. Exactly. There is a easy way to kill the taurus demon.
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