I second this, I completely agree with Carlo (carlo one maybe?) and frisk. This two part process is the way I have taken with my latest project as well and it seems to be work great. Since maps are just 2d images, they can be created in many different ways depending on your skill level. It also sounds like they will have 2d backgrounds, but the characters will be 3d models...not animated sprites. That should be fun for all those max and blender community members (hopefully no granny this time!)
Yes, that's me. I've actually been on the Obsidian boards long enough (originally for NWN2) to have taken "Carlo" before someone else did, so didn't have to tack on the "One", heh.
Very glad to see the post above from Luridis about the free Unity editor (Unity3D), although I imagine the devil will be in the details for modders in terms of how easy an editor will be to operate with PE. Also good to see that per slowdive's quote on map creation, that part of the process should not be overly difficult. However, while I was able to teach myself C (more or less) for NWN/NWN2 scripting purposes, no way will I be able to teach myself to be a graphic artist. Unless somebody wants an Order of the Stick-type mod.
Adam seems to be throwing down the creative gauntlet above, bully for him. I have one project storyboarded and in mothballs that was intended to be a single-player NWN/NWN2 mod (with some creative MP plugin possibilities) that I would love to do in a PE mod. My focus in the past was always MP - I simply prefer the multiplayer experience in general and the possibilities inherent with a live DM (still do) . However, developer comments are that MP won't be incorporated, at least for the initial release. Looks like a good opportunity/excuse to create a SP experience, then.