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About datanoppa

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  • Pillars of Eternity Backer Badge
  • Pillars of Eternity Kickstarter Badge
  • Deadfire Backer Badge
  • Deadfire Fig Backer
  1. Orginal seems "interesting", but just finished the season2 House of Cards and huh huh .. well i guess i have long wait ahead of me for season3 now dammit.
  2. But, and this is important for the sound team, what does the fox say? Until i took arrow in the knee ?
  3. Dungeon siege 3 if its even qualifies as rpg
  4. What kind of evil chicken assault is that, even the bravest warriors are hunked down and plainly in great distress. Nice illustration to be honest.
  5. Yes we are overhelmed by your radianting presence, i can feel Bromance forming up.
  6. This goes bit OT, but just for the giggles i would love to see RPG game that would be based and develobed by direct forum suggestions. Also input to the content would be in correlation to amount of money that backer would "invest". i just wonder how many pitfalls that abominatio would avoid and what kind of gameplay experience it would give in the end.
  7. I'm not going to lie, i'm just filling my postal restriction count > Thanks anyway now get back to work <insert whipping smiley here>
  8. Little treasure hunt isnt never a bad thing i guess, secret room here and there, lost items on the tree hole etc. Personally i would like more special encounters and getting stuff that way, maybe even add some effort to actually get the full potential out of the item. This would add some dimension and variety/randomness to gameplays as there is some change to get it or not, tho i understand this kind of mechanic irritates some players.
  9. Good job with interiors and the cat picture, you sould give those employees good old pat in the back. But make sure they understand it is from their hard work not some random sexual harasment, as we know you havent let them see day light after kickstart ended. PS: remember to feed them with plenty of vitamins.
  10. I kinda agree with orginal poster regarding giving tons of abilities and 90% are just glitter or useless crap. As it seems new era games tend to give or do this. OT Actually i wouldnt mind see just shameless adoption from Blood Bowl style rules in other games, where you make dice roll and you get what you get. But those results would actually make some difference.
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