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Everything posted by Weiser_Cain

  1. I use a single lightsaber. Dual lightsabers seem to cheapen the whole experience(I though just making one was supposed to be really hard). Makes it seem like you're overcomphensating for something instead of the saber being an extension of your skill. My sith-wizard-type character just uses it to block blaster fire... I don't like the staff at all, and I think it's become way too common since maul. I mean the only notable dual staff user before him is kun, who used it thousands of years ago and after maul all of a sudden everyone and their mother has one in the closet.
  2. Well as I did in KOTOR, I play as myself first and see where that takes me. Then I play as my favorite character and see how they do...
  3. Well I am sick and those were some attractive polygons...
  4. First off we may never figure out the model format in time for anything we make to be available durring the life of the game! I can understand not wanting a bunch of broken mods, don't download them(or an even better idea, research the mod)! I'm not a programer, the idea that I'd have to reverse engineer a file format and create a exporter just to share my ideas, just so you don't download a few bad mods (which you may do anyway)is ridiculous! You don't want any mods? Go waste some money on an xbox! Stop trying to make modding harder for the rest of us!
  5. I made all my mods by myself. Sorry about ruining the game for you with my unpolished, juvenile mods...
  6. I never liked that 'use the darkside get TB' thing. This is diverging from D20 but I think force powers should be organized into tiers and you should have access to most force powers at the first tier, both light and dark. This way you have the temptation all the time and from the start. How you use the powers would determin their strength along with a limited bost when moving up the teir(signifying you closer connestion to the force and to help insure you dont end up with a useless character at the final boss fight). Using dark powers gives you a darkpoint(s) as you gain more darkpoints you lose access to certain dialouge choices and light powers become harder and begin to carry negative side effects, but once you get a certain number of dark points you can apply them to a dark force skill. Things like force lightning would be way more powerfull than it was in KOTOR but would be restricted to counslor or another non-fighter class, plus you'd only learn it from a high level 'quest'. Light powers should be better at defense than dark powers and at higher levels would greatly limit the advantages of the dark side. One advantage could be that since you aren't so focused on gaining raw power you would then be free to aquire a wider range of skills and powers.
  7. Say, when did palpatine start cloning himself anyway? If best = most powerful wouldn't it have to be Exar Kun?
  8. The jedi is almost in a class of their own! No normal person should be able to best a jedi in combat. Balance isn't an issue because there shouldn't be balance between jedi and non-jedi! Stop thinking of the D20 system and think about the movies. Did any of those storm troopers really stand a chance against Luke once he'd become a Jedi? Removing weapons? Again against a non-force sensitive foe the outcome of the match is usually the same with or without a weapon so this use of the force(which a jedi uses one way or another all the time) is just a diffrent way of comming to the nearly inevitable conclusion. Against another jedi or Sith the loss of a lightsaber does not render the opponent helpless since they were mainly dependent on the force anyway. Weapons should be breakable. A blaster bolt hitting a lightsaber thats an inch or so thick would be rare in the extreme. For blasters to be one hit disable/kill and not break the game you'd just have to do one thing, Make you're npcs seek cover. Not since the transformers have I seen so many fearless characters stand in the middle of a hallway durring a gun fight. Aside for jedi, all characters should have a range weapon, and be able to auto-swap and seek cover when appropriate. Both enemys and npcs should retreat and or call for help in the face of a jedi/sith batting away everything they can throw at him/her. Q&A Time Lightsabers use no energy and radiate no heat unless touched if a jedi touched his lightsaber he'd be burned. Blaster bolts and lightsabers cauterize the wounds they inflict. If you have no faith in the game, why are you here?
  9. They should be as close to the movie as possible(with fun being the only other counter balance) with one hit kills/maiming. The balance should come from the skill inherent in anyone even being able to weild a lightsaber. Parrying and dodging should be king to a jedi, who as we all know normaly wear no armor. Any lightsaber weilding foe should be considered a mini-boss. We shouldn't really worry about a balance between lightsabers and guns because guns are range weapons and lightsabers are only useful at a fairly close range, you would worry about the lack of balance between a long sword and a bow would you?
  10. Lightsabers shouldn't cut through everything in the game, but just about everything. I didn't like that every weapon in the game had a cortosis weave. I'd like if this one had weapons that could be destroyed either through a disable move and or just when they try to defend against a lightsaber. Jedi/sith classes should be king, this is the nature of the starwars setting. One nice idea is that a defending jedi with jedi defense equal to or lower than the blaster weilders skill with the blaster should loose a turn while deflecting the bolts. It would help if you could tweak the realtime length a round took and get the animations to smoothly transiontion from one to the other even when you manualy move a character so that the system remains that much more transparent. Also the game just needs more animations, preferably multiable animations per 'move'. Another thing I'd like to see is more skills. Just lift as much stuff from the D20 rules that the engine can support. And add saber styles so we can pick how we use the lightsaber. Are you a butcher like Vader, a unstoppable master like Mace or a kung fu-muppet? I ddn't like killing and looting everyone that got in my way as a jedi. I should have the option when combat just results in an injured opponent to just leave him or to kill him. Along with this should be less emphasis placed on gathering gear as a jedi and in general. Nothing say video game than health potions and breaking crates, all kotor needed was exploding barrels to complete the unholy trinity...
  11. I think it should be on the boards so you don't have to jump around so much to see all the stuff on the site.
  12. I think he means a section on the forum for us to post fan crap.
  13. No it was lucas. If someone cracks the model format it almost won't matter if they release a toolset.
  14. I'm not sure what you mean by this. You couldn't use more than one feat at a time, so it was *worthless* to master them all (guardians and soldiers probably had enough feats to do so, I never did). I didn't like power attack much, but flurry and the critical feats were nice enough. They each had their uses. I didn't like the animation for power attack, it was the most annoying peice of animation in the game for me(since I used it all the time and fliping around like a panzy when I'm trying to play a sober character was difficult).
  15. 1 I want to be able to corrupt everybody. 2 Depending on my Charisma and or inteligence I want to be able to be very subtle in my dealing with them. 3 Romance plots for everyone, including my teammates falling for my other teammates But, I want to be able to poison the relationship, steal the guy/girl or otherwise stop it.
  16. You sound like you're describing a coloured pornstar.. Where are you from? I haven't heard 'colored' since that 'All in the family' marathon...
  17. I'm accustomed to that, I stiil enjoy the process. Plus I like to see if anyone agrees with my ideas. mello: If one character gets stuck you just have to turn on solo mode and switch to that character, no need to backtrack. There is a turbo cheat though I never used it(plus I heard it can break the game), you can however use the force to increse your speed(or just quicksave while running, though this too can break the game). It is sad that sport games provide more customization options than role playing games. More animations would be nice though that's overkill for my character, a better option, I think, would be more flexability in how you use you powers and emotes so you could string together your bloody little display. This brings up another Idea I'd have liked more hotkeys so that I wouldn't have to cycle through my force power to choke a guy, also I want to be able to choke a guy even after I learn the higher level force power.
  18. First and formost I want this game to embrace the modding community. You may have heard some of this before. 1 Juhani 2 Official modding tools 3 No level cap 4 No or at least less harcoded stuff So that I can do total conversions 5 Better character customization 6 Ability to pick fights with anyone so I can do the only cool thing anakin did and kill a villiage 7 Jumping 8 More arenas on the shadier planets 9 An insane number of side quests 10 Optional limb severage for both the pc npc and enemies 11 Ability to ditch the ebon Hawk for another ship 12 Ingame custom armor and weapons 13 Armor that reflects what upgrades you've applied 14 Destructable enviroments, I want to be able to use my lightsaber to cut my way into most places 15 Speeders and other means of travel in game. 16 New races 17 I'd like it if I could play the game Palpatine style, totaly relying on the force and forsaking the lightsaber 18 All vehicles and droids to be upgradeable and customizable 19 More realistic textures, KOTOR was pretty good mind you but... 20 Better npcs, I want to actually want to spend time in a cantina watching them go about their busines,
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