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Dark Jedi Master

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Everything posted by Dark Jedi Master

  1. This is before the movies right?
  2. Next time...Don't talk to Visas until you get the Handmaiden to turn in to a Jedi. Then talk to Visas all you want.
  3. Does are not the pieces for making the lightsaber They for upgrading your lightsaber after you have built it. You can't make the parts for creating a lightsaber.... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ok so I am a little slow , I just confussed there for a bit because I knew you could make a lens, but it wasn't until my playthrough after I had posted that I realized that I wasn't reciveing a lens but instead a place to put lens's. Kind of a well duh moment there . <{POST_SNAPBACK}> LOL star I did the same thing on my second time through just to see...so your not the only one.
  4. Its a recorded message from Bastilla. Revan asked her to stay at the Sith Academy to await his return but he's been gone too long. Bastilla has decided to leave because the sith students doubt Revan will return and there is rioting and anarchy as many of them try to take his place. Bastilla says they are all too weak and, unlike that schmuk Malak, she'll only ever serve Revan. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah I already know about the holocron on Korriban...but Dantooine?
  5. How do you get all your parts on Telos?
  6. I was being nice...want to see my dark side response?
  7. uh...okay but I say Duel Lightsaber feat would be an extra challenge and make the better. Plus getting duel lightsabers should be A VERY BIG accomplishment, and not just some random item.
  8. JUST KEEP IT SIMPLE...LIKE: Yes Vrook is a Sith Lord in Disguise No Vrook is not a Sith Lord, but sucks as a Jedi Master SEE...SIMPLE I say he...is BOTH :D
  9. Yes do all of the normal stuff (Influence gains) then when they want to be a jedi, say DS stuff. Mira is the EASYIEST person to turn into a jedi/dark jedi. ^_^
  10. I think they should because people are complaining about how it is too easy to use and to find. They should make it a challenge to master it like they do the single bladed lightsaber.
  11. Well first of all get a lot of influence gain with your party members...then turn them into jedi ^_^ execpt instead of saying LS comments...say DS stuff like...Embrace the pain, nothing is acheived without pain, Strength is the key, blah blah blah. Now you have DARK JEDI PARTY MEMBERS! *EDIT* For more info get a prima guide.
  12. I choosed revan light male...this time...so he still goes and fights the sith? I havent played the lightside yet.
  13. Why don't you read? It says when you talk to Hanharr...
  14. Man you sure have alot of time on your hands...or your just bored... P.S. you spelled awesome wrong. ^_^
  15. Hey what about the holo on Dantooine? I have never heard/seen it... Sorry if thats a dumb question =\
  16. I know you learn Beast Confusion from Kreia, but how do you learn "Beast Control"? Theory: I wonder if you can master beast control, then Kreia will teach you Beast Control...
  17. It still doesn't have class info like swkotor section
  18. LOL you noob... When your on the Ebon Hawk with the hoe, you and her will do combat if you ask her. She will be almost nude . When you get done fighting each other...ask her to put on some clothes. She will put on her robes. Get out of the ebon hawk with her and take her robes then sell them...repeat. P.S. I think thats how you do it...
  19. In the crystal cave (Random) and/or on other lightsabers.
  20. Crystal Cave, Merchants, etc... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> <_< that too...
  21. But Assassin is nowhere near as good as Watchman... So I wouldn't pick it if you're going DS. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Does the watchman get something the the assassin doesn't get? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The Sith Assassin does a lot more damage with Sneak Attack than a Watchman does...still assassin sucks =\
  22. You get Force Crush with any Sith Prestige Class. Sith Maruader is a VERY strong choice even though you are...consular. Choose Sith Lord if you just want to use the force, Sith Maurder if you want to be extremely powerful, or Sith Assassin ...for...cloak thing.
  23. Hk's rifle? I'm not aware of an HK specific rifle existing in Kotor II. The fuel mission seems incomplete. You can remove it from your journal by talking to Vogga the Hutt after the GoTo Yacht mission, but if you speak to GoTo he reccomends against dealing with Vogga as it would bankrupt the Republic. Either way, neither option seems to have any real effect in the game. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah theres a rifle called "HK Assassin Rifle" Only usable by HK47 1-10 Unstoppable dmg and upgradable But I guess its random like everything else...
  24. Mines: Ultimate Diatum Energy Cell. Expert Fencing Emmitter. Your personal crystal Upari/Qinoxi Pontite Lens. +Any color crystal. And with Jedi Weapon Master / Sith Marauder I did 24-59 dmg / 33-67 dmg (2 Lightsabers) And doesn't Barab Ore Ingot do 1-12 Fire damage?
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