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Dark Jedi Master

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Everything posted by Dark Jedi Master

  1. Use t3 to do it and the mines in the cache to blow it
  2. You need to use mines to open it
  3. I liked the horse guy who just rode by trying to swipe at you and then just run away.
  4. Heres a link to the topic about hk factory http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=28256&hl=
  5. That would be nice...to fight 2 Jedi Masters at the same time...but has anyone even done it? I would think that after killing 1 J.M. that you would some how have to defeat all of the Jedi. If you were neutral that would be a good path to take..to kill Vrook and save everyone else...
  6. That would be nice...to fight 2 Jedi Masters at the same time...but has anyone even done it? I would think that after killing 1 J.M. that you would some how have to defeat all of the Jedi. If you were neutral that would be a good path to take..
  7. Yeah first get it refocused then keep earning darkside points and expierence
  8. You forgot to post the graphic card specs... Geforce4 ATI 9200 Go to GameBanshee.com for more kotor2 specs...
  9. Has anyone even made it to like level 40+ ? You can also get his armor from Fassa because he gives random stuff...thats how I got my Dark Jedi Master robes
  10. Cheat! talked about ninja gaiden and how to defeat the bossess last night
  11. Sherruk was pretty hard...i had to reload my game 2-3 times just to beat him..
  12. All I know is it looks like that gay jedi armor that looks like a dress...it doesn't even look like Malak's real armor. No it doesn't restrict force powers..its not even worth it. And his Lightsaber is the exact same as the original lightsaber...same damage and everything...
  13. Lol you guys funny ^_^ I guess in a way I'm a Kotorian since I play that game a lot...
  14. Okay...but whats your definition of "right"?
  15. -- DoubleBladed WP Prof. -- DoubleBladed WP Focus -- DoubleBladed WP Spec.
  16. Eh.. I give in to the pink side.. :ph34r:
  17. Yeah Bastilas cheating on Revan with Carth =\
  18. Both of you are right, int doenst have nothing to do with it. Computer skill, repair, and a lot if influence does the trick. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Okay which is it? 15+ Int. or 15+ Computer and Repair skill
  19. But that would be fun...fighting other people on different planets...
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