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Hiro Protagonist

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Hiro Protagonist last won the day on May 23 2015

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About Hiro Protagonist

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    (1) Prestidigitator
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  1. You haven't seen bad sci-fi until you watch The Ark. It's bad, really bad. It's like they hired the first lot of actors that came in for a screen test that were willing to travel to Serbia to film this. Yes, it's filmed in Serbia and it shows. They really cheaped out on everything. The acting is woeful, characters are unlikeable, the story is ridiculous and the sets look like they're out of a high school production. The CGI is diabolical especially when the space ship can do manoeuvres that defy physics - obviously due to budget constraints for the vfx artists. This needs to get cancelled to get the network air time back.
  2. Been watching Kaina of the Great Snow Sea and I'm finding it has a Miyazaki feel to it. Enjoying it and looking forward to see where it's going.
  3. Finished watching Night Sky. And they cancelled it after 1 season. Low audience numbers. I can understand why though, it's only 8 episodes and quite slow in the first couple. A lot of focus on relationships which I thought was well done. Apparently, not enough pew pew sci-fi to keep audiences watching it. It doesn't get good until about episode 5 and then from there it takes off. So much happened in the last half of the season finale. Quite original and season 2 would have answered a lot of questions.
  4. Rings of Power. Been putting it off and finally sat down and binged it all. Thought it was great. Looked up to see when Season 2 comes out and oh dear, 2024.
  5. Legend of Vox Machina Season 2 finished. Can't wait for Season 3.
  6. "No, if the season has a good ending, I don't care. But most of those Netflix shows have cliff-hanger endings which make you want (or need) another season, which then never comes. It just sucks. " I'm the opposite at times. I often seek out and watch shows that have been cancelled knowing I don't have to commit year after year. Sometimes there's an interview online with what the creator of the show had in mind for season 2 or 3 but unfortunately was cancelled. And it's like, oh I see where they were going with it, that's kind of cool. At least I know how the story ended.
  7. I've seen Dark and 1899 and liked both. Don't see the similarity in stories.
  8. Primal. Season 2 felt like it had three stories that could have been drawn out over multiple seasons. Understand they probably wanted to wrap everything up in case they didn't get renewed.
  9. The sexual tyrannosaurus has given his seal of approval.
  10. Prey (2022). Watched both English and Comanche versions. Preferred the Comanche version with subtitles.
  11. The Book of Boba Fett. Struggled to get through this and the only good thing about this series was near the end with the Mandalorian and Luke.
  12. Jurassic World Dominion. The dinosaurs showed up, but it was just the old cast. Pretty low bar poop. Watch once. Forget it and move on with your life.
  13. Obi-Wan Kenobi. I found the series a waste of time. The whole Reva going after Luke could be edited out and if it was, the episode would have flowed better. It made no sense. Disney lightsabers are so weak. Reva should have had a hole in her chest like Qui-Gon did to the door in Ep I. The only good thing was the last episode with Obi-Wan visiting Leia and Luke at the end for me. That was it. A lot of people rave about Vader vs Obi-Wan fight but we already had that with Ep III. It was just a remake. No story or character progression. They need to fix the issue of constantly putting the main character as a side character who tags along in their own adventure.
  14. Empire Strikes back. It's mentioned twice. The first was when the probe droid was destroyed and he mentions to an Admiral (regards to the Hoth System) that Skywalker is there (he felt a disturbance in the force and he knows it's his son - confirmed later in the movie). The second time is when he is talking to the Emperor and he admits that he has felt a disturbance in the force and knows who it is. The Emperor mentions Luke's name and the Son of Skywalker must not become a Jedi and Vader wants to turn him (instead of killing his son).
  15. Someone needs to do a fan edit of Obi-Wan Kenobi and cut out all the superfluous material and make it coherent. Make it in a 2hr movie instead. There's probably enough material to do it imo. Thought this was funny.
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