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Master Horn

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Everything posted by Master Horn

  1. *Sigh* Some people are just so picky with video games
  2. Was about to say the same.
  3. Theres a dark horse comic about him Link please?
  4. Saw that head in the guide also. Ahh whatever I just wish they choose a head for revan because I just want to get a definite look for him
  5. Is there any official head for revan? I think this is the one for the exile: http://photos1.blogger.com/img/224/1527/64..._wallpaper2.jpg But I think lucasarts did a revan one also
  6. http://www.gamespot.com/news/2004/08/13/news_6104775.html
  7. Who cares about DS. The real endings for both games were lightside, stated by lucasarts. Yea so its incomplete but those things are so little. Some people care about everything....
  8. Yea cyan is the coolest color.
  9. Yea, its oubvious that wasent the real revan just an image if you. that cave creeped me out though.
  10. Force Crush Looks so much cooler
  11. Korriban kreeped me out a little because it is just so dead,and its just cool to think revan walked in the same valley you are 5 years ago,and that tomb were you had the flashbacks was kreepy too. I wish they put tatooine in its my favorite planet in star wars
  12. Mira hands down. Her ass is like a baloon
  13. Is that photoshoped? If its not when dose he take off his helmet? Thats awsome
  14. I feel like buying the pc now :/
  15. 1 Long blue lightsaber and 1 short green lightsaber with jedi knight robes. in my other slot in my double-bladed I ushally use a cyan for it. Sometimes I use a orange saber and a freedon nads short lightsaber too Cyan Is really my favorite though. Reminds me of the ocean
  16. Basitlla is in the game but she has very shot appearances.(Wish they put more so the 2 games would click more together) If you say that revan turned to the darkside then in korriban,in the sith academy,in uthar winns old room(the one you have to blow up with those charges) theres a sith holocron inside with a recording of bastilla telling you something. If you choose ls revan then after you do the ravenger she talks to you with carth. I know not much at all
  17. I wanted more of bastilla
  18. Basicly everyone is you just travel to the outer rim to meet up with revan
  19. I dont think so. Try loading from a saved game?
  20. * Rubs Hands * Looks very cool I cant wait
  21. Just found out. I kinda saw it coming
  22. Well considering this is story material I thought I should put it in the storyline forums
  23. Ok Ive completed the game 4 times now. My first playthrough was a LS Male Guardian/Jedi Master(Yea I know but I didnt know anything about the presige classes yet) My second playthrough was a LS Male Sentinel/Weapons Master My third playthough was a DS Male Sentinel/Sith Lord My fourth playthough was a LS Male again but as a guardian/weapons master(best guy yet =p) So far I have unlcoked 56/62 Movies. I recently unlocked that kriea one were you need high infuence to get to. But what are the other 6 movies that are not unlocked? I know they must be noticeable because they dont just come along for you when you just do a playthough of the game
  24. No there really isnt a romance arc for her. I unlcoked her as a jedi and im pretty sure I had my infuence maxed out and she still said the same thing how im old.
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