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Plano Skywalker

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Everything posted by Plano Skywalker

  1. but wouldn't that mean that Obsidian has lied to us? Surely they would not lie.
  2. If KOTOR III does not wrap up the story arch we are in now, there is going to be alot of people as ANGRY AS HECK!!!
  3. You know, I was reading that and I wondered "what if the developer is, in fact, Microsoft?". Why not? This is one of the Xbox's most valued titles.
  4. the thing is, if it is a next-gen title (and, obviously, with a next-gen engine) AND if they are looking to release it sometime within the next 18 months, then it MUST BE IN DEVELOPMENT right now, or, at the very least, storyline and audio-visual production must be in production right now. but by whom? BioWare and Obsidian have pretty much denied being involved.
  5. Well, all we know for certain is: 1) OE is almost finished with NWN2. 2) PNJ is NOT KOTOR III. It could be that LA is doing the story themselves and also doing preproduction, voice acting, etc and that Obsidian will begin coding it after NWN2 is in near-release stage. Who knows? I just hope we hear *something* official at E3.
  6. actually, I think there is a benefit to going single sabre. If you max out on the *dueling* feat, you will have attack and defense bonuses that no other combo has, if I am not mistaken.
  7. I personally agree. We "hardcore" story-oriented roleplayers would be just fine with the current engine. The problem is that the industry is right in the middle of the Console Wars and both KOTOR games thus far have been console first. Generally speaking, consoles are all about "hey, check out these new graphics, AI, etc". Hopefully they can appeal to both markets and not neglect either one.
  8. right. my point is that, even if your PC is not a Force-user, you can still have Force-users in your party.
  9. You could also have a 1,000 pt system with Real Time or Active Turn Based combat.
  10. I think the bottom line is: Yes, you can make a SW RPG that is party-based and not based on an epic PC. As long as it is "possible" to play as a Jedi, it would sell. Also, don't forget, you can have washed-up Jedis in you party (like Jolee, for instance).
  11. well, I am hopeful that we have seen the last d20 SW RPG. It was OK to prime the pump but we need something else, I agree with that.
  12. True, it would be a significant price. But, again, if you are going down the road of the Force, you are willing to make such sacrifices. The idea here is to allow mercenaries, spies, etc have a story-driven RPG experience in the SW setting while not leaving out those who want to play Force-users. I personally would like to play a techie like Bao-Dur who can set mines (and other traps), reprogram droids and who is a good all-around slicer. I also like the idea of having portable sentry guns that the Engineer class could set up.
  13. OR, just have it feat-based (assuming they are still using d20). You pay for it by having to invest in the Force Sensitive feat.
  14. Actually, I like your idea too. At the expense of skill points, for instance, you choose your starting level of Force Sensitivity. If you put nothing in there, you ain't wielding no lightsaber in that game. The more you put in, the earlier you get the kind of trigger you are talking about. I still think the MMORPG way would work but your idea probably would cause less frustration.
  15. Musopticon?, I agree with what you are saying, at least in principle. The story arch we are in now is epic and almost requires a godlike PC. If there is a KOTOR IV, I hope that it is *NOT EPIC* and *NOT PART OF A TRILOGY*. This should allow the PC to be a non-Force user. I actually like the idea of doing something similar to what SWG did with the Force and PCs....make it so where you do not know whether you are going Force sensitive or not...it just happens. It could happen at 5th level, 9th level, 20th level...you just don't know. Then, even if it happens, you have to allocate alot of feat slots to realize any benefit from it.
  16. I have no problem if people want to use that term for it. I would say "space fantasy".
  17. for various reasons, I thought Swoop Racing was more enjoyable in the first KOTOR.
  18. in a sense, you are right...if you treat SW as a sci-fi franchise, it sucks. But SW is not really sci-fi, it is a moralistic swashbuckler set in space. Alot of people complained that Ep I was basically a "kid's movie". Know what? they are all kid's movies. They are intentionally simplistic. I like SW for what it is and I recognize what it is not.
  19. LA has many faults. Turning away from a cash cow is not one of them.
  20. It was mumbo jumbo gameplay-wise because it did not affect anything. It would have been awesome if your philosophical views expressed in dialogue significantly changed the course of the game... For the record, I like the first KOTOR but KOTOR II is the one I replay.
  21. alot of abstract philosophy (the echo business, the Will of the Force business). although some might see that as Deus Ex Machina instead of true depth. also, it was grittier ( ) this was less "Star Wars" but closer to the world we actually live in.
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