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Plano Skywalker

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Everything posted by Plano Skywalker

  1. If I join the Rotary club, I don't call the chapter president "Worshipful Master". An organization that claims to be non-sectarian and yet has a lot of quasi-religious customs that they can't tell you about until you join...that is "odd" to say the least.
  2. huh, I was going to edit one of my posts since an image link now seems broken but it appears we no longer have that ability. EDIT: well, I CAN edit this post but not some of my others on this thread...strange.
  3. more "non-lethal" options for the LS player. REAL bounty hunting (excellent side quest)...not "contract killings". HOLDING CELL on the Ebon Hawk (perhaps an optional upgrade). the ability to CAPTURE and DETAIN and turn over to the AUTHORITIES. more non-lethal WEAPONS (like a high-end stun gun that lays you out for an hour) and things like FLASHBANG grenades and SLEEPING GAS grenades. guns that shoot NETS, etc.
  4. I have no problem with Dantooine being something of a "base of operations" throughout this franchise. Worlds like Coruscant and Alderaan do not, IMO, have to be playable....extented cameo cutscenes would suffice. Alderaan does not allow weapons so it would not really make a good "pit stop". I do, however, like the idea of a destination that has no bearing on the main plot but can be used as a trading outpost. Nar Shadda would work well for that as would the Yavin Space Station or even Tatooine.
  5. Kessel is a penal colony and has spice mines. No, it is not a tourist attraction but could make for some interesting crawling through the mines.
  6. I think Enoch makes some really good points. The Freemasons (who are the spiritual successors of the Knights Templar) provided the only real vehicle for ("non-religious") community and freedom of thought at a time when such things were needed and highly sought after. Now, there is simply no real need for that structure. Are they trying to take over the world? I don't know but the U.S. military/civil service had to crack down on overt patronage among masonic members a number of years ago (when it was more popular). In practice, the biggest problem I have with those organizations is the secrecy. They will not let you know all that they stand for until you are a member. That is just a little too creepy for me.
  7. one suggestion I remember from several months ago was to have it so where the PC addresses the Senate...I think that would be great and this would be a good time to do it since there, essentially, is no Jedi Order right now. so any Force Sensitive could, conceivably, gain the attention of the government. have it so where you can steer the Senate in the right direction (LS) or wrong direction (DS) and with the potential to succeed or fail with either attempt.
  8. eh, I'm not interested in having a chest-thumping contest with you. I think you know exactly what I'm getting at. but your point does dovetail nicely into the idea of visiting more than just the starport...with very few execptions, we haven't done that yet. Alderaan does seem to break out of the SW mold of having, essentially, only one prominent terrain feature and that is certainly a good thing.
  9. I'm not saying that Alderaan is covered in one contiguous metropolis like Coruscant, just that it is a highly advanced, urbane Core World. I stand by the premise that, if you include Alderaan, you will probably not include Coruscant. But Alderaan would be nice, and I really wouldn't mind seeing it in a game. I agree that the temptation to do too much with Kun would be there on Yavin 4. Not only is Kun's spirit there, but so is Sadow's sarcophagus...VERY significant DS place. Just because they would have to be careful, though, doesn't mean they shouldn't do it. It has the potential of providing some really good content.
  10. Alderaan would be nice as would Kessel (Han talks about "making the Kessel Run"). Yavin 4 has tremendous potential mostly because of the EU but it was also where the rebel base was in Ep 4. Yavin 4 is temperate like Dantooine...you can have swamps, grasslands, basically anything. The neat thing about Yavin 4 is that it is a moon orbiting a red gas giant planet so the sky will always have this giant red orb up there...really neat. The main problem with Alderaan is that it would be a lot like Coruscant...big, urban, sophisticated environment. If I had to choose between the two, it would be for Coruscant. And I like ice worlds myself....we need a Hoth-like planet.
  11. I've read up on the show Roswell which also features work from Ron Moore. I've read some really good things about it. Another show that was, perhaps, "too good for television"; kind of like Firefly in that regard, I guess. Perhaps that will be next on my shopping list.
  12. yeah, in addition to a wacky premise, I thought Voyager had some casting problems: a funny man who wasn't funny, a hologram doctor (cheesy, IMO), a way-too-macho First Mate. the captain and the Vulcan were OK but did not really compensate.
  13. I think the original Twilight Zone played with "hard science fiction" to some extent but, indeed, it is rare on television. A little easier to find in the movies.
  14. well, I appreciate all the responses so far. how about shows like: Xfiles Sliders Earth2 Cleopatra 2525 SeaQuest Supernatural (I guess that loosely fits the label "sci fi") etc
  15. I've enjoyed Firefly but sci fi it is not. It is Have Gun Will Travel or Alias Smith and Jones in space. It is not even "space opera" a la Star Wars. It is a western.
  16. the interview Bastila was referring to. I know what you mean...we need to be able to PARTICIPATE in a WAR once in a while, not just help clean up the mess.
  17. that is one thing that scares me a bit about the new BSG. Since it is so character-based, it could easily slip into Battlestar 90210. The writers have indicated that they are aware of this and are trying to avoid it. Hopefully, if they have not already, they will come out with a definite conclusion point and go to the producers and say "look, this is a wagon train and it ends like this....3 more seasons and that's it in this story arch" or something to that effect. further complicating matters is the fact that Olmos has reportedly said he will leave if they bring in "little green men". so all content has to come from Cylons and internal push/pull politics. Moore has said that they are not going to do "alien of the week"....alien contact (if it does happen) will be a very big deal. I'm sure it had its uses in helping out the genre. The show itself, I was not particularly fond of.
  18. Expect it to pick up many years after Knights II with an entirely new cast of characters and even more force powers. Shifting your character between light and dark will also have a much more significant impact on the game. if that is true, then I suspect K3 will not be the epic trilogy wrapper-upper that many of us were hoping for....chances are, the KOTOR comic will wrap up the present story arch and this game will have a brand new storyline.
  19. I know there was a recent thread about sci-fi books, movies and tv. For the purposes of this thread, I want to focus solely on tv. Actually, I recently picked up some DVD collections (namely BG and Firefly) and I was looking to broaden the DVD collection somewhat. In the other thread, I was a little surprised that Babylon 5 was not mentioned (or at least not much). I understand that this was based on the work of one of the Golden Age writers. I have never really watched that show, though. I have watched a lot of ST: The Next Generation and Classic ST and liked both of those a lot. Never really got into Voyager, DSN, or Enterprise. Voyager has a wackey premise and DSN has a somewhat soap-operish feel. Enterprise...don't really know, haven't watched enough to make a decision. What about SG1? Atlantis? Andromeda? others?
  20. OK, I hate the idea of homo/hetero debates and this is most likely my only post in this thread. But the original poster wanted to know about the New Testament and homosexuality, right? I think the answer you seek is in the first chapter of the book of Romans.
  21. they have also joked about Jews in Nazi Germany, IIRC. how anyone can participate in that show without knowing that it is slimeball humor of the worst kind is beyond me. I guess it's better late than never.
  22. I think it is important to remember the original in its context...it was, for all practical purposes, seen as Star Wars for the small screen. It had an extremely high production cost, though it did make money. Because the show (original) was so popular, it stayed in reruns pretty much continuously. It is sometimes easy to forget that this show was cancelled after 1 season. ABC cancelled it, not because it did not turn a profit (it did), but because they thought they could net more money from a show with a lesser production cost. The tepid Mork and Mindy replaced BG and did not make as much of a profit. However, ABC heard from irate fans and they also needed a 7pm "kid's show" and so they came up with Galactica 1980 in which the fleet finds Earth...also, kids were the stars with very few of the original cast returning. By having it on Earth, they saved money on sets. The adult fans were not impressed and the "second season" was also cancelled after 1 try. good summary of the plots of the individual episodes: http://www.battlestargalactica.com/classic...pop_reviews.htm really good FAQ about the original: http://www.kobol.com/archives/BG-FAQ.html good way to catch up on the older ones: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00005JM3...?v=glance&n=130
  23. I actually remember an interview with Fidel Castro (Cigar Afficianado was the interviewer) in which Fidel spoke about how cigars bring "hard currency" into his country. At that moment, I wished I could chime in on the conversation and ask him "So, what makes foreign currency "hard"? Why is your currency worthless? Communism does not work?"
  24. I think the best model for (non-totalitarian) Marxism is in the Scandanavian countries. But I also think it helps that they are: 1) net exporters ("hard currency") and 2) homogeneous in almost every aspect of life. Diversity of the populace is one of the practical problems with true socialism.
  25. or sell them through outlets like Harbor Freight and bring in some good old "hard currency".
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