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Everything posted by PhantomJedi

  1. This is from the KoToR 3: Ideas and Suggestions topic. I find it interesting the way the moderator words this statment. What do they mean when they say "have more impact and influence"? Also why would they even bother with keeping the topic going after the first ones became very full. <_< "
  2. Sarcasim is alive and well. " Where do you come up with these ideas? Do you just sit around and think up topics like this? :ph34r:
  3. You basically quoted me and then said what I said in different words except in the end when you talked about the force power tree. I don't really trust the "AI" to pick my target so I would prefer to do it myself.
  4. This is an interesting article.
  5. I have not yet played Fallout but Morrowind has the same thing...you can attack just about anyone at anytime (including people who are tying to help you). While I like the idea of some more open-endedness, I think that such a move would cheapen these games. These games are heavily story-focused and, of course, we are talking about Star Wars here. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Just have a "reputation" stat. If you kill innocents then your rep reflects that. Also, if you are seen as the soft-touch of the universe, then you should be flocked by every hard-luck-Harry and Susy-sob-story in the game. The easiest way to prevent killing story-significant NPCs is to annouce that the PC has just prevented themselves from finishing the main plot (
  6. Well, here's the optimistic, anything's possible view from a basic physics standpoint: Conventional travel through space at a speed faster than light is impossible; it is a fundamental idea of Relativity, which, for the most part, has turned out to be very true. Very simply nothing can travel faster than pure energy in a vacuum; to even match its speed, matter needs to be converted to energy (a stream of photons, in this instance). HOWEVER, there is increasing evidence from quantam mechanics that space-time (yes, it is a real term that describes the fact that an object can occupy the same space twice, but never at the same time or at two different places at the same time; think of a function on an X-Y plane to get a rough idea) is not as solid as we think. Relativity backs this up, telling us time is a very relative idea (no pun intended). Thus it stands to reason that space as we know it in three dimensions, is not so out of reach. And we find this true in large gravity sources, such as red giant stars or black holes. The potential energy created by gravity alters time, and also space. Using a pseudo-image, imagine a flat surface, and call it space. A huge, dense gravity source such as a black hole would create a dent in that flat surface, drawing objects towards it. Thus space is altered, effected by that large energy source. Now this is where it starts getting into the sci-fi realm... if space can be bent, and space-time is really not that solid, then why can't space be bent to pass through space-time? While there is both science that indicates this is imposible and possible (think worm holes), if one could pass through space-time and emerge at another location at the same time, then infinte travel across this universe could be possible. However, this is all highly theoretical... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Like that episode of the Simpsons when Homer comes to our plane of existance. My solution: increase the spead of light so that we can travle at the current spead of light. :D Problem solved!
  7. What happened to the good old knife in between the ribs or sneaking up behind them and giving better neck ventalation to kill someone silently. I agree that there should be a way to keep you stealth and attack but it should not be a "dark lightsaber". "Dark lightsaber" is a bit of an oxymoron if you ask me. I think if you want to keep your stealth and attack it should be done with a knife.
  8. So, am supposed to spend $300+ on a 'new generation' console, or at least as much on pieces for a computer ... just so i can play a game which is basically old KotOR with cranked up visuals? no, thank you. if i ever get deranged to the point i'd seriously consider this kind of expense for such trivial gain, feel free to shoot me. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I too am becoming frustrated with the pushing forward of new and ever more expensive technologies which offer for their price essentially nothing at all new to game design. When I look at the consoles I currently own and consider what each brought to the table, I can pretty confidently say that each new generation really did offer something the previous hadn't really made possible yet. My TI99, even at its absolute best, can't manage anything better than representative, iconic graphics. There's no real attempt to create immersive art. It's chiefly symbolically representative stuff. So even its best RPG, Tunnels of Doom, merely has symbolic figures: Forward several years to the NES and I've suddenly got representations of landscapes, geography and monsters which actually look something like monsters. And it all loads from a cart. No need for finicky casette tapes, and it can save my game, too. A big step toward the vivid depiction of RPG worlds. Forward several years to the SNES and now worlds are depicted in lush colour, with what seems like an almost limitless number of detailed sprites on screen at any given time, and backgrounds that are complex enough to look like they could be straight out of a comic book. The art style identifiably comes through here and backgrounds are animated, with new and different animations and backgrounds crafted for each setting. It's not just "see if we can make a monster in 30 pixels using two colours" anymore, and the world isn't made up of a set of square building blocks a la Dragon Warrior here. It's something completely different. Forward several years to the N64 and now complex 3D environments are possible. Not just sprites, not just polygons, but texture mapped worlds. Nothing like this had ever been done in the last generation of consoles. Flat shading and sprites as alternate options when depicting 3D spaces had given way to detailed environements with shaded and textured surfaces. Forward several years to the Xbox and humans have finally, in this generation, taken appreciable human form, looking more like bodies than messes of polygons clinging to each other for dear life. Furthermore, formerly impossibly complex objects like grass and trees can be depicted convincingly and immersively. We have humans that look like humans, with real facial features which look like rounded surfaces rather than a mess of triangles. Of all these, I think the last was the most important step. My concern is, I don't know what comes afterward. With convincing rounded surfaces, believable human character models, grass, trees and all those formerly oh-so-irritating technologically impeded aspects of a gameworld effectively depicted already in existing game engines, I don't know what the technology will add to gameplay in the coming generation. Will there be more grass per square foot? Who cares? That's not gameplay. That's statistics. Already, it seems that artistic resources are seeing more strain than technology. We don't have a problem with an absence of detail in NPC models: we have a problem with the reuse of the same NPC models over and over again in the same games (true for both KotOR games and JE) because the human resources aren't there to detail enough models to populate the world. Rendering a world in infinite complexity just makes more work for more people. Maybe we'll be able to render it. Will we be able to populate it? I see the next gen console makers throwing statistics at me, but I don't see them demonstrating how these statistics will take gaming forward in any way. We'll just have to wait and see. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Graphics immerse you in the game play. If no one pushed the envelpe in terms of graphics we would still be stuck in 8 bit land imagining what the character would really look like. Maybe people just like to look at something that is beautiful to look at because a) they can't go see it themselves or b) it does not exist(we are talking about star wars here). That is why graphics need to evolve. But then again that is just my crazy theory. I think the the statistics are ment more for devs than you. Gives them something to think about.
  9. I believe I touched on this point in talking about being able to force push an enemy in to another enemy. One enemy in to a random other enemy might work better than using the entire environment as a weapon of your will. It might get to complicated.
  10. I would have to say I agree that any ideas we put out for story ideas are not going to be used. The feedback we give they probably will use to change the game play. I also like the idea of advancing you proficiency in a lightsaber form. Maybe they could do it like in Jade Empire where every lvl you get X points to spend in different characteristics for the form. Or prehaps just a single route to improve the form like they did for Magic in Fable. One last thing to those of you whining to see the story arch and characters from the first two games come back: I think you are suffering, what psychologist might call, seperation anxiety. So my suggestion to you is to find a good shrink and get over it. "
  11. No unknown regions because we aren't going after Revan and the Exile. Hey! That is what I was going to say. <_<
  12. If they set the identity (the whole 9 yards...voice acting, etc) then K3 is really easy to write and in a satisfying way. But that is the problem...alot of people will presumably be upset with that. That's why I recommend a split approach. I think it works. Let Revan continue to be the shadowy Charlie figure in the series even after this trilogy is wrapped up. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> They shouldn't give player the option. We know for a fact that Raven is truely a male (in varius Encylopedias). But I don't want to see who is truely making the next KOTOR 3 unfinished because they spent half of their time (like Obsidian) making 4 different verisons of the game. Also there shouldn't be any influence system, that is what totally screw up K2. It isn't fun to play a game 10 times to get enouch influence from every character to understand the story. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The infuence system only affected party members for their back story and Fron what I have played only Atton's story was interesting.
  13. I agree it would be more than a little stupid to have the Ebon Hawk. Come on, what are the chances. I think that there should be a several new ships to choose from with each one being suited for different things. Also I was thinking about the turret game and thought it might be cool if you maybe took control of the ship its self and had a rouge squadran like mini game. Just an idea. (w00t) Thats perfect!!!!!
  14. I'm talking about consoles because in the begining only consoles are going to have the computing power and graphics cards to push graphics like these.
  15. All I got to say is they attacked me first and I was only defending myself. It was self defense, I swear!
  16. I'll probably be getting the Xbox2 when the price starts to drop because $500 for a PS3 makes me hesitant to buy. I think the new Ninja Gaiden 2 is a launch title for the Xbox2.
  17. Anything that adds much-needed depth to the characters and narrative is a Good Thing in my book. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I 100% agree with you. No offense but where I cut it is where I stopped reading. You sort of lost me becaused you mentioned Exile, Revan, search for Revan, Sith worlds, and memory fragmented.
  18. I pretty sure that all of these ideas have been said on these forums at least once but they are all good ideas. the best way to have a "true romance" in the Star Wars setting is to make it tragic (i.e. Bastila getting kidnapped). they apparently did not want to do that this time around so they just had a number of teaser, non-romances. makes sense, you have to lay off the cliches once in a while to make them effective. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I am not sure about a tragic romance but a tragic story like thoughs from antiquite would be pretty cool idea to explore. Most will probably think its stupid idea but o'well.
  19. Cant you just use Dominate Mind to make people commit suicide? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm talking about in combat. What you are talking about would involve dialog.
  20. I don't like the idea of a new game engine. Look at Halo2. The new engine sucks compared to the Halo1 game engine. What happened to the worthogs fliping and the guns flying because of a grenade blast? What happened to melees that you had to aim instead of the game aim and lunging for you? My point, new game engine = possibly worse than the old (not that there's anything wrong with the old engine of both KOTOR and Halo) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes they could have done a better job with Halo 2 but did it really change the great game play that we experianced in the first one? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes. Halo:CE had skill involved. Now I'm not saying Halo2 has no skill it just has less than the first. I do like playing Halo2 though. (although I play Halopc more than Halo2 on live) Plus, in Halo1 most of the time you started out with weapons that gave you a chance. The assualt rifle and human pistol. Now, in Halo2 you always started with the SMG or plasma rifle. Granted they finally got rid of that on some levels (that was a bitch on Coagulation) and start you with the battle rifle and SMG, the SMG is still there on other levels. (Come on, Waterworks and containment should have battle rifle starts too) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> If you're having problems with the starting weapons in multiplayer just change them. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm talking about matchmaking. Plus, in custom games most of my friends will have the stupid SMG as a starting weapon. (plus they get pissed when they find out I didn't waste $6 on maps that'll be free soon enough like they did) If there was a custom game search that I could do then it wouldn't be so bad. I'd just go and look for a game that has a decent starting weapon. But no, this has to be the only game on Live that doesn't allow you to search for custom games. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Then start your own custom game and invite your friends.
  21. I don't like the idea of a new game engine. Look at Halo2. The new engine sucks compared to the Halo1 game engine. What happened to the worthogs fliping and the guns flying because of a grenade blast? What happened to melees that you had to aim instead of the game aim and lunging for you? My point, new game engine = possibly worse than the old (not that there's anything wrong with the old engine of both KOTOR and Halo) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes they could have done a better job with Halo 2 but did it really change the great game play that we experianced in the first one? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes. Halo:CE had skill involved. Now I'm not saying Halo2 has no skill it just has less than the first. I do like playing Halo2 though. (although I play Halopc more than Halo2 on live) Plus, in Halo1 most of the time you started out with weapons that gave you a chance. The assualt rifle and human pistol. Now, in Halo2 you always started with the SMG or plasma rifle. Granted they finally got rid of that on some levels (that was a bitch on Coagulation) and start you with the battle rifle and SMG, the SMG is still there on other levels. (Come on, Waterworks and containment should have battle rifle starts too) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> If you're having problems with the starting weapons in multiplayer just change them.
  22. Did you think that we were advocating the creation of a crappy engine?
  23. Not from where i'm sitting.
  24. I don't like the idea of a new game engine. Look at Halo2. The new engine sucks compared to the Halo1 game engine. What happened to the worthogs fliping and the guns flying because of a grenade blast? What happened to melees that you had to aim instead of the game aim and lunging for you? My point, new game engine = possibly worse than the old (not that there's anything wrong with the old engine of both KOTOR and Halo) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes they could have done a better job with Halo 2 but did it really change the great game play that we experianced in the first one?
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