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Kor Qel Droma

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Everything posted by Kor Qel Droma

  1. I've been listening to Sitting On The Dock Of The Bay by Otis Redding for about thirty minutes now. I'm far too lazy to reach the foot and a half for my ipod.
  2. I'm sorry. Begone, PC whore!
  3. Buddy, get a new NHL disc. Pronto@!!##@@%

  4. So Crackdown is good? I have a buddy at work who doesn't play it anymore. And Krook, your duty as an OE forumite is to babysit Jags and I until we're good enough to take you out on Halo. That's just the way of the world, son.
  5. Awesome. Now at least there's someone with just as little experience as I to team up with!!
  6. The Oilers lost to Minnesota ( again). But we didn't look like the worst team in the league doing so. Now if we could just beat Calgary again on Saturday night...
  7. First blood: Kor!! I'm having some issues finding how to start the game once you get an invite. Howzabout you, Hurly?
  8. The Krooksters' disc of NHL 08 is unreadable, from what he tells me.
  9. Kudos to the Oilers for picking up five of eight points on the first half of an eight game set against divisional opponents. If the team can win it's game tomorrow against Minnesota, we'll only be a measly two games under five hundred, which would be seem pretty damn sweet to me. Hey, we're not in last place anymore either!!
  10. A to the W to the O to the L, boi!

  11. I caught a few minutes of that one. Team America it's not, that's for sure.
  12. The Shins - A Call To Apathy
  13. No worries, Krook. I made the exact same mistakes you did in the play through before you joined us. Except I was privy to being berated by Lly and Nick. They kept telling 'Don' to go get pizza, or stay out of the way. I, of course, thought they were talking about Jags, and not me. I did clue in eventually, but not soon enough of those two jerkfaces.
  14. Hahaha, Dallas is really in trouble now! Brett Hull as GM? Hahahahahaha.
  15. I'm currently twiddling my thumbs at work. This is my last shift at my second job, and tonight I'm acting like the kids I work with and am currently sitting on my ass, doing nothing. This may make me sound old or weird, but time actually goes faster when you work. Needless to say, I'm pretty bored.
  16. Yar!! You missed some sweet TMNT action yesterday afternoon, Don. Then Kyle joined in to increase the fun.
  17. Oh, and I picked up Halo 3 today. Now Kyle and Llyranor can watch me throw grenades at them in team co-op!
  18. Agreed on that, although I'm still wondering what happened after Candace dragged Sylar into the sewer.
  19. Worms is 400 microsoft points, I believe. I have Sunday off, maybe we should try and organize an NHL tourney for then?
  20. Hey, you've got NHL 08, don't you Hurly?
  21. You should get on that, because listening to Nick and LLyr is like two squirrels fighting over an acorn in a paper bag.
  22. We really need to get you a mike, Kyle. That was fun.
  23. Wow. Although totally smoking hawt, Elle is about the only character on the show who can hold a candle with Nikki in the 'crazier than a ****house rat' category. Aside from that, this show is starting to really correct its' shortcomings from the start of the season. That opening bit with Pete and Nathan? Awesomeness.
  24. Twang Twang Shock A Boom - It's a shame YouTube doesn't have a listing for Bigstick. That song rules.
  25. It's called a salary.
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