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Kor Qel Droma

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Everything posted by Kor Qel Droma

  1. **** Yeah!! edit:this movie is a classic for the theme song alone
  2. Have a link, Hurly? I wouldn't mind reading that. At least once a month I have to deal with an irate customer who refuses to show their ID . If they're so offended by it, they should just use their debit card or cash and quit the bitching.
  3. I watched the Indiana Jones trilogy back to back this weekend. For some strange reason I didn't find myself hating the Temple Of Doom as much as I used to, although I still can't stand Kate Capshaw. Also rented Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox story. Decent parody of Walk the Line and music in general. you don't want none of this ****, Dewey
  4. Weezers' new Red Album. Yep, its weezer
  5. I'm amazed at how much the author got away with. I can't speak for the US, but where I live if a business puts through a stolen credit card purchase, said business is responsible for paying the amount of the purchase if it comes back as stolen.
  6. I just bought a blackberry. And I have zero clue how to use any of its features so far!
  7. Sykora!!!!!!
  8. The Inbreds - Any Time Of Time
  9. Plus you're stuck with Pierre 'hey I'm only part retarded!' Macguire between the benches!
  10. Are any of you Yanks worried that NBC might cut into a rerun of that Charlie Sheen show and not show double overtime?
  11. I just tuned in to see Talbot score that goal. Let me guess, Detroit owns the puck while Malkin still can't get going?
  12. Way to tie it up Pittsburgh!!
  13. Real men kill zombies with chainsaws. And when they rough it, it's a combination of hockey skates and kicks to the head.
  14. I'll admit I'm not the hugest fan of Diddly. I mean, like, if one of his songs came up I was never "Holy ****ing snap Bo mother freaking Diddly" or anything like that, but at the same time I can respect the man for what he was, a pioneer of his craft.
  15. Sad news, sad news.
  16. Sneezing is no picnic either! It feels like your lung is trying to escape through your damaged ribs!
  17. Rambo. I hate to say it, but Stallone really nailed it this time. He's got it down pat in the current installment. Less talking, more killing. And all in a Saving Private Ryan grotesquely real kind of way. I'll watch this again, and maybe even consider buying it.
  18. Back up a second. The Operative has a name?
  19. He should be happy he and his one-dimensional acting ability were rehired in the first place. But I guess without Walt around they must have been having a hard time coming up with lines for Michael. WWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLTTTTTTTT
  20. Kings Of Leon - Knocked Up
  21. The jury is out on that one, I'm afraid. I enjoyed Death Proof, but the board doesn't seem to agree with me on that one. It's cheesy like Planet Terror.
  22. Nice comeback from my Cubbies today.
  23. Another reason not to like Micheal.
  24. Oooh, a bakers' hat!! Your parcel = awesomeness. As long as that disc isn't full of sea and cake songs

  25. Am I the only one concerned with the loss of You heartless bastards.
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