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Kor Qel Droma

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Everything posted by Kor Qel Droma

  1. Its too bad Eric Cole got ejected from last nights game. Its amazing how much better he can play when on his natural wing.
  2. There's a trailer out for Clint Eastwood's Gran Torino. Kick some ass, old man!
  3. The Incredible Hulk. And bonus features/ deleted scenes. I know this movie rates a pretty distant third in this years crop of Superhero movies, but the more I watch it, the more I like it. The scenes in Brazil were beautiful, and some of the extra footage paints a better picture of the Bruce / Betty relationship. A big chunk of the extra footage deals with love triangle with those two and Doc Samson. And I never hated the earlier Hulk film. I just hated any scene that had Nick Nolte in it. And as much as I enjoyed Sam Elliot as Thunderbolt Ross the first time around, William Hurt had a much better role. And Tim Roth was cool. Just about made me think a little brit could be a kick ass (super?) soldier. Two things I didn't like about this film. The casting of the guy as Doc Samson. Never been a big fan of the guy, who I can't even name. I guess it's moot, since he gets pretty much no screen time in the theatrical version. And Liv Tyler is no Jennifer Connelly. There's no big superhero movies 'till Watchmen comes out, right?
  4. They looked good for the first ten minutes of period 2. After colorado tied the game, however...
  5. Actually Edmonton hasn't played a complete sixty minute game yet this season. There's been a period or two where they look like the real deal, but for the most part the chemistry on the forward lines has been shaky at best. To be completely honest, the Oilers barely deserved most of their four wins so far.
  6. Don't get too high and mighty. Last night was more of the Oilers beating themselves, moreso than the Blackhawks.
  7. Didja get that last song I sent you, Drabs?

  8. Langhorne Slim - She's Gone
  9. *rubs eyes in shock of seeing the Ghost Of Anakin*
  10. sure didski Langhorne Slim -
  11. I'm kind of interested to see what crates look like 300 years after the last KOTOR game ended.
  12. Is there target practice with Gizka?
  13. The Dodos - Jodi this seems like the perfect breakup song. Thanks Laozi
  14. You've never read Covered In Oil before Alan? It can be pretty funny sometimes. http://coveredinoil.blogspot.com/ His live blog from the game should be under the 'older posts' button at the bottom.
  15. When does COD5 hit the shelves?
  16. Fans in Edmonton are miffed because two of the young up and comers on the team participated in an autograph session over the weekend. Where they charged money! The horror! And a blogger was booted from the Oilers press box last week for doing a live blog during a game. Not such a big deal, methinks, but then I actually read his blog of the game. It was tasteless and pretty insulting to the Oil in general. I guess going 4 and 0 out of the gate isn't enough to write about...
  17. Okay, so Peter is powerless and Sylar is trying to be a good guy? Mmmmmkay... And its too bad that , I thought he was a decent character. More HRG, less Claire, please and thank you.
  18. Edmonton has been on the good end of the officials tonight. Souray looked good, before he was injured And Todd Bertuzzi seems to be finally regaining his dominant form.
  19. Alright, it's just about time for the first installment of this seasons' Battle Of Alberta. G'Oilers!!
  20. I wouldn't say Burke 'gave' anyone a cup. He inherited a pretty decent team when he came into the picture. He got lucky with the Oilers being desperate to move Pronger. Plus, I wouldn't say a lot of the moves he's made since being GM have really panned out. Beruzzi didn't even make it through the two year deal he signed!
  21. I'm puzzled by the Blackhawks firing their coach today. Their GM is saying it's about 'moving forward' with a more experienced coach. Joel Quenville has a better record, sure. But last time I checked the lineups were pretty different between Colorado and Chicago.
  22. I'd **** my pants laughing if Anaheim fired Burke. G'Oilers!
  23. Mike Green has looked awesome for the Caps so far this year. I was reading on a hockey forum that the Russian player that died tonight had collided with Jagr and took an elbow straight to the heart. That sucks.
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