Sayid, ( is that spelled right) tortured Sawyer in order to get an inhaler for the asmatic Shannon. Feeling remorseful, he decides to leave the camp(s) in order to map out the island. During his travels he gets captured by the same woman in the distress signal. Clearly bonkers, the french woman( she has a name but its escaping me at the moment) tortuers Sayid in order to gain information. He learns from her that there was an expedition of scientists on the island or they crashed whatever...anyhoo. She said that she had to kill all of her party because they became sick or delusional. But then she says that one of them still lived. As per an episode of Lost, she talks in riddles and doesn't make a lot of sense.
Sayid escapes, or maybe he was set free, I couldn't really tell, then as he is walking through the jungle he hears mysterious 'voices' that the french woman alluded to. he makes it back to camp with some maps from her.
Sorry if I'm being vague, but that was a couple of weeks ago.