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Kor Qel Droma

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Everything posted by Kor Qel Droma

  1. I've never been to hell, but I imagine its a lot like going cold turkey.
  2. Is tonights episode new? I haven't seen a preview yet. BTW, I was watching the first episode of Angel last night on teevee and who is the first vampire Angel sees in LA? I short haired, clean shaven Sawyer! You've come a long way, buddy
  3. You turn jedi no matter what class you are. Its all about the influence.
  4. Try talking to the administrator in the main building, I think she knows about Vrook.
  5. Or try doing a search for the influence guide
  6. I've said this in other threads about the subject, force crush is like showing up to a spitball fight with a rocket launcher.
  7. Whoops my bad nothings settled as of yet.
  8. I just came home from work and saw on teevee that the union and players agreed to a 45mil salary cap. Will anyone watch a twenty game season, I ask?
  9. You don't have to be a master to train jedi. I turned all four party members as a watchman. I had a ridiculously easy time for about the last half of the game. Near unstoppable force powers and heavy melee damage made the last couple levels pretty easy.
  10. Sorry for the dense reply. Upgrading your items will totally depend on how much you invest into each skill. In addition to the skills you mentioned, security, treat injury, and demolitions of some level are required to make the decent upgrades. I could be wrong, but the class won't matter as much as the level of your intelligence. The higher it is, the more points you have to spend on your skills. 14 is good to start as you will get the chance to increase it as the game goes on.
  11. No. The NHL won't award the cup to any other league. A trio of people from Alberta with too much time on their hands (maybe due to a lack of hockey?) tried to petition for the cup to awarded to some other league, and had a lawyer come out and say the cup belongs to everyone but as long as the NHL owns the rights its not going anywhere.
  12. I say sentinel is the path to glory
  13. I've gained enough influence with her to talk to her about training to be a jedi. But both of the two respones lead to an influence failure. She's totally ds, but still doesn't want to follow me. I like the darkened robes, however.
  14. It's lame, I admit, but better than swoop racing
  15. Force crush is like showing up for a spitball fight with a rocket launcher
  16. Did any of you have a hard time turning your party into jedi as a ds character?
  17. My first playthrough was lightside, and turning the four into jedi was pretty simple, but on my latest playthrough as a ds character I've been unable to gain influence with anybody. Atton is close, as is the Handmaiden, but I get the influence failure at the dialouge option when talking about training. At least Visas still rules.
  18. At least last nights episode wasn't as bad as last weeks. I was kind of hoping Ethan would have risen from the dead and killed Charlie again. Maybe next week.
  19. I'm not an expert at all, so please don't take this as the gospel or anything, but the NHL does not own the Stanley Cup. But the NHL owns the rights to the cup. From what I understand there were a bunch of trustees for the cup back in the 30's or something like that then they signed over the rights to the league. As for the lockout, let both sides be shot and pi##ed on for totally wrecking my winter. I've gone to a few junior games this year, but excitement for this year towards hockey has hit an all time low. And if this isn't settled by july you can forget next season starting on time too. Or scab hockey will be the norm. Its hard to pick a side to be honest. The players aren't willing to give up enough and the owners basically backed themselves into this position. I mean 5 mil for Marty Lapointe? Go NBA!!
  20. I hate to sound like a grownup (shudder), but do your schoolwork. The game will still be there when you finish. Would it be better to play KOTOR or spend an eternity working low paying jobs?
  21. That happened to me on my XBOX. After the quest is completed, the guy still responds as if Nikko was still there. I don't think it affects our gameplay, and since the quest is done it shouldn't make that much of a difference, should it?
  22. Thanks. That was want I wanted to know. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> glad to help, enjoy the game!
  23. Once you choose your prestige class your original class stops advancing.
  24. Did you catch his trademark 'eyes wide open in hobbit amazement' shot? I love the show, but some sort of answers to anything would be nice about now.
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