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Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous, Part 3
Gromnir replied to ShadySands's topic in Computer and Console
no. ... wait, you wanted more? https://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Drow the dark fate stuff is the big reveal o' the fifth installment o' the third pathfinder 1e adventure path, and the process o' transformation is a bit more complex than owlcat's wotr implies. is a whole lotta sh!tty elves and they got little chance o' becoming drow. w/o unique circumstances and/or direct demon lord intervention, an elf becoming drow doesn't happen even if the elf is the most hedonistic and sinister a$$bag who having suffered terrible betrayal wishes to punish all elves, but it could happen and the winter council doesn't want such info known. HA! Good Fun! ps look at us nerding out. *groan* thanks for ruining our day... not that we blame shady. am now gonna need play rugby w/o a mouth piece, bench press past our limit or something equal stoopid and jocklike. -
Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous, Part 3
Gromnir replied to ShadySands's topic in Computer and Console
ps @xzar_monty am apologizing for forgetting to mention, but am believing the kobold letters decree also need be researched to advance leadership ranks, and if were your first run o' wotr, is extreme ez to overlook this obscure detail. is quite possible you never even went back to talk to the kobold near leper's smile. HA! Good Fun! -
is always amusing when you try and get the folks who blame biden to explain what specific policies "sleepy joe" implemented which resulted in the problems real and imagined being lamented today. can't exact blame biden for powell and the fed or for the economic fallout from trump's gross mishandling o' the pandemic? no doubt it were the school lunch program which broke everything. Presidents get far too much credit and too much blame for the economy, and the fact o' the matter is that when a President does royal screw the p00ch, is typical the next President who gets the blame. biden's 1.9 trillion american rescue plan, which continued the trump spending spree, is indeed gonna result in increased inflation, and such numbers will be apparent maybe six months from yesterday. maybe. am not a pro biden guy, and like it or not the President and his party is gonna take responsibility for problems which happen during his administration. doesn't need be fair. voters will hold biden responsible. sans the maxwell lord mind control o' 45, biden is gonna judged by both democrats and republicans based on the oversimplified "are you better off today than you were four years ago," bit which worked so well for regan. 'course for Congressmen seeking reelection in 22, they will be asked to explain why we ain't back to prepandemic like canada and europe. ... what, you says the US is not the anchor on the global economy? "Last week, new data revealed that the European Union was seeing a record-high inflation rate of 5% in December, the highest in its twenty-year history. Canada is seeing the highest rate of inflation in two decades. Ditto South Korea. Turkey. The United Kingdom. Countries, big and small, conservative-led and progressive-led, are grappling with surging consumer prices as global demand outstrips supply. It's one big global inflation-fest, and no single leader seems to have the power to stop it. "All these countries have one thing in common: they're all struggling to recover from a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic that continues to disrupt the supply side of the economy, hampering the ability of businesses, workers, and the global supply chain to operate at full capacity and satisfy boomeranging consumer demand. Rather than putting a Biden "I did that" sticker on products with skyrocketing prices, it's probably more accurate to say "COVID did that."" there were a freaking pandemic, and more than 1/3 o' the country has been trying to sabotage efforts to mitigate the damage. is gonna be blamed on joe. even before vaccines, we had a blueprint for what is the correct response. the situation weren't near as novel or as unexpected as some suggest. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2020-04-19/coronavirus-lessons-from-great-1918-spanish-flu-pandemic nevertheless, 'cause o' politics and stoopid, we f'd up our pandemic response in spite o' being one o' the few major nations which had spent billions, developed a plan and innovated tools for such an eventuality. HA! Good Fun!
Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous, Part 3
Gromnir replied to ShadySands's topic in Computer and Console
fast healing for your main character during act 3, w/o some special other ability, is the result of the proximity to the sword of valor. in the abyss you shouldn't be fast healing unless you took the marvelous endurance sooperpower. HA! Good Fun! -
which would make more sense if the folks who rail against crt would just says they is using crt as a placeholder... could then claim that once again the libs is nitpicking at nomenclature and naming conventions. however, as we noted with a few fox articles earlier in this thread, the crt crusaders is indeed trying to prove that crt specific is being taught in public schools to little kids. recognizing how the claim crt being taught in public schools to kids is only slight more believable than the suggestion the sound from windmills causes cancer, it would make sense to deflect or pivot... make it a democrat or lib flaw to be overinvested in the name w/o recognizing the Big Problem. however, that ain't how crt is being addressed by those who is offended by its existence. what we see instead is a genuine and hard fought defense o' stoopid, which may be ok with the current gop as part o' the point is to undermine american's resistance to gaslighting. HA! Good Fun!
and again, crt is graduate level coursework not being taught to middle school, high school or kindergarteners, and that should make a difference. we want university students exposed to unfamiliar ideas and theories. we want graduate students to be challenged by ideas and theories which they disagree or find unconvincing. from what we understand, teaching crt to little crumbsnatchers is s'posed bad 'cause is potential a kinda indoctrination o' impressionable youth, but at some point we expect kids is mature enough to be able to study mao, the unab0mber manifesto and reganomics with enough self-discipline to decide for themselves what is dangerous and/or unconvincing. see the thing is, even if you disagree with mao, the unab0mber and reganomics, you might learn something by studying 'em. if you wanna explain what is wrong with a theory, you gotta at least have some basic knowledge o' it, yes? even if you think crt is the worst theory ever posited, and am gonna note the literal first brookings article on the subject the intraweb led us to is pretty much a refutation o' everything gd claims he learned 'bout crt from brookings, there is nevertheless potential value in having graduate level students parse and study the darn theory. if crt is terribad and stoopid, then should be a simple matter for graduate students to identify the stoopid. don't you want educated people to be able to intelligent respond to proponents o' crt? kinda hamstringing s'posed educated people to challenge crt if the only source material they got is local newspaper articles and the post concluding crt is bad. am gonna also suggest a gibbering conspiracy theorist such as @Guard Dog should, if he is being consistent, be more inclined to believe there is value in crt, 'cause why would they be working so hard to keep crt from you unless it were dangerous to them. HA! Good Fun!
and yet here we are... again. lord only knows why you would mention the nypost as some kinda source for credible and true news reporting. you gotta be joking. having a little joke to see if Gromnir paid attention to your laundry list? however, we would be curious to see an actual brookings article which convinced you crt is guilty o' the following: "I do not think that history should be over dramatized and I definitely do NOT think anyone alive today owes anyone else an apology for deeds done by people long dead. Nor do I think it's healthy to tell people they are victims and it's all stacked against them." keep in mind the considerable number o' times we has heard you claim a source said something which it most certainly did not, leading us to correct you. so you throwing out names o' publications sans links or quotes is less than convincing given your track record for suspect recollections. no doubt you will come back and tell us you misremembered or thought it were brookings instead o'... whatever. am also having no idea what a local tennessee print sources is telling you, or whether they got a noteworthy skew. perhaps forgot to mention the info were gleaned via an opinion piece or somesuch? nypost? serious? HA! Good Fun! ps: https://www.brookings.edu/blog/fixgov/2021/07/02/why-are-states-banning-critical-race-theory/ CRT does not attribute racism to white people as individuals or even to entire groups of people. Simply put, critical race theory states that U.S. social institutions (e.g., the criminal justice system, education system, labor market, housing market, and healthcare system) are laced with racism embedded in laws, regulations, rules, and procedures that lead to differential outcomes by race. ... Scholars and activists who discuss CRT are not arguing that white people living now are to blame for what people did in the past. They are saying that white people living now have a moral responsibility to do something about how racism still impacts all of our lives today. ... The approach of some Republican-led state legislatures is a method for continuing to roll back racial progress regarding everything from voting rights to police reform. This is a horrible idea and does an injustice to our kids. Laws forbidding any teacher or lesson from mentioning race/racism, and even gender/sexism, would put a chilling effect on what educators are willing to discuss in the classroom and provide cover for those who are not comfortable hearing or telling the truth about the history and state of race relations in the United States. Ironically, “making laws outlawing critical race theory confirms the point that racism is embedded in the law,” as sociologist Victor Ray noted. ... dude.
transmissibility were described by one doctor on cnn (so take for what it is worth) as equivalent to the measles, which if accurate means if you live with somebody who has omicron and you are not the rare individual with natural immunity, then is hard to imagine you will not become infected, though you could be infected and asymptomatic and/or have an extreme mild case. get vaccinated. get the booster. social distance if you are immunocompromised or have health issues which make you vulnerable. etc. HA! Good Fun!
HA! Good Fun!
there you go. now even gd can see where his problem on this is, yes? indulge a trumpist "some people say" kinda response? ... regardless, crt is not being taught to middle or high school kids anywhere, so is weird gd just kinda accepts and parrots the criticisms level'd at crt in spite o' fact they is coming from same sources telling him crt is being taught to cindy lou who at sebastian j. mcgrinch middle school in nakipoo, tennessee. not 'bout apologies. is definite not overdramatizing. is not 'bout victimization, though am s'posing some could read that way if they read into it what they wanna... which is kinda reflexive natural anytime race is an issue. crt is an all-inclusive theory which posits racism is normal and becomes codified in laws. racism natural is extreme well entrenched in societies and w/o serious and real pressures, typical economic forces, racism continues in part 'cause is utter pervasive and self perpetuating... but do not repeat this gross oversimplification back to us 'cause again, is comical simplified. our criticism o' crt is that a bunch o' lawyers came up with a theory focused on the laws o' nations as evidence and explanation for racism, the universe and everything. if somebody tells you they cracked the code on economics or political systems, chances are you laugh at them for their arrogance, then spend effort reading their argument, then laugh at them again 'cause they proved you correct for laughing at them the first time. crt is deserving to be taught to harvard lawyers, which were the original use o' the theory, in small part to get 'em to consider racism as something pervasive but normal which could be analyzed a bit more dispassionate. crt doesn't need be true to be useful from an education standpoint if it manages to promote critical thinking o' a complex issue all too often drowned in rhetoric. the effort to take the moral and emotional outta racism is maybe ironic given how much o' a kerfuffle crt has created, though again, is race, so 'course people is gonna lose their water at the mere mention. HA! Good Fun!
Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous, Part 3
Gromnir replied to ShadySands's topic in Computer and Console
lann as a zen archer/hunter (divine hunter) makes the celestial velociraptor a thing. best build for lann is probable 1/19 zen archer/divine hunter, but what you gain late you lose earlier, when the game may actual be tougher, particularly on harder difficulty levels. legendary proportions, now that there is dinosaur bones aplenty, is endgame win, but is a whole lotta levels you go through to get to that point. one o' the nice things 'bout zen archer with three levels is you use wisdom instead o' dex for your accuracy, so you are gonna get considerable early and mid game use from enlarge person coupled with your hurricane bow. three levels o' zen also provides you for free most o' the costly archer feats you want and allows you to ignore many shot and rapid shot in favor o' other feats. boosting wisdom as a primary attribute also allows you to be a bit more creative with your domain selection as most domain powhaz is dependent on either class level or wisdom modifier. however, for the velociraptor itself, no matter what, add one point o' intelligence at level four, and then go all strength. for the sub-class, pick aggressor with the bleed quality and the slight ab boost it offers. aggressor also provides free power attack. a downside to raptor is early it does kinda weak damage and power attack mitigates this shortcoming. do NOT take weapon finesse as recommended, 'cause relative quick your dino's str is gonna be better than its dex. weapon focus (other natural, 'cause talons is other), blind fight and combat reflexes is likely your first three feats. am always choosing blind fight early for animal companions 'cause in battles with foes who have annoying gaze attacks, your velociraptor will be unaffected, and you are not gonna be having partywide death ward for a considerable period of time. outflank is a must and so too is seize the moment. is likely a good idea to go with shake it off, but is other ways to boost saves, so is not essential. your celestial animal companion will eventually have sr 25, which in pnp would be nice but given the wotr stat bloat is kinda worthless. save bonuses is thus kinda important, though if you go aeon or angel you is gonna have abilities or spells to grant all kinda partywide immunities. at this point all the feat essentials is fulfilled. congrats... though you likely wanna take improved critical, but remember talon is "other" and not claw. if you got a skald in your party, some o' this may change, 'cause skalds are able to add natural weapon attacks to your entire party, including your dino, which makes the critter even more insane. with a skald going full beast totem you will have more than 10 attacks per round and seven/eight o' them will be full ab... full ab with the benefit o' smite which adds character level to damage and ignores dr. the only downside to the celestial velociraptor with smite is the alignment o' the critter remains neutral, so you will not be able to use paladin's bestow grace to boost saves, but as we noted earlier in the thread, with item/spell boosted charisma not only will your smite provide a decent attack bonus, but you should put skill points into umd so your dino will be able to use spells from scrolls. doesn't take much imagination to think how best to use scrolls to sooper power your animal companion. HA! Good Fun! ps if you make a main character hunter and really want the velociraptor, perhaps you could try a dual wielding, hasty halfling so you may mount your raptor and ride into battle, though am honest not sure how mounted combat would work with the current free smite for the raptor. being able to smite an unlimited number o' times is serious overkill, but am not having considered how to trigger smite with a mounted character so as not to interfere with the rider's actions. -
Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous, Part 3
Gromnir replied to ShadySands's topic in Computer and Console
there is decrees linked to level-ups. you gotta make sure the right decrees is addressed'. for logistics, upgrade outposts and making sure you max building efforts is important. seriously need every outpost slot filled to get a few o' the outpost slot upgrade options. did you max drezen buildings? for leadership, you gotta win battles, but if is seeming stuck, then serious double-check decrees to see if any is leadership. alternative, make a save and perhaps skip a few days and see what happens. HA! Good Fun! -
you wanted to know what it is. 120 pages isn't a particular deep read or huge time investment, but if you genuine want to know more than the fox news or msnbc explanations, you are gonna need do a bit more. the thing is, what is crt is a red herring, 'cause again, it is not being taught in public schools to middle or high school kids. doesn't actual matter what it is if the concern is kids being perverted by the indoctrination o' libs if is not actual part o' curriculum. nevertheless, you ain't gonna know what is crt w/o a little education, which should not be a surprise, eh? HA! Good Fun!
Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous, Part 3
Gromnir replied to ShadySands's topic in Computer and Console
which stats is iv as 'posed to v? could advise if we know where is the shortfall. HA! Good Fun! -
Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous, Part 3
Gromnir replied to ShadySands's topic in Computer and Console
our aeon stole everything not nailed down and nobody cared. enter a pub and purloined their food and booze while kitchen staff looked on impotent? our justice were in short supply as we entered buildings in kenebras and took the hidden gold the residents no doubt meant to keep out o' the hands o' thieves and looters. crpg morality is limited to the game impact it has on an alignment compass or faction reputation meter. aside this stuff is so weird. wotr wenduag: and a quirky aside possible limited to early print editions, but the pronoun used to describe wenduag in the first ap installment is mixed-- gets both male and female pronouns in the extreme limited exposure it ever received. we assumed wenduag were male, not that we ever gave it much thought as it were an extreme minor npc in the run o' wotr our group never bothered to finish. regardless, the anime treatment for wenduag, given we thought o' him as they creepy spider dude with the extra limbs and eyes, is kinda amusing... and so utter typical o' what we expect from fans. HA! Good Fun! -
crt is 'bout grievance. is not complicated. crt is not being taught in public schools. is university (typical Graduate level) course work. whenever evidence is shown o' it being taught in schools, what is actual revealed is educators discussing ways to make classrooms more inclusive-- is teachers and superintendents self-educating or engaging in continuing education. we got a generation o' white americans who has suffered economic hardships for the past couple decades. is not that white american hardships is worse than minority hardships, but if you is working two jobs (both o' which is just shy o' technical full-time so your employer need not provide benefits) and you nevertheless can't pay rent and utilities and health insurance, somebody must be to blame. so, far-right radio and other media sources, taking cues from rush limbaugh, realized that there were a very large % o' the population which were angry and those people could be politicized and even radicalized. that angry and white portion o' the population were not happy to hear that in spite o' the fact they were working twelve to fifteen hour days, they were nevertheless gonna lose their family farm or that the factory job they had earned were disappeared to mexico or asia or 'cause o' robots. simultaneous, rush and others were blaming migrants for taking domestic jobs, and all those uneducated white americans were being told that while they suffered, junkie street people were getting free money handouts they were just gonna blow on more drugs. and how long is good americans needing to sit in silence as minorities have more kids so they can get bigger free checks from the government? where is the sympathy and handouts for the white working class, the people who deserve help? well, rush and bannon and finally trump tells 'em that is all 'bout the libs trying to screw real americans. the somebody screwing real americans is the libs and the reason for the greatest ream job in american history is 'cause o' some misplaced notion that white americans is the cause o' every problem minorities suffer today. for chrissakes, the civil war ended slavery. you people got brown v. board of education and equality. you even got affirmative action which took jobs away from more qualified whites. are you grateful? no. every time some cop does his job, before you know what the real story is, you people are there in the night burning businesses and stealing tires and hair extensions, just like you always do. sounds racist? sounds ridiculous? crt is not being taught in public schools, but it is a theory which educators has debated and even embraced in part or whole. white americans don't know what crt is, but they do understand it is related to education and they is certain, in spite o' their admitted ignorance as to what exact is crt, that it is yet another example o' the libs blaming white americans for every misfortune which has ever befallen a minority, and the base is way past being tired o' being unjust blamed. real americans is angry and they finally got a President and a party who speaks to them, speaks for them. illegal aliens. welfare leeching junkies. fat cats sending their work to asia or central america. college educated libs. the new gop is finally speaking out against these evils. AP FACT CHECK: Trump seeds race animus with COVID falsehood crt grievance isn't real. the base is even more lazy than chairchucker and is less likely to know what crt is. is no way in hell the base knows if crt is being taught in public schools to middle and high school kids. however, the anger is real. HA! Good Fun!
crt is most assured not being taught in public schools other than universities. however, we did offer links earlier in the thread. noted in the syllubus from brown is the following free resource: https://uniteyouthdublin.files.wordpress.com/2015/01/richard_delgado_jean_stefancic_critical_race_thbookfi-org-1.pdf worth reading. text o' the entire work, excluding table of contents, glossary and intro fluff is something 'round 120 pages. but again, is most assured not being taught in any public school. HA! Good Fun!
HA! Good Fun!
The TV and Streaming Thread: Where is Ricky Gervais when you need him???
Gromnir replied to Zoraptor's topic in Way Off-Topic
we first started reading moon knight back in the early 80s and thought it were a bit uneven with the writing, but when it were good, it were better than almost anything else we read in comics at the time... and for a long time afterwards. always thought it were a mistake to make moon knight part o' the regular marvel line-up, 'cause the most compelling aspect were marc spector's madness, which were not portrayed as funny or quirky but were a real disability and the title character never knew what was real and what were madness. 'course daredevil and other nyc heroes ain't any more real than moon knight, but have them interact with moon knight were, in our estimation, a mistake, 'cause as an audience we knew matt murdock while unwell in his own way were not delusional. moon knight were best when you didn't know any better than marc spector whether or not he were fighting crime or just his own demons while perhaps confined to an asylum. am nevertheless at least cautiously optimistic 'bout the new marvel show. hawkeye genuine impressed us, so am willing to give moon knight a few episodes o' our time. HA! Good Fun! ps we knew almost nothing o' the young avengers and kate bishop, 'cause such is the point when we sorta stopped with most comics. am glad we didn't know kate bishop from the comics, 'cause after seeing hawkeye we went and looked at her print origins. *groan* we woulda' never given hawkeye a chance if we had read young avengers stuff. is perhaps why am assuming they go a different way with moon knight than print and we will not initial hold it against 'em for doing so. disney, surprising, has built up some marvel good will with us. -
Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous, Part 3
Gromnir replied to ShadySands's topic in Computer and Console
from the playful darkness encounter you do get a stat boosting book and the helm is potential quite strong until end game. keep in mind animal companions may wear helms. our aggressor velociraptor made considerable us o' the helm. am having a difficult time criticizing the loot reward. our recollection is playful darkness has something like 60ish ac on core (maybe hard) and is +30 level, with ~+30 for all saves. most summons will get chewed up and your party will only hit on a crit or with the benefit o' true strike... or perhaps with a touch attack. even summons, which is a good idea, you need all the essential buffs and debuffs and need use spells which ignore saves and sr, OR go the creeping doom route OR get lucky with an azata caster who also has all the right equipment to maybe generate enough o' a dc to maybe get a lucky cast or two. am personal a fan o' stacked pillars of light and an over-the-top intimidator 'cause then we don't need camellia, but intimidation and stacked pillars o' light is most definite exploitive. there is ways to defeat playful darkness on core-unfair, but they all require the kinda pathfinder cheese... and is the cheese which led to owlcat adding the bloat. HA! Good Fun! ps -
free money programs is great right up until somebody realizes they need actual pay for the free money. money is always an issue for schools, and have property taxes pay for public education already leads to shocking disparities in the quality o' facilities. if ultra rich communities wanna spend comical amounts o' money so they may hot-mic their teachers, we say let them do so through private contributions. am suspecting at least a few teachers would quit, but too many o' you vote democrat anyway, so in a state like florida you clowns teaching heliocentrism with spherical planets is already bordering heretical. a few o' you smarty-pants, college educated, lib teachers even suggest that the US civil war was fought 'cause o' slavery. unfortunate, this silliness need be a state-by-state issue, and as usual schools in less affluent neighborhoods would be the ones to pay the heaviest price as they got less money to spend per student. instead o' expensive electronic surveillance, could go even more expensive and maybe kill two birds with one stone-- employ those jobless working class people who is part o' the base which desires this kinda nonsense and have 'em act like china/soviet style political officers embedded in classrooms... or perhaps hire steve buscemi(s). HA! Good Fun!
rile up a texas crowd is the easiest thing one may possible imagine. two words: boomer sooner. done. then again, she probable weren't trying to start a riot. HA! Good Fun!
as far as losing the opportunity for a final play, it doesn't matter if is called sideline or by dak, 'cause during 2-minute, there is a responsibility to make certain the ball gets to the ref asap so he can set it before the next snap. our experience from college says is qb responsibility, but am s'posing it could be center. cowboys play calling may have been stoopid and it may have been dak or sideline fault regarding the draw, but getting the ball set quick is not a sideline responsibility save for the no doubt hundreds or thousands o' times the 2-minute drill were run in practice to make certain everything goes reflexive in a game, 'cause you don't want your players needing to think 'bout such minutiae in the last seconds o' a game. if dak or the center didn't know the rules, and their respective responsibilities, then is on coaching staff, but such an outcome is hard to believe. HA! Good Fun!
is texas, so am not surprised their qb and media indulges in fake news. have mentioned previous how dallas runs a much more simple offense than most other nfl teams, so less responsibilities for dak, but is either his responsibility or the center to get the ball into the hands o' the ref asap during two-minute drill plays. fans shoulda' been throwing stuff at dak... though fans throwing stuff is not great, unless is chicago during the late 70s regardless, am wondering when it is dallas fans realize that it were not the refs but dak who cost 'em a final play. ... we didn't watch the tv broadcast and only saw the unedited highlight o' the final play on espn. didn't the booth commentators for the game call out dak for his mistake? HA! Good Fun!
Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous, Part 3
Gromnir replied to ShadySands's topic in Computer and Console
HA! Good Fun! ps whatever owlcat did insofar as the smite ability, it did not affect our celestial velociraptor from receiving unlimited smite opportunities. am admitting it feels a bit cheaty, but watching the dino explode stuff is kinda addictive.