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Everything posted by kirottu

  1. The hot chick on the right? Please. Pretty please. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Are you insane, demented finn?! ALAN, PLEASE BE THE GIRL IN THE YELLOW BIKINI IN THE TOP LEFT HAND CORNER OF THE PIC!! We need more of those in these fora. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That
  2. Mushishi had some beautiful scenes, but was boring. I watched 6 or 7 first episodes and I kinda need a plot that stretches over the series. Same thing applies to Samurai Champloo as well, though I watched all the episodes.
  3. The hot chick on the right? Please. Pretty please.
  4. I really haven
  5. This thread needs some Gray Jedi Knight.
  6. My hero!
  7. Need more? Apart from Lady Crimson and her wackiness (meant in a good way), has any other female even posted? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Silvershadow posted on previous picture thread. Lauchie posted in secrat place. Gabs/Dark Raven posted on fraps thread. Then there
  8. Nice leather wear.
  9. Extremist usually. The kind that preaches how bible is literally god
  10. No. I
  11. I always thought that christianity thinks sex is a sin, but reproducing isn
  12. I watched it too and got terrible "Go Hercule Poirot Go!!!" fanboy moment out of it. :">
  13. This subject is too lame for flames.
  14. Does that apply to sex life as well? I don
  15. No, it
  16. Yes, totally legal. Trust me. I know what I
  17. I think Obsidian should make Hades cameo for NWN 2. In some dark room there should be stocky halfling singing jump.
  18. Don
  19. ^Traitor.
  20. Hello pretty pretty pretty... The gang was so tight back then...
  21. Wouldn
  22. Oh... Hmm... I guess I was the only one who read the title as "Burning furnace"?
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