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Everything posted by chemchok

  1. What's up with Apollo being the "Big bad Greek god of flaming war," that's Ares, Apollo's in the archery, music and poetry department. Also, don't forget Athena, she sprouted from Zeus' head fully armored. To the fight at hand.... 1. Odin has no depth perception, would probably get smacked about by lightning strikes and stray magical hammers. 2. Thor's got his hammer and belt of strength, he's going to be one of the last standing. 3. Loki's tricky, but he isn't going to make it in a battle royale. Well, who knows what he's got up his sleeve, Loki's a wildcard. 4. Zeus = promiscuos sex. Exactly, he'd be to busy pretending to be a bull or a swan and take advantage of some virgin to end up the winner. 5. Hera's not going to have her mind in the fight, see #4. 6. Ares is a god of war, he's a learned a thing or two in his day. He's stands a good chance of making it to the end. 7. Indra is a power gamer; being the god of war, the god of thunder and storms, the greatest of all warriors, and the strongest of all beings. Indra's going to make it to the end and then stomp on everyone remaining. 8. Trimutri - 3? That's just unfair. I'm not considering that. 9. Kali has four arms, and yes, she is pissed. I don't think she'll beat Indra though. 10. The titans were already beaten by the Greek gods, so I don't think they'll be able to make a comeback here. Although I just love Saturn as depicted by Goya.
  2. If you open someone's profile, there's an "ignore user" button.
  3. OK, and yes, they don't stack. The benefit of 4 crystal slots comes with "special" crystals on each saber, say bondar (with stunning), nextor/opila (for criticals), jenraux (blaster deflection) plus another combat bonus crystal. To each his own.
  4. Right.... unless you use crystals in the game.
  5. For combat purposes, go with double wielding long and short lightsabers. With two sabers you get four crystal settings and some serious combat bonuses. For style purposes, go with the classic one lightsaber look.
  6. ^ Seven Cities of Gold would be awesome. It would be nice to see the Wizard's Crown and Eternal Dagger games remade.
  7. Heh, I kinda doubt anything that's out when Doom III comes out is going to be able to run it at a very high frame rate at full resolutions, textures, etc. If you remember when Max Payne 2 came out, though they did an EXCELLENT job on making it compatible with lower end systems, my current system still can't run it with all of the options turned on. <_< Well, maybe I should have clarified that. There will be a big difference between how well it runs on a 128 or a 256mb card. I didn't mean to imply you'll be able to run it with the settings maxed out.
  8. Well, if you really want Doom to run well, go with option B and get a 256mb card like mrkeku suggested. The 256 mb card is going to make a big difference over a 128mb card because of the size of textures in the game.
  9. Very very wrong... in that case you might be unable to upgrade it next time... I disagree, buying a high-end pci16 graphics card today is a waste of money. You'll just end up smacking yourself in the head in a year and a half when the $400 card costs $150. As long as you don't mind every graphic setting not being maxed out in your games, buy a mid-ranged card.
  10. I just wanted to tell you that if you get the OEM version, you will NOT be able to use it if you ever replace your motherboard (with anything other than the same model). Most how-to sites usually don't mention this. But you're getting a newer mobo anyway, so it shouldn't be a problem. The PCIx16 interface allows a card to draw 75W of power (as opposed to 25W/42W for AGP8x slots) so you don't need a direct connection to the psu. I think you might be confusing the x600 line with the x800 line. It means you'll only be looking at PCIx16 cards for upgrades.
  11. Hey everyone, with all of the focus on the Democratic National Convention in the US, the final release of the 9/11 Commission Report has received relatively little attention in the media. If anyone is interested in the report, they can pick up the .pdf at http://www.9-11commission.gov/. For those who can't stand lengthy reading on a computer screen, you can pick up a copy at most bookstores for 10.00 USD, a real bargain for 567 pages. Cheers.
  12. Fair enough about not talking about aliens in your thread, I just don't see why I have to prove my facts when she's so convinced there are aliens. Anyway, if hemp is so damn great, don't worry about it. When we burn off all of our fossil fuels, submerge coastal areas underwater and have no old-growth forests left, we can turn to hemp, hemp that will be our fuel, food, fiber and medicine. EDIT: By the way PoTC, being a hemp activist and all, have you ever eaten any hemp-based products (no, not brownies or cookies). I mean, is she being a little optimistic about the whole nutrition for humans deal. Cattle feed seems like a no brainer, but I think I might be staying away from industrial hemp chow.
  13. I'll prove my facts when she proves that UFOs are real. :D I'm not saying that hemp isn't a useful product that suffers for no reason because of America's nonsensical stance on the plant, whether it be industrial or recreational, I'm just saying that it is NOT the cure-all she claims. Sure, let's supplement some of our energy needs with hemp, I'm all for cutting down on greenhouse gasses, but there must be some underlying inefficiency with hemp if it hasn't been adopted elsewhere.
  14. POtC, don't think everyone is out to get you. I'm a stickler for typos, especially in academic work. Besides, my real argument was with the paragraph that you ignored in your post.. The UFO page (and presidential campaign page) is funny IMHO. Her hemp arguments smack too much of conspiracy. If hemp was such an amazing fuel source, it would have been adopted as the primary fuel source of some country somewhere. As I understand it, hemp grows readily on all of Eurasia and the Americas, probably Australia as well - why hasn't a country with a lack of local fuel sources turned to hemp?
  15. I love how hemp is "clean, renewable, cheap, and clean." Maybe someone should have mentionned it's also clean. Anyway, this whole paragraph seems like a load of bunk. I thought the ban on its growth was linked to the Prohibition and its outlawing of marijuana. Anyway, I googled the hemp-loving doctor - http://www.ufodisclosure.com/harder.html
  16. The LOTR movies were alright, biggest annoyance for me were the "Legolas skateboardin' on a shield" fight scenes.
  17. As long as they have cash, there's nothing wrong with not being public.
  18. :D I'm not saying it was "surprisingly" bad, but I just borrowed a copy of Windtalkers from someone, and well... it was like a WWII Rambo movie starring Nick Cage.
  19. That's a little strange. I grew up on a beach and if its subjected to ocean surf, the beach continually changes. Sediment gets covered, exposed, washed out to sea, and brought back to land. Besides, how do you enforce that? "Turn your pockets inside out. Where did you get that pebble?" :angry: And what about skipping rocks?
  20. I don't think she's ugly, but I agree with you on the laugh. But if MR scrunches up her nose one more time in a movie..... I think most directors could replace her with a puppy or something, then we'd have something cute to fill her void that would not have to attempt any dialogue. EDIT - Don't forget Fran Drescher (as far as laughs go).
  21. I think Meg Ryan has an edge over her in this category.
  22. I found the Last Samurai to be surprisingly horrible. And I'd have to agree with the others that Fight Club was surprisingly good, I read a bunch of Palahniuk's novels after seeing it.
  23. In Ultima VII it was your basic baguette. Although I think the baker in Britain had a daily routine where he would bake pastry and cake.
  24. I believe Ultima VII was the first game to have bread baking in it. It allowed you to either make some money without killing monsters or create your own provisions.
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