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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. I am so glad <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, at least we agree that Matt Damon is good at his craft. I thought he acted his socks off in Bourne Supremacy, though. At no time could I see his acting. Fight Club is your Brad Pitt tour-de-force? What about Legends of the Fall, or some other good film?
  2. Certainly the longer versions feel more authentic. I, for one, though, certainly felt my enthusiasm for the epic ebb a little once Christopher Lee's character was terminated so unceremoniously, inelegantly and without any canonical support. Add to that the ineffably dull last scenes, and I felt the down-beat mood of Tolkein's novel, but for the wrong reasons ...
  3. That's plain insulting. You just put a brilliant movie and a waste of celluloid in the same sentence which just should not be done. I stand by my statement. The Bourne Supremacy is one of the worst movies ever. The car chase scene alone proves that, and definately not otherwise. Not only was the car chase scene a cop-out way to try and emulate the original(which was a less than humdinger flick to begin with), it was filmed horribly, had no suspense, and made me want to smack whatever hack directed it upside the head. I can deal with someone using a shaking handheld camera to create an extra feeling of the chaos that's going on to create extra suspense, but an entire sequence of nothing but close-ups using that technique is retarded. You don't see what's going on half the time, and if you do, you can't see it clearly because of all the shaking. The way the entire movie was filmed gave me a migraine. Adding to that the fact that the story was as boring as you can get and the only interesting character from the original was killed off in the beginning as a failed attempt to give some pathos to the wooden board they call a main character leaves you with a film that should not have been made in the first place. That's what you get for trying to make a movie out of Robert goddamn Ludlum's novels. That's was the worst idea since Battlefield: Earth until some dumbass decided to adapt The DaVinci Code. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Interesting point of view. You are entitled to it, of course, even if it is wrong. So you think that Matt Damon is not a good actor, or just the character was not a good vehicle for his talents? Certainly Franka Potente was out of her depth.
  4. Without the scouring of a the Shire ROTK was lacking. While the other changes were irksome nothing except the osgiliath debacle came close. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yep, I agree. Again, I concur; i thought of all the bits that might be cut, or at least pared-down, the ghost-warriors were the highest probability for the chop.
  5. Much credit can go to the awesome Tina Fey. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I see she's written a few items for Saturday Night Live; that shows the merit of the show and her talent.
  6. Well, Tom Bomberdill was cut completely, as was the Wraith scene (which was pretty neat, I thought); I understand editing it out for length concerns, but it was certainly stronger, in a narartive sense, than the council meeting with Elrond. I would like to have seen the epic truly reflect Tolkein's down-beat message, by including the last scenes with Saruman in the Shire; that helped to cement some of the more mature themes in the novel, imo.
  7. I agree. It was a fun little movie. And thank you Kirottu and Musopticon. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yep, I thought it was going to be another "girl teen-film" and I was pleasantly surprised. (I only watched it because my step-daughter insisted: she had seen it before.) It is not the normal grist to the mill, and in fact shows some innovative story-telling. And at least it is not yet-another-sequel-or-remake!
  8. Actually, PJ co-wrote the screenplay, with Philipa Boyens and Fran Walsh, so he shares some blame for the story, considering they were brave enough to change large parts of The Fellowship of the Ring; it was well within their remit to edit The Return of the King (which they did, but not to its betterment, imo). :cool:
  9. OK, so you start with a loaded gun, fire a shot... reload, then fire again, 2.3 seconds later. elapsed time so far is 2.3 seconds. reload, then fire again, 2.3 seconds later. elapsed time is now 4.6 seconds, and 3 shots have been fired. oddly, in less than 5 seconds. a feat previously thought impossible because...? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ...because somebody thought it toook 6.9 seconds....? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ah, the power of numeracy ...
  10. But beware the bukkake head shot my little friend. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Mine, or theirs?
  11. I'd like to see a lot more interaction between the party members, for example, like the Kreia-Atton enmity. Some NPCs should not want to work with others, on principle. Others might work, but grudgingly, and even make snide criticisms when they make mistakes, etc. A bit like the Tomb challenge on Korriban, but better.
  12. I couldn't disagree more. just because it is more difficult, doesn't mean it's not worth doing. For example, back in the eighties, Infocom published Planetfall. In the game, very early on, you meet a little robot, who becomes your companion, until it suddenly risks its life to further the plot . Granted this is linear, but the only difficulty with scripting optional characters is managing the difficulty: this could easily be adjusted with "magic" items and enemy NPC numbers, for example. I really don't see how it is so difficult to script in the death of a party member, and have it affect the plot. (It was done in K2, albeit poorly, in Malachor.) There are numerous sections of both KotORs that have enforced solo and mandatory companions gameplay sections. It's really not much more difficult than that; I don't see why you think this is so hard. Even if it was just one of the party, randomly chosen, that would be a step in the right direction. Or a random party member (default love interest / padawan / master) or, failing that (if the party member survives, for example), an innocent hostage is taken (LS) or special "magic" item is stolen / escapes with retreating enemies (DS), impelling the party / solo character to give chase. It's not hard, really. That's LS, DS, male and female all taken care of, in one paragraph!
  13. Because Canderous, aka the Candy Man, is more a gay icon than an object of female attention. "
  14. But, they're releasing a patch to fix that soon! "
  15. You can still get access; IIRC the Czerka woman gives you the forged credentials.
  16. What is the medal second from the left in the top row? It looks like a baggy Australian bush hat!
  17. Yeah, but Divine Divinity still sucks.
  18. Ha! That just makes me feel older, like when I see the police walking their beat, and I think they can't be out of school, yet. Maybe Kreia, whilst living under the guise of Kae, had one of her (fertilised) embryos kept frozen until some event later in her life ...
  19. Revan who?
  20. useless info: there are only a couple of mystery ingredients (making up less than some fraction of a percentile of the weight per volume of the mixture), and they are kept in a locked safe in the headquarters in Atlanta. Coca Cola actually turned down a lucrative Indian bottling venture because it was insisted that the product had to be made on site, and not shipped in in syrup form; this meant that the ingredients would have to be revealed (to a very few people, admittedly, then again only two know the secret ingredients presently).
  21. You are underestimating the Force. (That's the Force of the Carth Fangirl club membership bloc voting ...)
  22. Yep, Creaming Soda = Sarsperella. :D Guava.
  23. It is a little presumptuous to rule out Kreia based on age, anyway. How old is she meant to look? I can't tell, she's got a blinking hood over her face!
  24. There's a couple of unlimited plasma / carbonite weapons for T3 (should you not want to directly control him, but then again, all the characters are pretty mindless when not under supervision, due to the combat queue AI and bugs); just have only the one waepon useable for the little bin. The biggest problem was the combat queue and AI voiding and populating of same.
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