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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. An idea. They would understand making the ultimate sacrifice to god for the greater good of the world. " <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, the Jews are "God's chosen people", and it seems they were chosen to suffer ... The trouble with that idea is that the terrorists aren't just after the death of all Jews, the destruction of their culture and the eradication of their memory from every history book and person. Next, they'll be after nice houses, cars and a harem of docile, obliging sex slaves.
  2. Free online translations? (Although I should warn you that Hilde tends to come up with some interesting variations in spelling, so if you don't have a latin-english dictionary to hand, you may still not get a good translation ...)
  3. Songbird, Eva Cassidy. (But I was just listening to Elton John, Live in Australia.)
  4. Of course, as you have no argument I can perfectly understand that you don't want to answer and want to deflect away from the fact. King James did not "supervise" anything, Henry VIII had William Tyndale burned at the stake in 1536 for translating the Bible into English. James was just the one to rubber stamp it. But you aren't one for details, are you?
  5. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No it is not, at least for a lot of the Christians that I have spoken with. I suppose you adhere to the strictest interpretation of the Bible, do you? That masturbation is wrong? And blood transfusions? I think the problem is that you don't know what you are talking about, and spouting off your opinion like it matters. The only reason I am calling you on it, btw, is because your continued bigotry, whether you are aware of it or not, will hurt others in lesser or greater ways. Your ideology needs to be amended, so that we can prevent the spread of suffering. (And you claim to be a Christian.)
  6. I see you don't like facts, then? Or why are you so upset that I back up my statements with dictionary defintions, when required? The point about using racist language was not to call you a racist. I know this is difficult for you, so I'll type slowly so that you can keep up. That is what we grown-ups call an analogy. You may have heard of "metaphors" at school. The point is not to transpose the racism, it is to demonstrate that your methodology is flawed. You are acting in an identical way, viz.: making sweeping statements of people based on nothing but your own ignorance. You'd like for me to discriminate against you because of your faith, but I do not. I have respect for intelligent people, regardless of their faith or lack of it. I discriminate against you on the basis of intellect. I call it like I see, whether you like it or not. I called you a bigot, because your language is bigoted. I notice you didn't comment on my direct quote fo yours, in which you are being a bigot. Let me highlight it for you: You are actively discriminating against them, you are a bigot. "It is not natural." So when I say you're a hiprocrite, you are. For a start you claim to be a tolerant Christian, yet you openly bad-mouth people you have no personal contact with, based on a generalisation and NO information. You are a BIGOT. n. One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ. A friend of mine, who happened to be HIV positive for over a decade, was an ardent Christian. He saw no contradiction. He went to church every Sunday, last time I spoke to him. Christianity, the great inclusive religion that Jesus Christ started
  7. qualify would do, rather than quantify. I too have lost a lot of my olfactory acuity, ditto for hearing. Favourite smell? Hmm, depends, if I had to give an answer. Some of the smells I like (in no significant order): baking bread, fresh-ground coffee, just-cut lawn, post-thunderstorm air (high bombardment of soothing negative ions), eucalyptus, lavender, vanilla, my partner, two-stroke petrol mixed with sea air (reminds me of many boating trips from my youth) but due to the laws discovered by pavlov, I now associate the poluted air with pleasantness. Interestingly, this doesn't mean I find all vehicular fumes pleasant.
  8. The English haven't won at "their own" sports since they invented them.
  9. Here. General advice to novice: 1. Lurk before posting. Read as much as possible, like FAQs. (Congratulations, you just asked THE most often asked question on these fora.) 2. Search before posting. 3. If it's the first thing you have thought of, about seven thousand people thought of it first.
  10. I don't care to play the 35+ hours needed to see if he/she is telling the truth so can anybody corroborate the story. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You're familiar with the term "hoax" aren't you?
  11. Well, it seems I have some reading ahead, then. I'll go off and peruse the material. Thanks.
  12. I tried, there is a "No Returns" policy. Still, we are free to make any customisations we like ...
  13. ... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Um, I don't give a tinker's cuss about Floridian law, because it is irrelevant to those of us who do not live within Florida, or indeed even the U.S. Sounds like he sent you email in part of a mass-mail-out; I wonder if that falls foul of the spam laws?
  14. Information WANTS to be FREE!
  15. I agree there, i have a gut feeling though, that K3 (if its ever developed) will have absolutely nothing to do with the two previous games until the climax of the story. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And based on the level of idiocy displayed herein, that can only be a good thing.
  16. You are completely ignoring the blatant contradictions written in the Bible. Or is that down to the infallibility of man, interpreting the sacred word of your God? I hate arguing with Christians, because most of them are too stupid to recognise when they are wrong. I have nothing against faith; but blind faith is for idiots. You are an idiot.
  17. You are actively discriminating against them, you are a bigot. Read what you just wrote, and replace the homosexual references with racial ones: you wouldn't dare post that, would you? (Or would you?)
  18. Since I'm sure you had me in mind, I'll answer this for you. Well, when you believe a 2000 year-old book is divinely inspired, then yes you do tend to obey what it says. Besides, if it's okay for a man to love a man (and I mean passion love, not brotherly love), then would you say it's okay for a man (or woman) of mature age to love a young boy or girl? Michael Jackson would certainly agree. Are you seriously comparing Homosexuality to Pedophilia? Are you aware of the difference between two adults having consensual sex, and one adult having sex with someone who does not have the ability to consent? If it's okay for a man to love (and in this case I mean love in the having sex sense) a woman, then would you say it's okay for a man (or woman) to love another man or woman against their will? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [1]Many gay people end up going straight. Some people might think they're gay or straight, only to turn out not being that way. Granted, it's not that way for all of them. Of course it's not okay for someone to love someone against their will, but in this case, it's choosing the path that is more gratifying. [2]@ Lucius: If you believe in God and that God is eternal and that the Bible is his/her/its word, then of course you would obey the entity that created the Earth. I am not a conservative Christian, I'm more moderate, but I still hold to many of the lessons taught by the Bible. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 1. Great statistical analysis, there. You've convinced me! /sarcasm You sound like someone who has never even (knowlingly) met a "dirty, confused" homosexual. 2. You reek of uninformed bigotry, based on "divine guidance". Sounds like you are more fundamentalist than you even realise. Why don't you go out and walk a mile in their shoes, before casting that first stone, Mr Glasshouse?
  19. http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=brogue I see dictionaries are abstruce: a strange and mystical esoterica to you. It is even the first entry of the two homonyms. brogue
  20. Do you know if your influence with Visas drops, does Handmaiden start talking to you again?? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No.
  21. We will see!!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What colour is the sky in Pollyannaland, MacLeod? Lollipop pink? You obviously suit your vocation very well, I'll give you that ...
  22. Nope. I am a novice. (I shall skim the documentation provided by Ender and your good self, but I was thinking of playing a noble Sabbat ...)
  23. Well, it was the end of their empire that was the final straw for the camel, and they never did recover ...
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