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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. Something about the emasculated state, and cosequential delusions of adequacy, of lepidoptera?
  2. There are already some (women) immune to HIV, who have no symptoms despite being infected with eight or nine different strains. Too bad the chance for you being likewise immune is minute. So goodbye astr0creep! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Are you referring to those african prostitutes? I thought that they were a hoax due to the the tests not being trustworthy or something. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Nope, they are real enough (not that I've done the blood tests, but I saw it on a reliable tv doco; also it is statistically believable). They are currently in the middle of a long-term study ... you can appreciate the pot of gold at the end of that rainbow.
  3. Thank you for your kind response, indicated by your continued silence.
  4. But it takes you to where you can get a fair and even-handed discourse on the merits of the Rome:Total War expansion ...
  5. As long as it's not consumating that relationship with the unicorn ...
  6. Try it again. "
  7. If I act on my lucid dreaming abilities and try to fly, I fear that that may too be a harmful delusion ...
  8. Epic Arcane Arch-Dungeon Master of the Inner Circle of Grand Wizards
  9. Why so agnostic? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I would say realistic not agnostic. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hype serves no useful purpose to the game development cycle; in fact I would counter that it does a lot more harm than good. Pressure to get the game out, get the return on the marketing investment and hurry up and get onto the next Big Moneymaking Thing. Bad.
  10. What about Chess. My mobile phone has a mean game of chess.
  11. That's a pretty obviously truism. If LA publish a game, which engenders pumping several millions into a marketing campaign, then it is only logical that anyone in the gravy train will necessarily get a fillup. It still doesn't mean anything.
  12. I didn't want to buy it because I wanted my Roman Empire to last forever ... ... but then the extra play options (night battles!), the best combat of a Civ-like game and the chance to play one of two halves of the remainder of the Roman Empire! :D *Installing*
  13. There are already some (women) immune to HIV, who have no symptoms despite being infected with eight or nine different strains. Too bad the chance for you being likewise immune is minute. So goodbye astr0creep!
  14. I'm pretty sure a thumbs up doesn't equal best film ever. A thumbs up means the film was watchable. Walsingham said Oceans 12 was entertaining, and I agree. It's a fun movie. It's not high art. Minority Report was also very watchable. It wasn't awe inspiring, but I thought it was interesting. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And here we have a semantic divirgence. Let us take the case of = ok, not bad. Therefore we are diluting a good score (for something like the Director's cut of Bladerunner) with something that won't make you stand up and turn over the tv if you've dropped the remote but you might keep surking the web as well (like The Return of the Jedi). Also, mediocre reviews are meaningless. Unless the film holds some evidenciary novelty (noted in the accompanying review) then it doesn't matter if it's good, passable or just misses. I'm not going to watch it. If it's egregiously good (or bad) I'll check it out. So the symbol is wasted and pointless on anything with delusions of adequacy. PS Minority Report is a good short story and a very pedestrian film.
  15. You should really try to get over that dream you had with you and the talking unicorn and the afternoon in the orchard ...
  16. Ten Yard Fight (American Football sit-down arcade game) Super Punchout I and II (Stand up arcade games)
  17. Good point, Steve. Also compare the people living in a war zone (like downtown LA - ha! just kidding) and a safer environment. PJ O'Rourke made a funny observation when he holidayed in Beruit many years ago. The locals went water-skiing despite the ever-present and high probability risk of sniper attack: they regarded it as just another possible pitfall, like shark attacks. Cf. the middle class mother who insists on driving a tank that she cannot park, turn or otherwise man
  18. You are just jealous of the nonplutophillic relationship these bold spirits have.
  19. metadigital


    It's brilliant, but I think dg wanted a scary looking avatar, so you need to draw it with the cloak drawn ...
  20. And who would publish that? You seem to have the impression that censorship needs to be applied in case this person expresses something harmful, but the truth is that to be heard he needs to appeal to the media or a publisher, and they usually have ethical standards. Even if they do not, they would think twice about publishing something that will tarnish their image or get them into trouble with the law. Therefore I find that censoring this man's right to free speech does not present much of a problem where it concerns his victims or their families. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Horsefeathers. If there is money to be made then someone will publish it. There are murderers on death row who are millionaires because of their book sales (and the greed of the unscrupulous in publishing and other areas). How is publishing a book / autobiography part of free speech for prisoner. Sure, let them write whatever they want, but there is no automatic "right" for them to have access to society, including a voice. I wonder if you would have the same point of view if your sister, aunt, daughter, cousin was raped / assaulted / murdered and the criminal only received the maximum penalty under law and was due out of prison in ten years? (Not every society has capital punishment.) There is quite the philosophical debate about whether the presumption of innocence and the impact that the protection of the rights of criminals has on the rights of victims. I know I would rather be a killer than a victim in today's society ... Nope, all rights suspended subject to censure and censorship. Rights can be earned back during rehabilitation (if possible).
  21. From the dev comments about it I must agree. I just seems to be NWN-lite is my impression so far. This is biowares last chance at self redemption in my eyes. If they cant pull out a decent story in a full game this time around I am all done with them. I am not going to buy it unless I see overwhelming praise for the story. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I can see the Bioware Board of Directors short-selling their options now at the mere thought of upseting you ...
  22. Sounds pretty kew-el. (I also just picked up Barbarian Invasion, so I may not be playing it straight away ... " )
  23. FFVII Sucked! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Maybe it does compared to previous FF titles however it is still much better then the FFs that followed and it basically made what the PS1 is today. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Aha! That was the one I played, 'cause I bought it for my PSone. Stupid game. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I bought a PS1 WITH and FOR FF7. Cost me like 400$can. Never regretted it. I played the s*** out of that game. And many others. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh, I played it. I played past that stupid swampy-thing, then past that bit with the hillside soldier camp doodad, then got to that big map of places with the rock caves and all the other different bits. Hours. Days. Weeks. And yes, months of pretty solid playing, before I looked at what I'd done, what I had to do, and where I was, and then gave up. It just wasn't fun, it was feeding an obsessive-compulsive itch, is all.
  24. I just bought Fredom Force & The Third Reich (
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