What's the question? Is it okay for men to sculpt themselves, like women do?
I don't see any imperative for men to do so, after all "sexy" is defined differently for males and females. Females need to be look in peak health in the early stages of their child-bearing years, so the emphasis has (unnaturally) moved to an extreme, whereby women seem to be chasing some phantom of a baby-face and barbie proportions. (as an aside, the "heroin chic" look is a result of gay men in the fashion industry masculinizing the female form into an adrogenous middle-sex: certainly tall and slim is a better clothes-horse.) Men, on the other hand, are defined by their achievements: their power in society (quite often money is equated as short-hand).
So men having cosmetic surgery would only be for vanity's sake. Except that their is also a worrying trend of ageism in the workplace: people over fifty seem to be discriminated against and the discrimination is not politically incorrect yet.
Apart from the above, the only other reason for plastic surgery is for those who suffer from body-dysmorphic disorder (a mental disorder where they exaggerate their flaws and cannot live with them).