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Everything posted by Bazy

  1. "Attribute Balance - Testers have reported that Perception and Resolve are less compelling for their character builds than Might, Constitution, Dexterity, and Intellect. We are discussing different solutions for this." http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/66764-update-84-welcome-to-the-backer-beta/
  2. Paying money for enchanting is rather immersion breaking. And to a lesser extent crafting as well. I mean where did that money go? into the enchant? Into the potion? Into the vegetable soup?
  3. How could anyone disagree with that accent? It can also be a bit hard to tell when a caster is going to cast a spell.
  4. Which are way too strong. But at the same time necessary to counter the bursty damage.
  5. I think it's very psychological. It's okay to use my per encounter abilities because I will get them right back. It's not ok for my per rest because I might need them for a harder fight. Another reason why chanters are amazing. You don't have to worry about that There was a big discussion a long time ago where it was decided that "skills" would be "non-combat"
  6. Yep. A couple times I just ran my tank in. Cast beetle shell on him. Then used my naked mage and druid to aoe on top of him. And they just sat in it. Pounding on the beetle shell. I kind of wish mobs would target low armor targets, unless they engaged in melee by the tank. Right now the engagement limit is pointless because they all run to the tank anyway if he is in front.
  7. This does seem to be the case. You can apply the same general strat to almost every fight. Which can get really boring. I Sometimes just want to charge in and kill things.
  8. F&C isn't supposed to give a deflection bonus according to wiki
  9. I didn't think I would like "per encounter" abilities. But I am really enjoying them. I *think* having more per encounter abilities instead of per rest would be cool. I like being able to use my abilities and not feel like I have to "save them" Per encounter feel like a cooldown. Per rest feel like a consumable.
  10. It really does feel like this. Every battle is me getting "set up" and carefully pulling back/CC to my tanks while my ranged to their thing. And then my other melee go in when its safe. I kind of wish I could play more aggressively (ie charge in)especially with my melee but I would take so much damage. Yep, and therefore also concentration. Especially for ranged. Agreed, but also think this is a problem with the AI behavior to attack whatever is closest no matter what and never switch targets (unless engaged in melee).
  11. Larger would probably be better
  12. We can hope. But we can only give feedback on what's available.
  13. Position your rogue farther away from the mobs than your other toons. When combat start they will run to the closer enemy.
  14. Right now the "difficulty" in POE seems to come from mobs hitting really hard or there being a lot of them to handle at once. This is ok at times. But overall Difficulty should come from enemies that work in different ways and challenge you to think about the choices you have and the tools to use. Why are the beetles hard? they do a lot of damage Why are the lions hard? they do a lot of damage Why are the spiders hard? There are a lot of them At the same time these enemies all act very similar. Attack first enemy it sees. This results in almost every single encounter being essentially the same. Have your tank absorb the damage and CC if there are a lot. You never really are force to think/do anything else. This in turn, means melee toons are a liability because they are not good in this "meta," Ranged characters dominate. So currently yes the game is hard, if you have bunch of melee or position poorly. It's kind of a joke if you have a bunch of ranged and position decently. Either way, it gets repetitive. The difficulty levels don't really change this. They make things "harder," but don't really challenge you to make choices.
  15. They have an animal charm spell. But I meant philosophically. I don't want to hurt those poor innocent beetles.
  16. Fighters get a deflection bonus and some abilities that help with tanking. None are necessary. The buffs from: armor, your weapon, party member buffs, potions, scrolls, food, your CON, all play a bigger part. Also Pally's have some "tanky" abilities themselves.
  17. How do you enable no-head mode?
  18. Interesting read. I feel you about the wizard line-of-sight issues. Their auto attack range also seems to be much shorter than other ranged characters so I often thought they were just running to get "in range"
  19. I agree. Especially when I'm playing a druid
  20. How can they get any simpler? They attack and stick to the first thing they see. Just send your tank in then aoe to death in like 10 seconds.
  21. It seems my memory was a bit off. Even so; as it stand poe is far above the IWD/BG2 range. I think it depends on how you play: 1) If you run it with a bunch of melee it is tough 2) If you send your tank in first and have your ranged do all the work/cc when necessary it's pretty easy The mobs hit hard. But almost everything is easy to avoid with decent positioning or some CC. Once you figure this out it become pretty repetitive due to lack of variety. To be clear I would prefer to play in Style 1. But I also don't like dying.
  22. Yes you do, and if you are very careful you can prevent them from overrunning your party. Again though; these are trash mobs. I shouldn't have to try so hard just to survive against them. BG2 certainly wasn't that hard where every battle was freakin' struggle if you weren't careful. Again, Josh specifically stated that poe wouldn't be harder than BG2. So he has work to do to balance the difficulty. "Our normal difficulty will not be tuned for casual players at all. It will not be as hard as IWD2 but should be in the IWD/BG2 range. Bumping it to Hard should put you into IWD2+ territory." http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/65036-pillars-of-eternity-has-lots-of-abilities-but-will-we-truly-need-to-use-them/?view=findpost&p=1414574
  23. Can I ask what difficulty you are playing on? The enemies move too fast and are too tough. As a result; in order to beat them you need to use careful tactics. Consider the lions; if you just follow the path without much concern you will be swarmed by a pack of lions and almost certainly be killed on any difficulty but easy. In order to beat them you have to either bait them in small groups, or use some skillful tactics. Remember, these are trash mobs not bosses. This is not a special encounter, just a few foes meant to break up exploration. It's not that I can't beat them; it's that it requires too much effort. I'll put it this way: I like to fight Bowser, but sometimes I just wanna stomp on goombas. I played on Normal. I agree some mobs should be very easy. I think the lions are where they should be. They hit really really hard. But they are also dumb and will focus your tank. So either buff up your tank or CC the lions. The problem is every other encounter is the same way. The speed thing is an issue. I found the slow down feature to be very useful for early/mid combat until I have it under control. I'm not sure what to say about being swarmed. Don't you see them before they see you?
  24. Why do you feel the mobs are challenging? I found they will pretty much just attack the first target they see. If this is the tank, everyone else could just sit back and kill from afar. And the only time I feel the IE games were difficult were the first few level (Tarnesh), mobs with insta-gib mechanics (int drain), or 2 minute hold spells cast on my tank. Everything else was pretty faceroll. I couldn't imagine playing them today without the stratagem Mods.
  25. I'm going to assume you're joking No talk of Priests, monks, or paladins. Also agree about WL2. The progress from early beta to now is drastic.
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