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Everything posted by Bazy

  1. Yah some kind of feedback would be nice. I had the same reaction you did.
  2. I kind of hope so. I would imagine most of the time they are still going to want to keep attacking your fighter.... But how ****ing cool would it be if some guy was going for my mage... and was intercepted by my fighter.... and was like hell no, and interrupted my fighter to break engage so he could continue to go after my mage... so my mage actually had to do something besides stand there and cast offensive spells. ohhhhhhhhhhh
  3. I still continue to cast spells on portraits... I can't help it
  4. I would also be tickled if I ran across some npcs that had food/inn buffs. Are we the only ones that eat and sleep?!??!?!?!!?
  5. You just bumped a 5 month old thread.
  6. Technically you start at level 1 on the beta.
  7. Pre-buffing is fine. And should be in the game. Fights, however, should not generally be balanced around pre-buffing. The big exception to this is if you are able to scout ahead. If you are in a lair of dragons... I would hope the game expects you to expect fire damage and adjust your strategy accordingly. If you are playing on harder difficulty... food, potion and inn buffs should be expected. Especially with a maim before death system. But if fights are balanced around meta-gaming and reload spam.... No no no no no There is no reason why passives/modals should not always be on. Chanter songs being a very understandable exception.
  8. That is interesting Still not sure who would want concentration other than a monk or non-fighter tank.
  9. Can you clarify this? I thought resting was one stop shopping for all that ill's you: return to full Health, cure your maimings and reset abilities and spells. Why would there be skills / abilities that add on to the amount of Health recovered while resting? They are "per rest" abilities, not "while resting"
  10. I would be overjoyed to see an AI actually use a potion or item.
  11. Why would you leave it at 10 and not go all the way to 3?
  12. It's not the "only" method: If everyone in your party picked up Field Triage and Bind Wound... That would be a base of 1020 Health Restoration per rest.
  13. The currently available island aumaua portraits that we have look more like gnomes than aumaua. Kana Rua for example, looks so much different.
  14. Not gonna lie... this made me laugh.
  15. Please keep as feature. I like my ghostly characters!
  16. Good AI targeting and abilities use also helps. Ramping up Damage/Health is indeed a terribly boring solution. AI that makes me react or make tradeoffs is far more interesting... The first beta build AI was awful... they attacked the first thing they saw and stuck to it (even if invulnerable) while a bunch of naked casters killed them from afar. It's def better now, not sure to what extent.
  17. Good point. Same goes with other buffs, potion use, etc. I hate when AI drop potions, but never figure out how to use them.
  18. What is the best tank and offtank? I think in terms of passive defenses Fighter is clearly the best... but bring almost nothing else to the fight. Every class seems viable tank if you sword (hatchet) and board them, except monks. I can see priest/chanter tanks being really amazing late game. Being nearly as tanky as a fighter, but with much more utility/damage.
  19. This has been apparent over the last couple weeks. (I was impressed that a developer would post a new beta client at 6pm, realize it's wrong and post another one at 10pm the same night) Also.... MOAR PORTRAITS!
  20. This so much. A mod can have so many great features but be unusable if it has one mandatory crappy feature.
  21. Great idea. Why isn't this more common? As nice as the portraits are is hard to find ones that fit my custom characters. Though, this is the kind of thing you can find elsewhere. Still probably better for them to focus on the POE unique types of portraits
  22. I know there is the bestiary thing. How does this work for humanoids. Do I need to be attacking with a high lore character?
  23. There is only one female Aumaua. Which I thought was a dwarf for the longest time :/
  24. true, but the effects I'm referring to are not flames. It's a bunch of blue particle effects... like droplets of water.
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