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Posts posted by kefka

  1. Anyone else a little tired of the "phat lewt" you get in these games? Even Kotor continues this trend. Dominator gauntlets, regeneration implants, robes that boost your wisdom (how does that work? :) ) and so on... We're a Jedi here (or sith). That means they use the force and lightsaber only. By Kotor's end you're like a walking tank with more utility belts than Batman.


    Don't get me wrong, I like powerful items, but only when they're extremely rare. It's even worse as a Jedi. They should rely on their skills, not the loot they collect.

  2. A protocol droid would be nice, but then you'd need to have situations written specifically for you to use it, otherwise it's just a piece of junk. Maybe 'he' can provide additional information on the alien races you meet, not just translation, which then gives extra dialog in conversations... like "insight" in NWN.

  3. Even the Force was overdone in Kotor. It was far too easy to gain powers. You should meet some other criteria than just level - make you earn them. I remember when force lightning was a special ability that only the emporer could do. Well, Lucas kinda ruined that with Dooku, but in Kotor even lowly Sith toss lightning around! That was cheap. Kotor2 should make them unique again, let's say by having some powers limited to a specific class, or requiring high stats - wisdom.. charisma, etc.

  4. oh come now... that ain't true and you know it. the dialogues and scenes with the emperor and darth vader was almost exclusively included to show us just how nasty they was. dress 'em up in black and play ominous music, and have them torture folks or reveal plans to kill/hurt the hero's loved ones and friends.

    There's one scene with the emperor that always cracks me up. When he's bragging about Endor being a trap, he leans forward slowly, and in his best mocking tone, says: "oh I'm afraid the deflector shield will be quite operational when your friends arrive"... and then smirks... I half expected him to twirl his moustache (if he had one), it was such blatant, cartoonish evil.

  5. Anyway, Kefka I have to say I like your ideas and the web site u posted about the jedi fighting styles, is that your web site??

    No, it isn't my website, but thanks for asking :rolleyes:


    Anyway, even if Obsidian don't include unique styles, I'm happy about the new animations. When every attack looks the same, regardless of level, you get no sense of progression. As your character improves I want to see that, not just as extra damage or stats.

  6. I don't like romances. They always seem forced and artificial. I'd rather they focus on the actual game. If a romance is included the player should have full control. In Kotor, Bastila asked all the questions and you just reply. It would be better to initiate conversation yourself and have various questions the player can ask -- not a single line "you look bothered, can I help" or something.

  7. In the beginning of the game someone recognizes you as one of Revan's former followers and you're brought up for a hearing about it. At first, they give you a datapad with diffirent pictures of Revan, containing all the selectable characters, male and female from KotOR1, from where you can identify one as Revan. After that, they'll ask about what happened to him after the Star Forge, where you can select from DS/LS ending, who survived and so on...

    That's a pretty good idea.


    Of course, they might just leave Revan in the robes and mask. No need to choose a face then. His voice is the problem... that would require 2 sets, male/female, unless they make him male by default :unsure:

  8. Korriban works best after the Leviathan, and if you're DS, then you can just revel in your darkness.


    The 2 Sith masters are unlike the others. True, they're still motivated by power and their dialog reflects that, but they aren't the mindless bullies we've seen before. They outline their ideals and actually make a good case for joining. Each day could be your last though, betrayal and plots are rife.


    Uthar & Yuthura are my favorite characters in the game.

    If Kotor2 has complex Sith like those I'll be happy. Malak didn't impress me at all. He was a cardboard-cutout villain with an evil laugh.


    To be honest, most game villains take their cue from "Johnny Quest"... I don't see that changing either.

  9. NPCs sould have their own moral standing and stick by it, the effect player actions in the game world sould not affact their morality except make then being displeased towards the main character and only in certain especial events they sould revaluate their moral standing.

    I can't argue with that.


    But Kotor2 as the case in point, apparently certain NPCs idolize your character and are tempted in whatever direction the PC goes because you're exerting a powerful influence on them. If they don't like you much to begin with your ability to affect them is reduced.

  10. Besides if PS:T2 was another incarnation of the Nameless one it would not be a progress

    If PS:T ever has a sequel I wouldn't want to play TNO again. His story is over. But then you'd probably get complaints from people that it isn't a true sequel.


    As for Kotor, it is about Jedi. Kotor2 is also about Jedi.


    If there's a Kotor3, 4, 5, and 6... expect more Jedi.


    And the best way of telling a Jedi story is for you to be one.


    All we can hope is that Kotor's success encourages a bit more creativity and willingness to take risks. But at present being a Jedi is incredibly popular. The mega sales only reinforce that. Eventually, people will become bored with Jedi through overkill.

  11. Ever think that they already have a story-line written for your character to be a jedi?

    You think they are going to totally re-work the design just so a small fraction of maybe-consumers might be happy?

    And I'm sure even if they did give more options, you would still find something to bitch about.

    That sums up the situation perfectly.

  12. This is a rpg not an action game.

    That's debatable. :(


    Kotor2 should have more options during combat, and more importantly, the need to use them.


    At present, you can load the 'queue' up with Force Wave and never do another thing until your enemies are dead. Just sit back and watch the show. If that's what passes for tactical combat in an RPG these days, then maybe Kotor should be an action game.

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