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Everything posted by varangy

  1. Yes, I have intel hd3000 in my laptop and the game runs fine.
  2. You better switch to Linux.
  3. They need something to have for the expansions
  4. I see the same but I am not sure if it is a bug. However, if it isnt a bug, then it ahould be visible on all the other character screens too.
  5. You wouldnt roleplay a warrior with 6 might, because that means our guy has very little strength. A guy with low strength wouldnt be a warrior. Roleplaying is not about having **** characters, but rather having characters *you* believe could exist in that particular world.
  6. Also running the game on a desktop with Arch 64 bit and an AMD 6950 with open source driver. However, I experience no issues, and the game runs fine.
  7. Confirmed charm beast spell bug. It works for me for around 1 sec too.
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