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  1. 1. Dialouge. Quality over quantity anyday. Though quantity in some parts of the game would be nice. 2. Romance. It was subtle, and did not take away much from the story. Though I wish you could romance someone who was playing hard to get... 3. Saving system. Thank God. Whole lot better than the first. 4. Switch weapon button. 'Nuff said. 5. Empty containers.
  2. Visas. I mean, its voiced by Kelly Hu! Freaking Kelly Hu! What more do you want?
  3. It's somewhere in this thread. Search for it. Damn it. Damn it. DAMNIT. Just reading Atton's death moved me, hell, reading the whole thing moved me. Imagine experiencing that ending - wow. I would have gladly waited a year for Obsidian to include that ending. Damn it, I would gladly wait for 3 years for that ending alone. Damn it.
  4. Ever since Darth Maul came with the double-bladed saber, people have been going "zOMG teh doble saber is sooooo r00xx00rs my b00xx00rs". Sure it was cool at first, but now people would choose double bladed given the choice. Dual sabers is even more ridiculous. Anakin using it in Ep II was cool and all, but before Ep II, if I recall correctly, a Jedi with 2 sabers was rare, maybe even unheard of. Now games like Jedi Academy and KoTOR have Dark Jedi having two sabers and saber staffs (especially JA). What happened to the old ways, single saber style? In my opinion, having a single saber was great. Luke - IMO, probably the most powerful Jedi ever - single saber. Obi-Wan - single. Anakin (whiny as he is, but still powerful) - single. Mace Windu - most badass character with the lightsaber - guess how many sabers he uses? Alot of people think its cool and all to have a double-bladed saber or dual sabers. But frankly speaking, due to the immense fanatism of these sabers, single saber is undoubtedly the most 'cool', ironic as it is.
  5. The 1.3 patch fixes this problem. Getting loads of computer spikes from T3 had never been easier. " And no containers on the Hawk? Argh. Anyway, I don't really have any qualms about the new HUD. The only difference from KotOR's HUD to TSL's HUD is that your party's potrait, the menu where you activate your force powers, stims, etc. are switched, and its green instead of blue. And there's the 'switch weapon' button and an hour-glass thingy beside your character's potrait. All the other differences are subtle. I'm getting used to it already. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What's the point anyways you can carry as much as you want. If you don't need something sell it. No point in storing stuff in the containers..... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No, you don't get it. Of course there is no point storing your items in the containers. *sigh* In order to get alot of stuff made by your party members, you had to keep them in containers (the cargo hold had containers). You could then return to them (your party members) and ask them to make the same item again and again - this was especially the case for Jolee who made Life Support Packs. Example - You need alot of computer spikes for a particular quest. Go back to the Ebon Hawk, store all your spikes in one of the containers, keep requesting from T3 for spikes until he can't make them anymore. Store these spikes again, and ask T3 for more. There's a limit to how many a party member can make for one planet, 20 I think. (except for Jolee, he really is the kit factory ) This could only work effectively in KotOR 1 if you had installed the 1.3 patch, which allows items to be transferred to containers without the item window itself being closed everytime.
  6. The 1.3 patch fixes this problem. Getting loads of computer spikes from T3 had never been easier. " And no containers on the Hawk? Argh. Anyway, I don't really have any qualms about the new HUD. The only difference from KotOR's HUD to TSL's HUD is that your party's potrait, the menu where you activate your force powers, stims, etc. are switched, and its green instead of blue. And there's the 'switch weapon' button and an hour-glass thingy beside your character's potrait. All the other differences are subtle. I'm getting used to it already.
  7. Jeez, put some freakin' spoiler tags
  8. Why don't you do what most of the PC users here do. Wait.
  9. Damn straight. I'll be leaving in a few hours. Ciao, everyone.
  10. DS Male Jedi Sentinel / Sith Assassin Single Lightsaber - Red Strength - 10 Dexterity - 14 Constitution - 14 Intelligence - 14 Wisdom - 12 Charisma - 14 Prefer DEX over STR because having a higher chance to hit your opponet beats having extra damage. CON is very important to me, because if I run away from an opponent just to use a medpac, I feel like a wuss. Intelligence is also important, because skills are really important in TSL (Bashing may damage items, so I'm not going to do that). Wisdom is lower because you can always wait for it to replenish in between battles, and I prefer to hack n' slash, engage in combat and take damage, instead of simply destroying everything using only Force Powers in the first game without anyone touching you, too easy. EDIT - Plus, having lower FP makes me plan how to use my Powers more carefully during combat. Charisma, well, gotta be a manipulative bastard. May help with romances too.
  11. The manual is in colour! W00t!
  12. I think he looks more like Jesus, but that's just me.
  13. "There are 11 Lightsaber forms to learn (though you can only learn 7 total), which allow you to choose the type of defense and offense to match the situation. There are forms to handle being surrounded by opponents, for taking on foes with blasters, and even a Lightsaber form to handle Jedi." It doesn't say 11 forms total it says 11 LIGHTSABER forms, whether its right or wrong we wont know until we play the game. But from the way ut sounds there, there will be 15 forms total (11 Lightsaber forms and 4 force forms). Also for those who are interested all the lightsaber forms which can be learned in the game are open to any type of saber and also to multiple sabers as well. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Read my post on the first page: In KOTOR II, you can learn up to six of the seven Jedi Lightsaber Forms. These Lightsaber Forms are the domain of the Sentinels and Guardians. Consulars learn the most basic ones, but then study Force Forms, which affect how they utilize their Force Powers. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Great. Now I'm confused. One dev said that there would be 11 Lightsaber Forms, another dev said there would be 7, and another said that we could learn 6 out of the 7 Lightsaber Forms. Argh, damn you devs, make up your mind!
  14. In this pic, Kreia apparently has 2 hands. WTF? New screenshot, BTW.
  15. As you all remember in the first KotOR, being DS was arguably easier than LS. Not only could you gain more credits by being a bully, which helped in Taris where you had little money, (which, IMO, made being DS a real turn-off, but anyway), you could also use Force Storm, Force Choke (which made for some really interesting dialog options), Drain Life, etc. No matter what you do, your LS NPCs will still stick by you. Now, however, things could be different. Being good to people and droids will probably go well with the majority of your NPCs who are LS. This in turn might help you gain more influence over them. But if you are Dark Side and keep terrorizing that freak of a Bantha along the street, chances are this will not settle to well with your party, possibly losing influence over them as well. What are your thoughts? Discuss.
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