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Everything posted by kanisatha

  1. Sure. I agree, and if I ever play BG2 I always play through ToB as well. But quite a number of other people seem to not care for playing ToB.
  2. That was the experience for many from the first game, but Owlcat have actively sought to learn from that experience and try to do better this time. So automatically assuming it will be a buggy launch is a questionable assumption. And besides, even in the first game, they addressed the most pressing bug issues very quickly, within just a few weeks, where the devs voluntarily pulled 18-hour days to get it done. If there's one thing to be said for Owlcat, they're super-committed to their customers.
  3. This game seems to have greatly benifitted from its time spent in EA, as it looks so much better than when it went into EA. It's on my Steam wishlist.
  4. This is kind of how I view SoD as well, as an additional chapter to BG1 more so than a true linking up of BG1 and BG2. And of course, in that case, it is subjective whether that extra chapter to BG1 is necessary/useful or not. For me it was, mainly because I love BG1 way more than BG2, and so having an extra chapter to play in BG1 is nice since I replay BG1 sometimes, but hardly ever BG2. And in a perfect parallel, this debate mirrors the debate we've had for twenty years about whether ToB was necessary/useful as an extra chapter to BG2.
  5. Release date for now is Q1 next year. But I agree about EA games.
  6. Yes I agree, and that's my point. According to the study, though, people who believe in conspiracy theories and people who distrust the government are one and the same, apparently because distrusting the government is the equivalent of being a conspiracy nut.
  7. Seems like a load of politically self-serving B.S. so as to allow claiming: If you distrust the government, you're a disagreeable person with bad traits. I imagine governments in places like Beijing, Tehran, Havana, and Pyongyang will LOVE this "study."
  8. They actively read their own forum. It is my understanding they're very active on the game's Discord site. And I believe they have a feedback link but that's for people playing the beta.
  9. I saw this too. But the article doesn't give any information, even speculative, about what it may be ('cause I'm dying to know!).
  10. You could go point these things out to them. They're extremely welcoming of feedback.
  11. Nice! Then it was more recent. The Big E. She's still in my rotation of desktop wallpapers.
  12. Which boats did you deploy with? Must've been Forrestal or Kitty Hawk classes.
  13. I've had Kingdoms Reborn on my Steam wishlist for some time, alongside Ostriv, Ancient Cities, and Medieval Dynasty. Haven't tried any of them yet because I dislike buying/playing Early Access games. Just added Patron to the list after you brought it up here. Thanks!
  14. Ah, the Perries. Workhorse of the late Cold War. Got used a lot in the miniatures wargames my friends and I used to play back in the '80s when I was in college.
  15. Yeah. Typical for Boeing these days. Shoddy workmanship seems to be the norm for them.
  16. Maybe a 'disagree' button more so than a 'dislike' button. Too much hate and vilification on the Internet as is.
  17. I avoid US domestic politics discussions. But world politics is fair game given that it's my profession as an international relations academic. And you won't get any defense of the liberal international order from me. I'm a staunch realist and am happy to see the LIO dying right now and love watching all my fellow liberal (in the political science sense of that word) academics wringing their hands in agitation. But, the faults of the IMF and WB were more incompetence and stupidity. The BRI is malicious by design and intent. My country of origin from a long time ago is Sri Lanka. What China has done there, and specifically the Hambantota port deal, which has now become a classic case study in many international relations classes and textbooks, is a worse form of colonialism than anything the British did. To use China's own silly rhetoric, it is colonialism with a happy face, which is a far more insidious form of colonialism than the brute force colonialism of the old Europeans.
  18. Not only the Tibetans but also the Mongols, Uighurs, and Koreans have historically suffered Chinese oppression. And even today China seeks to take land from India, Bhutan, Burma, and all the countries around the South China Sea. Also, the tribute system *was* colonialism. And in that vein the so-called "belt and road initiative", which is China's contemporary tribute system, is 21st century colonialism.
  19. Ah piece of cake. Plenty of time leftover.
  20. And early man would've had plenty of reason and incentive to build these crazy things, because if I were living thousands of years ago I swear I would have gone mad with boredom. I mean, no computers to play videogames?! Seriously?! Well, at least give me a pyramid to build with my spare time!
  21. Agreed, and this in turn leads to the show's personalities whining about how desperately we need our alien superiors to come back and save us from ourselves.
  22. What I hated most about DA:I was constantly having to kill packs of wolves. Cannot go anywhere without running into them as they constantly respawn. The generic enemy respawning needs to be hugely toned down.
  23. Our AI overlords taking over can't come soon enough. I'm really tired of the stupid humans.
  24. Yeah they've said it will be a completely new crew in a completely new star system. Plus, I imagine they want it to be a game someone can play without ever having touched the first game.
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