Yeah Malachor was mentioned in K1, i think it's Candarous that tells you about it in one of his war stories. I'm pretty sure anyways, i havent played K1 in a loooong time.
And just an idea i thought up, to choose which gender/alignment Revan and the Exile were. It could be like the epilogue, where you play the Handmaiden(or of course Disciple).
Handmaiden/Disciple are teaching some Jedi Padawans about the history of the Jedi, and you tell them about Revan and the Exile and their exploits and all that stuff.
Handmaiden/Disciple are in the Jedi Archives and enter the stuff about Revan and Exile into the computer.
This takes place either in the rebuilt Jedi academy on Dantooine or in the Jedi temple on Coruscant.(Most likely Dantooine though)