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About Derro

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. Yeah Malachor was mentioned in K1, i think it's Candarous that tells you about it in one of his war stories. I'm pretty sure anyways, i havent played K1 in a loooong time. And just an idea i thought up, to choose which gender/alignment Revan and the Exile were. It could be like the epilogue, where you play the Handmaiden(or of course Disciple). Handmaiden/Disciple are teaching some Jedi Padawans about the history of the Jedi, and you tell them about Revan and the Exile and their exploits and all that stuff. OR Handmaiden/Disciple are in the Jedi Archives and enter the stuff about Revan and Exile into the computer. This takes place either in the rebuilt Jedi academy on Dantooine or in the Jedi temple on Coruscant.(Most likely Dantooine though)
  2. Oh My God...... The "Mandalore Speculation" has been ended for a loong time, man.
  3. You have to beat the game 3 times with all the characters with the same name so its under the same load file thing. I have played through 1nce light-male, 2nd time dark-male, and this is my 3rd time playing through with all my characters named "Derro" and im geting the extra dialogue.
  4. My favorite ones are: 1. Atton 2. Jolee 3. Zalbaar 4. and Mandalore 5. Malak, Nihilus, Sion and Kreia Least favorite ones: 1. Juhani- holy crap its sooo boring 2. G0-T0 - i hate that stupid arrogent thing 3. that bounty hunter wookie? (Name??) 4. mission- shes really annoying 5. Darth Bandon (wait what back-story?
  5. 1. Cameos or at least mentions of the party from both games( Maybe they even join in ur party) 2. Maybe even a new ship, like The exile travels in a new ship and Revan takes the Ebon Hawk or vice versa 3. We have to see go to Coruscant! Story: After finding Revan in the uknown Regions Revan and the Exile go to Coruscant and some of the Core Worlds to prepare them for the oncoming invasion of the "True Sith" 4. We should pick to play Revan or the Exile but have both in the party.No new characters. For the whole starting at lvl 1 thing we should just be able to pick a prestige class to start off. This could also work with picking if u went evil or good for both. Pick if they are a master, weapons master or watchmen if u went good and sith lord, marauder, or assasin if u went evil.
  6. Atton 'cause u can turn him into a jedi so quickly, so he has the pontential to become a really powerful, high level Jedi.
  7. They are gon because nobody cares.
  8. sorry the HK droid factory was cut from the game. The basement of the Telos military base was supposed to be it before ot got cut i think.
  9. I particularly like the whole, ur a jedi padawan in training thing. But if you had to be Revan or the Exile instead of picking from Jedi guardian/sentinal/consular you could start as a prestige class (Weapons master/watchmen/Jedi Master or there evil counterparts) level 1.
  10. What Holovid?
  11. My favourites were Atton,T3,Visas and Mandalore and my least favourite was Handmaiden and G0-T0
  12. The "jediism" looks beleivable but the "sithiism" is clearly BS.
  13. Alright thanks HK
  14. Alright so i was in the academy sublevels, i cleared the laigreks and he came out. Im going darkside so i asked for a reward and followed the dialogue options to kill him and take the salvage but Kreia says dont kill him so i agree with her and tell Jorran to go and he leaves. I go back to the salvagers camp and he is not there? hes got a lightsaber part that i need so i was wondering if hes gonna be there or what??
  15. This is inteneded Just leave and go back to the residential area,you will get a call over your comlink thing and have to go back and help the ithorians.Then when you are done that go take the shuttle to the surface and they will be with you. I hope that helps,I was confused at this part too.
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