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Lifthransir Bane

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Everything posted by Lifthransir Bane

  1. Sexually repressed??! Now there's a snap judgement with no basis whatsoever in reality. What do you expect from a college communist.
  2. Ouch, what was that for? You even managed to insult my dead mother. How tactful. Incidentally, I am working on a script while I look for a new job. Didn't say I was being paid to do it. Just something to take to grad school, if that's okay, jumpy.
  3. I'm surprised that you would find inspiration in something as mundane as a videogame. This is real good stuff, don't ever compromise yourself by giving up your dream and taking a job in a mailroom. That would be such a waste of a skilled artist.
  4. I saw one of the Irish St. Claire 'merovingians' on TV about a year ago talking about his stupid castle. He was a pompous bastard. Though, if I had a castle, I'd probably go on tv to be pompous about it. Thanks for correcting the spelling on my french for the word prieure. I never was much of a speller in languages that I don't speak, but can sort of read.
  5. Did everyone just go see the passion recut (marketing ploy)? Too many persecution/prosecution complexes here. That and I'm seeing a lot of people who think that they are writing dialogue for mad scientists. But, just to stay on topic and not have some faction getting a hernia, since I already did mine, I'll do my brothers' Pitta McBrie Sounds like an Indian/Irish/French dish
  6. Are you the same guy who posted that other 'this is funny post' with some sort of whoopass thought-bubble in it? That wasn't funny. Security guard? Just kidding. I should talk anyway, I graduated college into bartending. And I just quit my job. I think your wife needs to get you out more often, man, some of this reads like the ravings of an autistic. Or you're lying about age. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> OMG wtf is your problem man, he post a comic strip and you guys like rip into him about it. Jesus ****ing anal christ, get a ****ing life star wars geek or somone gonna pull your underwear over your head. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Calmer than you are.
  7. Are you the same guy who posted that other 'this is funny post' with some sort of whoopass thought-bubble in it? That wasn't funny. Security guard? Just kidding. I should talk anyway, I graduated college into bartending. And I just quit my job. I think your wife needs to get you out more often, man, some of this reads like the ravings of an autistic. Or you're lying about age.
  8. Disciple. At least goto's not annoying.
  9. Pazaak is much, much less frustrating in Kotor2 than Kotor1.
  10. Fanart > Visas? How do you know that fanart isn't < Visas or = Visas. Or congruent for that matter?
  11. This question is better suited to a search through gamefaqs, well, game FAQs. I'll humor you. You cannot gain influence with BD through a conversation you initiate with him. In fact, don't talk to him at all between the time you get your lightsaber and when you have enough inf. to make him a jedi, as a DS dispostion will LOSE you influence. Acts of benevolence to certain specific people will gain you influence. This works at least two times. Complementing him when he asks you to help him with something will gain influence with him. This will occur a maximum of twice. Helping Republic officers will gain influence. This happens a maximum of twice. Committing a murder with a party of BD and Kreia (must be the first murder Kreia has witnessed you commit) will gain infuence with BD. That's about it.
  12. Revan. The exile was only barely worthy of Revan's attention according to HK. According to Kreia, Revan was stronger.
  13. Tell me you don't like seeing all the boobs you can. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Boobs are great. Cartoon boobs are no more erotic than puppet boobs, and I can't say I wanked to last week's crank yankers.
  14. Okay, I'll buy this. I don't buy this. A list of fake names on a piece of paper isn't a mystery, it's a waste of a good forger's time. He faked a document in the 80s that doesn't prove or suggest anything? Basically, if Dan Brown hadn't stumbled across this twenty years later, his effort would have been for absolutely nothing. I have a hard time skilled people will go to great extents with no expectation of gain.
  15. I'm not disputing this, because I don't know, but the document I'm talking about was found in the archives of some famous french library, or in the basement of the vatican or some such place, so a good question would be how did a forger get his forgery put in a secure room with other hundreds of years old documents? The other question I have is why would a forger make up an organization and list its members without saying what that organization does? Kind of like calling a press conference and failing to show up for it.
  16. Is it at all possible to find some of the more exotic robes in the game by glitching up to fifty relatively early on and getting them on random drops. I swear I read a post somewhere where someone was complaining about how irrational it was that he found Malak's armor on a gamorrean.
  17. Your character looks like he's straight out of a zombie flick.
  18. This is unclear. Brown's story about them is not grounded in fact, but there is a document dating back five hundred or so years listing the members of the priory of Zion. This document doesn't say who they are or what they did and there is no mention of them anywhere else. It could have been a listing of poker champions through the ages for all we know.
  19. You're the one who reminded me that the French change all their Z's to S's with your priorie de sion talk. Using the word Zion, and using the french spelling would make him Darth French Jew, I don't see what's confusing here. The days of Darth names sounding cool alone ended with ep.1 when Lucas started giving the Darths symbolic names. Moloch might be a demon from Paradise Lost, but Malakh is the Hebrew word for Angel, and the hebrew spelling is different from Moloch. Let's review the TSL sith lord names: Darth Traya-meaning betrayer (according to the game). She betrays you. Darth Nihilis-meaning nothing. Has no words. Flies a ship that shouldn't exist. Can't be found. disappears when defeated Darth sion-sounds cool. Why were the others given names that are sumbolic of their characters? Doesn't make sense. Darth sion-meaning French Jew. Is scottish. Doesn't make sense. Darth sion-meaning Scion. Jealous of Master/apprentice relationship with Kreia. Jumps at the chance to be Traya's lackey again. Is defeated by telling him that Traya doesn't consider him a valid heir/student.
  20. Wrong. FFTA is about a bunch of brat kids who get sucked into the upcoming FFXII. Same game designer. FFT is much closer in story, theme and control to the Atlus/Quest Ogre games since square commishioned the Atlus/quest people to make it.
  21. For the most part. That one where the vampire's hand eats a bunch of dirt is ridiculous, but not necessarily all that bad.
  22. Sion is the French spelling of 'Zion,' and priorie de sion was a french organisation. It's a French-specific thing to not use 'z's when the other romance languages do. I'm sure that Russian people spell Zion with a character that doesn't exist in an English alphabet. I meant that I've never seen the word Zion spelled 'Sion' when someone is speaking in English. Furthermore, if the point is that Darth Sion means Darth French Jew, instead of Darth Heir/Student, then you might want to start by explaining why he has a scottish accent.
  23. Darth Vader doesn't mean dark father. Lucas named him Darth Vader because it seemed like a cool name to give to a buck rogers-type villain. It doesn't mean anything and the other sith weren't named Darth until Lucas decided to do that for the prequels. Ever ask yourself why KJA and Zahn and the other EU authors just gave their baddies regular names instead of calling them, say, Darth Nefaris?
  24. I dont think so, but then I did play them pretty much in reverse. Starting with X and working down. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ten seemed pretty good from the little I played of it, but, come on. X-2? IX? VIII? FFTA? Square is polishing the brass on the titanic with this series. And, yeah, I ripped that line off of Palahniuk.
  25. Never seen 'Zion' spelled 'Sion.' And Darth Jew makes a lot less sense considering the character than does Darth student/heir
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