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Everything posted by Breckmoney

  1. I don't think there's any real way to totally run out of food. Like I'm sure it's possible but certainly not probable. You'll run out of good food for sure, which is the incentive to play well and not rest as often. But baseline stuff seems basically infinite.
  2. New players already spammed rest in Pillars 1. It's one of the reasons all these systems changed. People would go one or two battles spamming all their spells, rest repeat and then make the trek back to the inn for more camping supplies. While injuries here might be particularly brutal they are balanced out with unlimited resting. Incentives exist in the form of food to play well and not rest as often but it's more of a bonus from the baseline as a reward for not getting knocked out. I don't even think it's close which system is better for new/worse players.
  3. To me the issue later on when the game comes out and players understand all the mechanics is there will be no wounds system when you dont get knocked out anymore. At least potential issue In theory when that happens you should play a higher difficulty or I guess turn on some of the optional difficulty elements that are coming with the Berath's Blessing thing. Aside from that though I think there's some merit in a system that rewards game mastery. Even as someone who prefers health/endurance there was a certain inevitability to resting under that mechanic literally no matter how well I played. I'm nowhere near good enough for this to really matter but I could see it being satisfying for those who are.
  4. I mean yeah, it could be bad. But look how much else has changed, who's to say that high level abilities aren't being tuned higher as well? We'll just have to wait and see.
  5. I wonder to what extent, if any, the limited scope of the beta does a disservice to single-class characters. Presumably they have two major advantages over multi-classed characters: they progress more quickly through power levels and they access two additional power levels that you won't see when multiclassed. Obviously we're not able to play around with or even see the latter as those power levels aren't implemented, and there's such little progression available in the beta that it's hard to notice their advantage of faster progression.
  6. Empower is a little gamey but I think it has some cool thematic possibilities, too. A wizard putting extra energy into a single powerful make-or-break spell. A fighter, beaten and bruised, finding some inner well of strength to continue the fight. Stuff like that.
  7. I only have a handful of fights with one in my party but my initial impression was that focus gain was similar per point of damage dealt but that it's way easier to do less/no damage. Being below the enemies armor pen hurts more than just having an unfavorable DR matchup and grazes being off by default means a lot more 0 focus attacks. Gonna keep playing more tonight and experimenting.
  8. I've barely noticed having only 5 characters so far honestly, but then I felt that 6 in Pillars 1 usually felt like one too many. Even as someone who pauses a ton and micromanages a bunch there was usually one or two characters who went underutilized in a battle. Now it just feels like I do the same thing but everyone uses all their skills and is more often attacking the correct target since I have one fewer party member to care for.
  9. Might be a bug or something. Mine shows 20 as the base for all of my characters, including a fighter and a fighter/ranger and a rogue.
  10. Early days still but on first blush I enjoy the system more than DR. Some numbers obviously need tweaked, though. And first encounters against monsters are a bit rougher now until you learn their armor values and can adjust accordingly. After that though I have a lot of fun changing weapons and using my saber modal at the appropriate times rather than just pushing through the kinda mushy DR system cause I'm lazy.
  11. I mean a good portion of this seems to be related more to numbers than the system. Pillars 1 was a game with months of beta testing followed by more than a year of constant balance updates. Meanwhile this is the second day of beta testing for Pillars 2. Numbers are going to be tweaked time and again going forward into something that works better. Yeah, but isn't that a reason that I should be making statements about what I think works and what I think doesn't and why? Oh yeah of course. Everyone should post their feedback. I guess I was responding to the pretty ridiculous thread title as much as anything.
  12. I mean a good portion of this seems to be related more to numbers than the system. Pillars 1 was a game with months of beta testing followed by more than a year of constant balance updates. Meanwhile this is the second day of beta testing for Pillars 2. Numbers are going to be tweaked time and again going forward into something that works better.
  13. Weapon proficiency providing a situational modal instead of accuracy makes me feel like it locks you into a certain weapon type way less than before. Unless I missed a tooltip somewhere and it provides something else on top of that.
  14. There is no spell copying in Deadfire. You have to switch tomes around for the additional spells.
  15. I think everyone can (mostly) agree that there should be some additional options, and I'm pretty sure that's something that'll be improved on over the course of the beta. I personally hope that the options come in the form of additional class specific abilities and talents with maybe a couple of the talents made available to multiple classes. The big pool of general talents were cool for adding a little bit to your class here and there but were supremely uninteresting and mostly just made one or two numbers go up. I'd much rather have a few extra talents that change a lot about how abilities work.
  16. I think everyone shows pending right now. The beta isn't available by default at that tier, though. You'll need to add it on for an additional $20 to get a beta key.
  17. really? I actually liked PoE 1's health and endurance mechanic. It kept you from having to rest more often (which just becomes a spam rest fest that I don't really care for) it also imo made the constitution stat more appealing as well. I liked the injury to endurance loss to actual health pool system. It made sense to me at least. You were only then forced to rest one one of two things happened. 1) two many injuries and the risk of dying or 2) to little actual health. Kind of surprised by some of the responses in this thread. Also let's tone down a little on the hostilities here guys. Oh I'm not saying I didn't like it - I very much did. I think lots of people liked it once they figured out how it worked. I'm just saying that for many people it was a very confusing mechanic where weird stuff could happen. One moment Eder could be literally unkillable, never going below 90% endurance, and the next he hits his health cap and can't be healed at all and starts dropping quickly. Without knowing what it all really represented that's very confusing.
  18. I've taught I think four people to play PoE1 and in all four cases the health/endurance split was the most confusing game mechanic. So it seems like a good mechanic to look at changing. Maybe the balance is a bit on the harsh side at the moment, I don't know, but this if nothing else seems like a system that's far more understandable.
  19. I think it depends on a couple of things. 1) did you back at a high enough level for beta access or buy the beta add on? If so, 2) did you link your pledge from Fig to your account here? Until you do I don't think you'll have anything under the product options.
  20. At first blush I agree that individual classes need a few more options and flavor but I think I'd rather it be done with more class specific abilities and talents than a large pool of generalized stuff that anyone can pick from. Put that stuff on items instead and let itemization play a bigger role in filling out those small holes in a build you want. For now at least I like single classes being more specialized, I think they just need a bit more within that specialization.
  21. Has anyone found any grimoires in the beta? One of the original ideas was that individual grimoires would have properties associated with them that helped specialize your wizard. Like one might have + fire damage or whatnot. If that's still the case then it could just be that some wizard specialization will be offloaded to itemization choices than abilities and talents.
  22. I think it's just that a lot of people didn't understand it. Obviously no one taking part in this beta is going to have that issue, though.
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