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About baibai

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  1. I had difficulty at the second force field on the sky ramp too. I worked out that you must use the light-sabre first. If you use any other weapon, it becomes an impenetrable barrier with the message about using Bao-Dur (who obviously isn't in your party if you are having a problem) For example, I started by placing a "door" frag mine and that was useless, then it became impenetrable. So, if you are having problems here, you should try going to a previous save and then when it is time to confront the barrier use your lightsabre first (it actually comes up with those words in the choices presented). It goes with one hit then. My guess it was a bug that they partly fixed.
  2. What puts me off about Disciple is not purely that he looks old - but how young he actually is in comparison to what he looks like. And to me it's not a 'mature' look he has, he literally looks ten years older than he's supposed to be. (According to his dialogue that is.) Plus the puffy-cheek look in his portrait and the teeth for his character head reminds me of a chipmunk. That being said I'm a Randy Fan. The Atton/Exile relationship to me has a bit more depth to it...the two helping each other reconcile themselves with their pasts and who they are. Angst, drama and romance. Oh my! (Bonus points to Kavar though. :3)
  3. Actually...I would find this upsetting if it were cut not because of time restraints but because of story balance between a male exile and female exile gaming experience. Even though I'm intending to replay the game many times...doing so and gaining further insight to Kreia would have been so cool. ;-; Kudos too Ace. That script gave me major goosebumps (the good kind xD).
  4. Baisyd Newem... Which, considering all the other major cities in Australia is quite fortunate. :] (I still actually remember the name I had from the original formula - mother's maiden name and all. xD)
  5. I laughed when I read this. Atton would have even worse a time than usual. Kriea: Atton, you are the weakest link. Goodbye. Atton: Wha- Kreia: Goodbye. Atton: Bu- Kreia: Goodbye. Atton: Awww. D:
  6. and when he asks if you want to be crammed in a certain small place with him for a few days. lol, that was funny. Muh? Where/when was that one? (If I may ask. xD; )
  7. Oh, I didn't say he should be rewarding me (though that would be nice too...), but in our own round-about way we did do what he wanted us to do... ;D During my initial clueless run-around on Nar Shadaa getting fuel ended up being more of a series of joyful (or not so - in G0T0's case) coincidences. Plus he gets a free ride with the crew of awesomeness. Still, thanks once again. I was always bummed that Lt. Grenn ignored me so often (I also managed to break the smuggling quest on Telos with him too. xD)
  8. Kudos to you stoffe for that, I just assumed that the quest was a little funky from the round-about way I took when dealing with Vogga for the fuel. Does the conversation with Grenn result in G0T0 recognising that you've stabilised Telos too? Or is there no such conversation?
  9. So who is the greater troll? The troll, or the troll that trolls about him...harhar. I perscribe blogs for both parties involved. ;0
  10. Hehe. The Fat One doesn't get much love does he? T3 wins. He lets me play with his...parts. ;] (Though seriously some of T3s [Failure] responses are even funnier than HKs in Kotor 1. xD)
  11. Uhm, get more influence with GoTo and you might understand the why... And I'm with all the Randy Fans. (hehehe, just had to add that.) I agree that his snarky attitude and the fact that he gets the additional interactions between the crew does flesh him out better (in certain respects. That there are so few dialogues with the PC - especially in a romantic sense - really bum me out though). I like Disciple in the sense of story behind his character - but the character model in game just looks so out of place compared to the rest of him (too old and weird-looking).
  12. Face off!...for the position in the hot seat of the Ebon Hawk...? Melikes a lot (does it come any bigger?). I'm also now inspired to channel my fangirlism with drawing now too. Glad you chose a less freaky evil-Atton. xD I actually do wonder which would be 'driving' if both were on the same ship. Probably not Atton at least when it comes to landing. Muhu.
  13. Ah, the bikini mail conundrum...Star Wars style. Actually, now thinking about Mira's outfit even more those pants must be awfully tight as so she doesn't suffer from the dreaded 'coin slot' as she bends down for those mines. xDDD She does mention why she dresses as she does however - upon asking her about men as a LSF. (One dialogue that makes me like her character even more. :]) As for the comment on nastiest of the females in the game...I think that the salvager on Dantooine selling the Jedi Artifacts (the name escapes me) is the actual winner. Not only does she have one of the most unattractive personalities but I swear she had FACIAL HAIR. Master Horn: Hehe. At first read your comment on Mira's ass as "baboon", not "baloon"...
  14. Hoping someone calls an ambulance in order to revive me from my fangirlish seizure upon seeing the menu screen for the first time. :} Stuff getting food for yourself...that what you employ monkey slaves for!
  15. Well, wouldn't it be a case of how abundant the lightsaber components are? You could use two lightsabers at the expense of the concentrated damage and to-hit bonuses (plus the fact that if you then also decide to have other jedi NPCs to tag along you have less options in terms of their weapon's capabilities), or you could put your best crystals and lenses into the one double-bladed lightsaber. Of course it all comes down to rareness of parts and stuffs (as I wouldn't know, so close though. xD) and also your personal playing preference (eg cooler style or having one lightsaber for power, with off-hand for stun).
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