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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Anyone else catch the pilot for The Cape? There were some things I really liked, and a few that bothered me a bit. The cast is very good, with some inspired choices like Scales and the entire circus troupe, oh and the guy from West Wing. So far the lead actor is the only guy that I wasn't impressed with, which is a bit of a problem. But he might turn out ok, it is always tough to tell in a pilot when they are trying to build an entire backstory for the guy in a very short timeframe. Summer Glua (Firefly girl) is in it as well, I didn't really get her character though. It's a bit hard to get into her as a normal person, since she has always played less than human roles. I guess we will see how it works out for her. The story was a bit frenetic, but again it was a pilot and I know they try and force a lot in there to get it greenlit. It was good enough to get me to watch a few more episodes. It's basically Batman, but isn't necessarily a bad thing. Oh, the whole family angle isn't working for me.
  2. What if I really only buy these open world games for the first half?
  3. Ok, I won't answer. All you need is a glove and some lube though, but I digress. Actually I was thinking about testicular cancer when I mentioned the self exams
  4. I got quite a few invisible barriers in Risen as well.
  5. pathetic I like that he used Turbine as his success story. LotRO is awesome, and the microtransaction system they put into place works better than I ever imagined. I was pretty skeptical about it at first, but it is great, attracts new players, and doesn't feel out of place or like I'm being nickel and dimed to death.
  6. It seemed like a story with some potential, but it just went stupid about halfway through. If he had actually worked towards bringing the system down, that would be one thing. But it lost me when he started blowing up interns.
  7. That's a bummer Gorgon, but better safe than sorry, I suppose. I believe my first prostrate exam was in my early twenties. Took me a bit by surprise. I haven't had one in about 8 years though, but I check 'em on a regular basis myself. Remember folks, you lower your risks of prostrate cancer by regularly firing the cannon, if you get my drift.
  8. Knight and Day - As always, Tom Cruise plays his role perfectly. He may be batpoop crazy in real life, but the guy can act. I have a hard time thinking of any bad movie he has been in. Cameron Diaz was a bit meh, but it was still an entertaining flick.
  9. I'm playing the original, and I'm having a hard time sticking to it. I am playing 20 minutes at a time. I'm not a big shooter fan, so that is probably it. But I also am a bit tired of running through warehouses.
  10. Those Green activists aren't exactly what I'd call organized crime. I am surprised the police would waste an undercover officer on them, you would think standard surveillance would be enough. Don't get me wrong, I think these environmentalists are usually crazy, but their intentions aren't exactly sinister.
  11. Matt Hasselback is the Volourn of the NFL.
  12. Took me awhile to get a flickr image that wasn't locked, but eventually I got this. Pretty sweet!
  13. It would be slightly hilarious is the Seahawks made it to the Superbowl. If they win another game, they head into the NFC championship as a 9-9 team I'm actually not surprised NO lost, I just wish I had put some money on it. I watched a few games by them this season, and they pulled off a lot of close games against mediocre teams. That's never a good sign.
  14. I hope she is able to make a full recovery. Sadly, it was a bit of a comfort to hear this wasn't a political assassination, as my first reaction was 'have politics in this country really gotten that bad?'
  15. Elric gets mad and topples entire civilizations and stuff. He's like Conan on steroids.
  16. On that note, has Bioware said how much stuff DA2 is going have about wardens or the darkspawn? I've seen no detailed info. I would guess that they will expand a bit on the whole darkspawn getting smarter and developing independent thought, which I find interesting enough. I'm hoping they are done with the Wardens. The fact that our protagonist hasn't been mentioned as a warden gives me great hope.
  17. I like the DA universe more than the ME one, but as a game, I felt both ME's played better than DA. It just felt rather grind-y in parts. Of course I also think the Wardens and the Darkspawn are the lamest part of the DA universe, so having an entire game set around that stuff didn't help me much.
  18. That doesn't sound very promising. Did it really say that? I mean, Bethesda knows that the radiant AI was terrible, why would they try a variation of that?
  19. I'm looking forward to a more focused narrative in DA2. I enjoyed the multiple paths in DA, but I expect the story to be more personal with just one human character. But I'm a big fan of Mass Effect, so take that as you will
  20. I don't get that quote, what does he mean by outlets? Did he meet with the gaming press? That is the only folks I expect to write previews.
  21. Get Him to the Greek - It wasn't quite what I expected, as in it was a bit more serious in tone. The guy has a serious drug problem and although they do use it humorously, it gets a bit heavy in parts. It was decent, I suppose. Sean 'P Diddy' Combs was a revelation as an intense music producer. Not much of a stretch for him, but he pulled it off with gusto. I also was uncomfortable about the lead actor's weight. He looks very unhealthy, like John Candy at the end unhealthy.
  22. Let's see, first you say it doesn't break any new ground, which I can only imagine means that it does what others have done before that. Then you claim that it will "deliver proper RPG gameplay" suggesting that it has not been delivered as of yet. Also, you claim that it will be "Nothing like BG2 or Fallout", implying that it will be radically different. Are you suggesting that there are indeed multiple versions "proper RPG gameplay"? Wouldn't that make the word "proper" rather meaningless? The bolded line is a pretty big assumption by you. His statement doesn't really suggest that.
  23. I didn't say no dialogue tree, I'm just not hung up on there being a huge tree where everything I say leads to a completely different conversation. It's extremely unrealistic, and it doesn't even sound that cool. Sure, some variety is great, multiple options is nice, and both ME's achieve that, but it sounds like some folks are getting hung up on this a bit too much.
  24. The SNES version had a great story. It was based on a pretty decent book set in the universe. When I was in middle school I went through a stage of reading only Shadowrun novels.
  25. Am I the only one who thinks it is crazy to care about a gigantic dialogue tree? I don't play through these conversations over and over again to see what the different results will be.
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