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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. You'd be welcome at my table and I'm guessing a few others here, but I realize that is a pretty long ways to go for a turkey. I don't know what your living situation is, but could you make an attempt at cooking a turkey (which is tougher than it sounds!) and invite a few friends and family over?
  2. While Thanksgiving (and really Christmas as well) are great because they can be fairly all-inclusive holidays and don't have to get too preachy, I'm pretty sure the Pilgrims and Puritans who brought the tradition over from England would argue with you over whether it is a religious holiday or not.
  3. I indulged in my first Black Friday sales event ever, which actually happened at 8 PM on Thursday night. Walmart was selling an Xbox 360 with the Skylanders bundle for $150. This seemed like a very good deal for the system, and I've been thinking about getting it for my kids. Did I make a mistake? I can still return it. It was actually not very busy, I got there about 45 minutes before 8, and I was the 7th person in line. They had separate lines for all the consoles.
  4. How would he possibly be a billionaire? He's done well with his companies, but not THAT well.
  5. Everything is streaming nowadays. Between Netflix and HuluPlus I can catch up on any show I want, whenever I want.
  6. I'm still playing Assassin's Creed 2, but I feel like the game should have ended a few hours ago. Games are too long nowadays.
  7. I kept expecting The Grey to get better, like it would turn a corner somehow. But it just got worse, and I was left feeling angry about the time I lost watching it.
  8. Hmm...contemplating the 1,600 mile drive to Edmonton for my next summer trip Actually I've been thinking about Calgary, my wife wants to see the Rodeo some day. So if I make it that far, I can probably swing up north for a visit.
  9. It was in Oakhurst, which is pretty close to Yosemite and the reason half dome was their logo. I went when I was about 12 years old, and I got to see them working on Quest for Glory 3. They were also just getting ready to release The Sierra Network (or maybe it was out already) and they showed us The Red Baron. It was a very memorable tour
  10. Back in the late 80's, early 90's, you could actually go on a tour of Sierra and see their artists and programmers working. The industry sure has changed.
  11. I don't think we need to redo the thread.
  12. Really there are a ton of types of media that manage to stick to a schedule and stay fresh and creative. TV shows do it all the time. Sure, eventually the formula will get stale, but you should be able to get through a few iterations before needing an overhaul.
  13. We had a Chechnyan/Belgian terrorist here a while back - he blew himself up in a hotel by accident though. But here at least most pickpocket thieves, beggers, organized robbers etc come from slavic or east european countries - but I see your point, it would be easier to integrate slavic people who are interested in coming here. If you talk about the guy in Denmark (sounds like Denmark) he was a Muslim, though. There is no question that Islam has a serious problem with extremism. But it is questionable whether intolerance towards all Muslims is really the way to deal with it. I'm pretty sure embracing the moderates and having healthy dialogues and education is the better course.
  14. I never doubted it would make it
  15. http://www.liveleak....=8da_1352628341 facepalm Thankfully this Catholic news source actually did some research and got the real story. http://catholicismpure.wordpress.com/2012/11/13/muslim-intervention-results-in-brussels-banning-christmas-tree-exhibit/
  16. Major thanks to Cant, Shady, and Malcador for kicking in, it looks like it will make it. You won't regret it, the Cole's are one of the few teams that manage to mix humor and wit in with their storytelling.
  17. Whoo, it really took off, only needs 24k to make it with 17 hours to go. It looks good, but I'm still a bit nervous. They also have over 5500 backers, awesome.
  18. I think he was just poking fun at the way you worded it Cant
  19. Of course, but that shouldn't mean I don't have right to give my opinion. Would make this forum so very boring place if that would be so. And I didn't mean that as a comparison between the two, just made a snark at Hurley. Volourn is my new BFF Currently I'm trying to finish up Assassin's Creed 2, I believe I'm at the end. I've got Altair's armor at least.
  20. Really Hurly, sometimes I think you would give money for a man who brakes in to your house and pisses on your cerials, because "he clearly went much trouble getting to my house and should be awarded" And sometimes I think you and a few others spend a bit too much time trying to vilify game companies. They are offering a ton of free content for a game that was released less than a year ago. Quite a few of you clearly think the game is worth your time, but not your money, which makes no sense to me. Also, I played both DDO and LotRO extensively both as a subscriber and f2p. First off they both didn't go f2p nearly as early as TOR, and secondly they had plenty of limitations. You had to grind out points to purchase things in LotRO, and really you are paying to expand the storyline because of the expansions and adventure packs.
  21. Yes, lets complain about the fact that a company is trying to make money off the game they spent hundreds of millions of dollars producing. So you can unlock those coins for $15, or you can buy that many for $10, which is the smarter plan unless you get something else for a month sub. Honestly these complaints sound a bit ridiculous, you can literally play through two full storylines, which is hundreds of hours of gameplay, without spending a dime. What do you expect? This game costs a lot of money to run.
  22. They need 45k in 28 hours right now. They've been adding a lot of people too, up to 5200 contributors. I'm watching this very closely, it is a lot more stressful than the PE one, which is the only other one I was really excited about.
  23. Most of your restriction on money and such are to prevent gold farmers from working with impunity. I thought the hotbar restrictions were a bit odd, but can't you use your coins to unlock them? If you were an original subscriber you should have plenty to get a couple things like that, without spending real money. As for the helms, TOR is actually the first MMO where I like the helms. My trooper helmets were always pretty awesome, and my jedi has a hood so you can barely see his tiara. LotRO had the worst helmets I've ever seen.
  24. Wait, you can't walk around in the levels disguised? That is the best part of the game!
  25. A million bucks is a lot.
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