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Everything posted by poolofpoo

  1. Fallout : Brotherhood of Steel, a console game for the XBox and Playstation 2. It's a poorly conceived title where the only similarity with the original Fallout games is name and some post apocalytpic elements. It's not selling that great either. ah, for a moment there i thought it had something to do with porn
  2. not ninja-ass though, you see ninjas are masters of all martial arts...
  3. and i would probably be even more so if i knew what "concerend" meant
  4. i think the main confusion here is not so much "non-linearity" but rather over the concept of "story". As we all know "story" is something that takes place in "the future" (or in the "presence"), it unfolds as we read or watch it. This is opposed to "history" which is something that took place in the past ("hi-" meaning "in the past"). So, when we are talking about a story we don't know how it will end simply because it's happening right now. A story is therefore by default "non-linear", while "history" is linear. let it be known that I'm not much of a story-teller but I'm good enough to impress the s*** out of people at c***tail parties (I them attend frequently). I also hold an MBA from Wharton, something which has absolutely no bearing on a game forum, I simply like to tell people about it...
  5. is there anybody IN there? but i know what you mean, there haven't been all that many good songs written since ode to joy
  6. wow, you're cool, you seem to be so...mature...somehow
  7. what about Neil Young? Or maybe Pink Floyd with a Gilmour Waters reunion? that would be nice.
  8. well i care for the wellbeing of the prostitutes, i just wanna know if they will have somewhere to go, you know, a warm bed and roof over their heads the brothel of slating intellectual lusts was a fine establishment btw, thanks for that
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