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Child of Flame

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Everything posted by Child of Flame

  2. Well I didn't say that the platform will by an abyss filled with lackluster worthless but shiny titles for eternity either. I fully expect some nice stuff to come out on the platform by the end of it's life cycle. Hell, buying a PS2 on release was a dumbass thing to do. What was on it? SSX?
  3. Meh. The game sucked so hardcore my only regret is this actually hit the internet.
  4. Wait, wait, wait. I didn't say that 360 buyers aren't stupid. At this point, they're either stupid, bought into the hype, or have more money than brains. There's a handful of launch titles, most of them only got good reviews because goddamn they so shiny, and only a few more titles guranteed to be exclusive to the platform in the future (Halo 3 [4?], Oblivion etc.). Whereas even at this point, everyone knows that Nintendo is going to bring over every single one of their franchises over to the Revolution, with all sorts of innovation because of that nifty controller, and PS3 will have not only the Metal Gear Solid series Blank was saying, but also a quite possibly superior version of Splinter Cell. Remember, the only reason the PS2 versions have been flawed is because of the hardware Ubisoft couldn't push as hard as the Xbox, that's why the Cube versions were marginally better, and the Xbox versions were best. Not like Ubisoft has a preference between consoles, other than money. I'm not sure if they've ever made an exclusive title for any of the consoles. So yeah, right now even though they haven't been released the PS3 and Revolution look like better buys. This isn't to say that the 360 won't shape up to be a pretty okay system like the Xbox did, but that buying a console at launch is stupid. So yes, 360 buyers are stupid.
  6. I'd like to point out that if I am not mistaken the correct term for a ball (spikes or spikeless) on the end of a chain attached to a handle is a flail. A mace is a similar weighted blunt or spiked instrument, attached directly to the handle. A Morning Star is a flail sans handle. Google Image Search backs me up if you would like to check yourself.
  8. The PS2 keyboard is a POS last I checked though, and won't let you use a regular keyboard, but just the sony one. There's an adapter sold by some company or other that makes the Xbox fully keyboard/mouse compatible. The review I read about it said that it totally owned in live matches of Halo, because now you could whip yourself around in an instant (like a PC shooter) instead of waiting for the Master Chief to turn.
  9. I hate shootery games when they're not a side scroller on a console and I liked Prime. It's really in the first person perspective more because it adds to immersion than because you're doing a lot of run and gun aiming. Generally you don't aim at all really, but just lock on to the various enemies.
  10. F*** You (An Ode To No One) - The Smashing Pumpkins
  11. 1. Actually do well in school this year. 2. Kinder gentler flaming.
  12. I traded in Dungeon Siege to contribute to HL2 funds, along with copies of Halo, Bloodrayne, and Contract J.A.C.K. Oops.
  13. I don't know, the idea of being clothed in art is appealing.
  14. Neck tattoos are pretty okay if they're part of a full body tatt that wraps up and around a shaved head, but impractical for most people.
  15. Shaving with swords is dangerous! It's how Malak lost his jaw (saber shaving}. Leave it to the experts like Kyle Katarn.
  16. I've had mine for three years in it's current state. I expected to have to upgrade for HL2, but it worked okay for that one. Probably gonna need to upgrade for F.E.A.R., but I don't have the money for that right now so I'm pretty okay playing Bloodlines and my other old games until then.
  17. Don't Leave Me Now - Pink Floyd
  18. I'm talkin' about love, love, love, love...
  19. Mr. mgnails taught me every good game needs lesbians.
  20. I'm talkin' 'bout a revolution.
  21. Isn't it clear man? Fallout 3: The Chosen One Must Choose will be released on the Revolution, in glorious 2D w/ Isometric Top Down 3/4 Perspective! The remote will be used like a mouse, for a higher amount of control than ever seen in a console game!
  22. It's okay Visc. I think you're special.
  23. That's because it's beat poetry man. Spoken word. You dig it?
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