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Child of Flame

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Everything posted by Child of Flame

  1. When you do stealth kills with the bat, turn the sound up if you like, or maybe it's only with a Toreador with high Auspex, who knows. Basically I noticed on my last playthrough when I was stealthkiling with it, there were cheers every time.
  2. I like the baseball bat for stealth attacks, for the Easter Egg. )
  3. Yeah, I found that part was fun depending on what clan I was playing. As a Brujah, Nossie, or Gangrel it got tedious, though brawling my way through those monsters was satisfying. Playing Toreador and Ventrue gunslingers, it was downright terrifying. I had to make sure and keep enough blood in me that I could keep Celerity going, because if those beasties got ahold of me I'd be down to a sliver of health within a few exhanges. Thankfully I put a little bit more into my Ventrue's defense stats (those were sacrificed in the Toreador build for the extra levels in Celerity). Playing as a Malk, or Tremere it was kinda 'meh'.
  4. Hm, recently I've read Interview with the Vampire, Job: A Comedy of Justice, Stranger in a Strange Land, and I'm currently reading The Vampire Lestat, about to start Farnham's Freehold.
  5. Either Antibiotics or a few drops of Colloidal Silver in some Saline Spray. Without antibiotics of some sort be they the natural (colloidal silver) or chemical (penicillin) sort, sinus infections just get worse, trust me on this.
  6. That's why I suggested the colloidal silver, cheaper than antibiotics.
  7. I liked the warrens. I was only disappointed my new haven was Downtown in the sewers rather than in the warrens with Gary and the others.
  8. Screw doctors, I self-medicate. Remind me to tell you guys about the time I removed a three-inch splinter from my shoulder with my trusty Gerber knife. I got a horrible infection. Edit: It's self-diagnosis that led me to come up with the stupid pressure theory, and which has had me trying to pop my ears every ten minutes for the last day and a half, causing great pain and likely some damage up there. I'm still not going to see a doctor. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Psycho.
  9. Well that's why I said he might have a sinus infection brewing. What I advised will alleviate the pressure/pain though. But you are right, he'll need to see a doctor. Alternatively you can mix a little bit of Colloidal Silver with some Saline Spray and that should do the trick just as well as prescribed antibiotics. EDIT: What I said was in response to Surreptishus. It's not at all like drowning, because the water stays in the upper parts of the esophagus. If it's getting in your lungs something has gone horribly wrong.
  10. Oh, no combos. I was talking more along the lines of jumping/running off walls, hanging upside down in doorways/on pipes/ledges while shooting, etc.
  11. Go to a sink, turn your head upside down, suck large quantities of warm water up your nose, add some salt if you feel like it. Turn back rightside up, let the gooey mucusey water come out of your nose and/or mouth. Alternatively you could have a sinus infection brewing, this should help alleviate the symptoms of both problems though.
  12. Cookie, have you actually looked what they did to make the A.I. that effective compared to traditional methods. I'd border on saying they revolutionized it. I haven't played it yet as I'm waiting to upgrade.
  13. God's an insufferable bastard.
  14. Ok, to tell the truth we are all part of a satanic death cult. All of us here have killed somebody to honour our Dark Lord, those that refuse to give an offering to the Morning Star are themselves offered. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Wait, I thought this was the Dark Lord Cthulu death cult? Am I on the wrong forum? Baley, you shut your trap and stop giving the newbie a hard time. Forum whoring aside, I like this one.
  15. I think a game like this would have to be real time and heavy on combat, they'd have to get it just right. Time dialation at least as good as the Celerity Discipline in Bloodlines, and a fluid combat system similar to Max Payne, but way more complex to account for crazy off the wall Kung-Fu movie madness.
  16. I'm thinking we need a whole new genre. Subnatural. Can you brave the monotony of the office? Rise above fellow employees and gain the favor of your employer by systematically digging up dirt on any and all competition, while keeping them out of your sordid homelife. Rise from Intern to CEO of a Fortune 500 company, but be careful and make sure the government doesn't find about about that embezzling you've been doing. Or run a completely honest business and go bankrupt. Minigames will consist of collating an endless sea of documents.
  17. You just have to believe...
  18. Good idea?
  19. What if i asked you to take it up a notch? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I can do that too.
  20. Guys, I was serious, all you got to do is ask me to end this war and it'll be over.
  21. Hardcore.
  22. Die.
  23. All I have heard about the sequel says it is an okay game, I haven't played it yet though. The graphics engine is the same pretty much, but they focused on a story and huge environments instead. Supposed to be a regular Baldur's Gate in terms of size/length.
  24. No, that was pretty much it. It's not like I'm hating on the mod, it's just that I thought it'd never see the light of day, so there wasn't a second thought when I traded Dungeon Siege in for five bucks and put it toward the $50 for Half Life 2.
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