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Everything posted by injurai

  1. I imagine that license would come with too much baggage. Not the sort of shackles Obsidian wants to put on.
  2. Money is a abstract concept. It comes from a relation between two things. Wealth and debt. Wealth takes many forms, whether it's material items, land, education and knowledge, opportunities, free-time, revenue streams. It all ultimately comes from production and productivity. Money is just the inverse of debt. It's the fungible ownership on a small loan collection.
  3. I think it'd be neat of the Pillars universe diverged from our own history of progress and found some alternative to the industrial revolution. I think part of the charm of fantasy worlds like Pillars is that people can find meaning and purpose from a diverse set of trade skills which are have a lower bar of entry.
  4. Levels always bothered me when it came out because it was ****ing everywhere, and wouldn't go away. But it was always a decent song, and really did define the backdrop of it's time. The perfect song for bros in neon tank tops to sky pump to.
  5. To move where jobs are and to train for what those jobs are, and to take care of all the other logistics of your life while doing so. Requires a fair amount of capital. One of the best things to invest in is people and productivity.
  6. I think it's more trying to diffuse this adversarial gap that is growing to some extent, where he feels different styled rpgs can co-exist. In fact I think he quite likes getting to work in the space he doesn't does, and doesn't necessarily want Bethesda encroach (like they would.) It's like what Paul Thomas Anderson says about comedy and blockbuster action films. He doesn't want them to go away, because then his high-brow art films become diluted, and he'd rather have people enjoy what they like. It's the same for Josh, he holds down the forts that he wants to see, others can do otherwise. At some point a medium as drifted so far away from what you value, that you're criticisms start to make less sense with the new audience. TES is one of those.
  7. But people did have problems with repetition and lack of distinct voices despite having like 80 VOs. Plus it was easy to listen to someone and go about you're own business.
  8. I'm a big proponent of increasing cash flows. I still think UBI unless mandated to maintain a proportional level of purchasing power would end up diluted by inflation and quantitative easing.
  9. I've never been able to do much of *anything* on psychedelics... Wouldn't know, but I like that some of them are low impact depression wise.
  10. I wonder why it didn't work. Just because that failed doesn't mean that the concept is a fail, we'd need to know why they pulled out of it before making any judgement. As with anything, there are ways to do it that work and ways to do it that simply don't, or it could be factors completely unrelated to the concept of basic income. Because our government didn't give it a change in first place, as they didn't even really do a experiment as they only did small scale selection where they replaced some people's unemployed benefit with basic income and then they started immediately to write new unemployed benefit model which they activated in start of this year which failed completely and now they try to fix it with idiotic quick fixes that don't really do anything productive or beneficiary to anybody, but at least we get thousands short courses for unemployed people so that government can pretend that they have activated unemployed seek jobs that doesn't exist. How could Finland manage to "give it a chance" though, without it just being some temporary experiment? Unless it's some sort of nationalized fund, that money is just going to come from indebted future generations. Already most entitlements are stipulated on consistent growth.
  11. Never did like the green, and I don't really enjoy trying to muster up too significant of cognitive efforts after having some drink. So Pillars is the sober experiment for me. Maybe I need to try some psychedelics...
  12. As an ideal, i very much like the concept of UBI. It's just that wealth is largely a factor access to scarce things, and the production of people. I know that with international markets the west mostly offers services and Africa for example offers resources. I'm just slightly hesitant to think an entire nation being given ownership over certain of the world's production is the right approach. However if it's in the hands of the private few anyways, then I guess distributing it wider amongst people who are going to more socially spend and produce with this new means, then that is indeed a win-win situation. The tendency for the rich not to spend and the implication on trade and cash flows for the average person is very much a concern of mine.
  13. Maybe malice is behind the change, but UBI was not exactly a fully-fledged "thing" to be shut down, it was a 2000 person experiment which was ran more like a variant on unemployment benefits. They aren't getting rid of welfare, just changing they're approach. Social programs have costs. The Nordic countries in general rely not on any particular social-structural magic, but oil tax and partially nationalized banking sectors to prop up the country. In a highly competitive world where capital is fluid, it's very much not clear that UBI can become a permanent commodity without a nation owning rights to revenue streams.
  14. I really enjoyed that talk. Josh is easily one of my favorite people that's visible within the industry. As of now I've decided against going into the game-industry, though aspects of it always interest me. It's funny though... even though crunch and many other detracting aspects of the industry have put me off from it. I've realized basically all of my student life has been dealing with equally crushing work-life balance as intense crunch. Josh mentions that the culture of it begets more of it, it's not hard to see where a lot of the mentalities originate. Being forced into a sink or swim type environment is highly destructive.
  15. Honestly I think it's more important to provide a social safety net through as a form of social insurance, and opportunities to take on low-interest loans than it is to provide people with basic income. They're experiment had plenty of problems, but just conceptually I find the whole notion improper given the working and living conditions globally that would go to funding such schemes.
  16. http://www.businessinsider.com/finland-to-end-basic-income-experiment-2018-4?r=UK&IR=T Finland is killing its experiment with basic income
  17. Maybe I'm remembering wrong, but weren't the shelters subject to minor experiments in hopes that some would better survive. Then over time the plans of experimentation got out of hand? Although some low numbered vaults are messed up so idk... maybe that's a fan theory I'm recalling.
  18. Except sound does exist in space.
  19. As much as I don't think I'm not sure airships fits Pillars, something about Pillars 3 dipping it's toes into that style of fantasy is somewhat appealing. I'm sure people would miss Ships if they were removed, and airships would open some new options of setting. Every time people joke about the idea, I do sort of perk up about it all. I certainly don't want to think Pillars' distant future is too similar to our own.
  20. I think the reason there are no Clippers, Schooner's, or Brigantine's is because those aren't ships that existed in the 16th century. As much as I'd like to have one.
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