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Everything posted by injurai

  1. He's going to be hugely popular with the Trump supporters. No doubt about his public speaking abilities. Spicer was like a pinwheel that you could tell which direction he was spinning. I fear mucci you'll know everything is being spun bit it's hard to tell which way, without the proper knowledge of the subject. He's gonna peddle a lot of bull****, I can see it now. Sarah H. Sanders is going to be the WH Press Secretary though, not Scaramucci. That's right, I keep forgetting there are two positions. Regardless he brings extra slime to the swamp...
  2. He's going to be hugely popular with the Trump supporters. No doubt about his public speaking abilities. Spicer was like a pinwheel that you could tell which direction he was spinning. I fear mucci you'll know everything is being spun bit it's hard to tell which way, without the proper knowledge of the subject. He's gonna peddle a lot of bull****, I can see it now.
  3. Haven't seen Valerian, only trailers. But it seems to me or that DeHaan is talking in perpetual puberty voice? I don't know how old he is, but his voice seems creaky and forced as low as possible.
  4. *sponsored killing brought to you by the biggest arms dealers in the world. I guess the biggest difference is how openly the corruption, self interest and wanton disregard for civil rights is being conducted - but then Trump just a ordinary businessman - he doesn't have the network to do it more covertly like the Clintons or Bushs. Sometimes it seems that the only real loss was the liberals push to change social language, but given how zero-tolerance they were about progress it's not surprising that backfired. Either way, we are in for a hell of a term. That was a small, if very vocal, minority of liberals. Of course though, if Clinton got elected, all of the problems that the Dems have now, such as lack of messaging which got exposed with Trump getting elected and the falling way below of what they expected, would fester for another four years and might end up worse off than they are now. This poll shows pretty clearly the messaging hole that they are in. Yeah, to some extent. But that vocal minority has a lions share of media sway. What's that theory called, accelerationism? Where by which you want to fail fast to recover fast. I'm not sure I've ever seen that work out to be true outside of scenarios where recovery is 100% guaranteed and effective. It's a theory that only really holds ground in the engineering world. Otherwise failing fast is a bad method. Regardless the Dems have a lot of lessons to be gleaned by their loss and I fear they will learn none. Because they largely cling to the belief that they lost a slim margins game due to racists. Which may not be entirely false, but them dwelling on that and sticking candles in their ears at the rest of liberalism's criticisms is only going to make their woes fester. Blue Mid Term? HAH! I have my doubts. Last mid term I was the only person I knew who voted out of my ENTIRE extended social group.
  5. Also, just got back from Baby Driver. I say god damn!
  6. I'm really not a fan of "all the things, all the time" approach. Which happens a lot to futurist fiction or reference heavy mediums. So both those at the same time sounds like hell for me. When I'm not playing a game, I'm not too keen on consuming meta-entertainment about entertainment mediums. Especially games. When it comes to VR stuff, I like Neuromancer's simstims or Cyberpunk 2020's braindances. But the Summer Wars, SAO, Psycho Pass "Nobody Knows Your Face / Nobody Knows Your Mask" style of "second life" VR just don't really grip me. I prefer more the escapism to another real life, or perhaps just a abstract cyber representation of data-streams. Perhaps it's because given a real opportunity I wouldn't want to hang out in those sorts of online worlds. Even though I spend a lot of time staring at flat static web pages... I don't need those to be more real. Maybe it's also because I'm a CS major... Maybe I'll have to read the book and see if the story is compelling enough, but the setting isn't winning any points, and it's not high on my priorities. Still I like to keep an eye on the tides of societies interests.
  7. I don't get the whole crazy surrounding Ready Player One, also why is the Iron Giant there? edit: the -> get
  8. *sponsored killing brought to you by the biggest arms dealers in the world. I guess the biggest difference is how openly the corruption, self interest and wanton disregard for civil rights is being conducted - but then Trump just a ordinary businessman - he doesn't have the network to do it more covertly like the Clintons or Bushs. Sometimes it seems that the only real loss was the liberals push to change social language, but given how zero-tolerance they were about progress it's not surprising that backfired. Either way, we are in for a hell of a term.
  9. It's the type of law that you see why it was created, but it feels rather it requires those involved to walk the correct utilitarian path when invoking it. In other words baked into it is the potential for abuse.
  10. Isn't freezing assets already a thing? Nothing should be seized without conviction.
  11. What was good about the movie was that it was basically cosmic fantasy that just had a salient way to tie that to our modern world. Offering literally a portal to this other world. I'll probably have to check SG-1 out then. Apropos of nothing, I actually loved the BSG remake.
  12. I LOVED the first Kingsman. I had no expectations going in whatsoever. My god was I surprised.
  13. I've only ever seen the Stargate movie that started it all. Are the other series any good?
  14. I can't tell if this is serious or not, but I approve irrespectively. Far more clever than I could have hoped for.
  15. Yeah, I have a very similar reading to Flintlock. She's a spectator of Aloth's life. She more wants to watch someone paralyzed by their propriety start to live a more free life, rather than consume his vessel for her own.
  16. The whole McCain brain cancer Obamacare repeal fiasco is a load of situational irony that will bear no impact on the GOP. If you wrote this for television it'd be a comedy.
  17. It would be interesting if she is into women. Because then Aloth has internal competition.
  18. I thought Iselmyr was interested in women though? Aloth would have to be gay for that to happen Where is it stated that Iselmyr is gay? Don't recall her gender preference ever coming up.She flirts with female party members in some banter I believe. I don't think she flirts with any male ones but she never says she's not interested. People can flirt non-romantically but to affirm that someone is showing improvement or on the right path. Guys and girls do it all the time.
  19. I'm sure fulfilling a legacy is motivation enough to finish the series. I think his health is more of a concern to whether he finishes than anything else.
  20. You are physically there it seems, and a fight almost broke out it seems. Being physically there and fighting are the two biggest things we know of it so far. Actually, no, look at the vid at 9:44 and 9:45 (you have to unpause and pause quickly), your physical, material, body is still in the dungeon (still standing seemingly?). The IGN E3 Walkthrough? I keep stepping through that scene and I don't see any evidence of this. Even if you are ethereal in the beyond, I can't imagine them not having combat. They'll just play the whole, if your soul dies, then your body is a soulless husk and you lose the game route. edit: Oh, it's the text box. I thought you meant you could see yourself back through the portal.
  21. You are physically there it seems, and a fight almost broke out it seems. Being physically there and fighting are the two biggest things we know of it so far.
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