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Everything posted by injurai

  1. Honestly I don't have a problem with this, DRM mostly exist to ensure keep the honest people honest on launch day. As long as they remove it with a patch once it's been cracked or once they have made most of their target sales then I don't see the problem.
  2. Event. Speak to event. Speak to those speaking to event. Speak to those speaking to those speaking to event. ... Declare you're not going to engage in what everyone else is engaging in. Speak about other's declaring that they're not going to engage in what everyone else is engaging in. ... Event.
  3. If it pans out, Microsoft could reclaim an interesting foothold in the PC market. I'm waiting with bated breath to see what becomes of AoE4. At this point though, I think Sony has by far the best 1st party studio infrastructure. Nintendo has even shifted to contracting out to external studios to produce a lot of it's flagship titles.
  4. That already came out this year, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nioh
  5. Whoa what? Tell me more. The Karate Kid is about Kesuke Miyagi, an immigrant who fought against his own people in World War II, while his wife lost a child in an internment camp.
  6. Is he sponsored by Nike now?
  7. Well that was the second invasion. This is set during the more successful first invasion. Of which there was also a Typhoon crippled which crippled much of the fleet as they were retreating from the invasion.
  8. Open world real-history game of the defense of Tsushima Island against the Mongol invasion. RDR2 has competition me-thinks.
  9. I don't normally like Kpop, but it's also not often that pop understands how to write a descent breakbeat song.
  10. Standing desks are great when you are putting in 8+ hours a day of desk work, not sure if students need them as much. But when you feel the need to stand but have to still get work done they are a lifesaver.
  11. "Our leaders are stupid people." Hey, I might agree with the guy after all.
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7GKblttlMY
  13. Still need to see this. I also need to see The Raid 2. Man I've been slacking.
  14. You'll probably enjoy this: I had seen this a while back, so it's not fresh in my mind. But I remember really liking it.
  15. Yeah it's best to invest in a companies technology frameworks in such a way the many projects could make use of the tech. Best to have as broad of experience to properly lay the foundation for things to come.
  16. According to that I'm a Disaffected Democrat, but those questions were pretty trash. I get they are trying map onto a model but it was basically agree with a horrible opinion or have a progressive but far over reaching opinion.
  17. - edit - Forget it, somehow I quoted the wrong person.
  18. Why did you write "context" like that?
  19. Yeah, it's more of a thought experiment.
  20. I wouldn't call them that now, but if they get old enough I'm not sure how you could get around them gaining that status. Plenty of historic statues and monuments were put up for dubious reasons long after the era from which they draw significance. Maybe I'm not painting the dilemma. For contemporary monuments I'd make a moral claim as to why they are in bad moral character. When it ages it's in many ways no longer your monument, it's someone else in the past. It becomes of interest for history, thus the claim to take it down tends to lose moral weight and turns into one that would be complicit in erasing an artifact of history. Certainly for confederate monuments we can tear down like 1000 before they are at risk of vanishing, but the dilemma still holds and I think is better understood if you run the thought experiment on something that is rare and thus at risk of vanishing. I certainly wouldn't want a statue of Alexander the Great to be erased from time today. Yet he killed hundreds of thousands of people.
  21. At what point should monuments be guarded for historic reasons. Imo, speaking from bias for outcome, tear down all confederate statues, save all ancient monuments. Some of those monuments in the middle east may be of tyrants, but I defend them none-the-less. But if some of those confederate monuments manage to stay up for another 500 years, then my very same arguments for preserving antiquity start to apply. Only conclusion I really have is to strike while the iron is hot. But what time frame that is is subjective, further this conclusion is somewhat anti-stoic saying it's better to act now then wait and then not be able to tear down a symbol because you've made it into an artifact.
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