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Everything posted by Laozi

  1. Nihilus is all like,"Give us the money Lebowski, or ve vill cut off ya johnson yah. Ve care about nothing."
  2. They're sith what else do you expect? And you could buy some dopey comics
  3. You've made numerous stupid post and that hasn't stopped you, atleast thy're making money
  4. Doesn't Darth Nihilus not care about anything? It seems it would be tuff to be evil if you didn't care either way
  5. No I remember once in the beginning I tried to get Sunry to confess, then he didn't, so I went through the trial and Sunry was found innocent. It just aseemed really strange to me
  6. Hutt most of the question you've asked have already been answered numerous times, don't be lazy
  7. I know that I'm talking about Sunry trial, what information do the sith have about this? I never figured out what that might be
  8. Actually the last game that I truely was impressed with on every level was Civilization 3 that game totally kicks ass
  9. what was the evidence at the sith base?
  10. ya there are few thing in life better then a comfortable robe
  11. or i'm queen of the world
  12. no just good shoes
  13. not really it was more like a joke
  14. Mine would probaly be "Sir Foebose beater of @$$"
  15. I will not agree with the agreeability of certain statements that are shalll we say unconcerrent
  16. It doesn't at all matter if my martial footware suggestions happen
  17. The EU doesn't validate the character in anyway, if anything it makes the EU even more contemptable for alway jumping on every chance to write an indisputable bad book, and who says consistancy is the hobgoblin of small minds
  18. so are you saying what happened was the lightside ending
  19. if nothing else it makes kolto a rarer comodity
  20. Well I would think so, I mean these are the creators of Baldur's Gate, it would be strange if some of the same elements didn't make it into the game
  21. The only sinerio that I thought was believable was TM's
  22. Ya but I will also, if the game plays this way be, LS male with Revan being LS, then later LS male with Revan being DS, and so forth
  23. Fearless Jedi, that is a very interesting idea, I must compliment you on, what I think is a very real possibility that to say the least is original
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