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Everything posted by Laozi

  1. Walmart > low class? So you're saying walmart is better then low class
  2. I'll have to go by my local wall mart, if you've ever been to a wal mart and seen the kind of people who work there, then you'll have no trouble believing they've messed up the dates
  3. What about Kreia =not so sweet/feel kid of gross
  4. Ya fiftycent because theres nothing like being shot alot to add to your street-cred, kids from the suburbs eat that stuff up.
  5. So you're saying men who like rpgs better are more feminine than others huh?
  6. I was wondering, does a game getting GOTY ever influence anybody tp buy a game?
  7. I think that simply saying that you are the only Jedi left of any consequence, or that you are the only threat left on the radar, would really be underestimating the abilities of devs to create interestingf stories. This explaination seems even more simplistic then the original Kotor's plot and I 'm pretty sure that they have gone to great links to make a more complex game story wise
  8. force projectile vomiting
  9. forget you? are we watching R rated movies on network t.v.
  10. I thought you left <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It was all mythological hype
  11. I would weep if music this bad got on any game muchless a star wars game
  12. Very good point
  13. No, then how would you be captured, I'm thinking you got captured just after or during the mandalorian wars, besides if you can become level 30+ then it'd be hard to believe that you would be so insignificant
  14. Everywhere I go theres Akari
  15. Revan wasn't a sith until after the mandalorian wars, it stand to reason you didn't follow him to the outer-rim and become a Sith Lord
  16. I just can't see that, since there was no mention of him having any illegitiment children in any of the previous stories about him. By the time Kotor 2 roles around he's sure to have reclused off and no longer had a connection with the force. I don't think the chronicles were meant to give "hints" about the game, just to tell you about the prevous events that had shaped the worlds you visit and sell some more books
  17. Ya like if your character is male then your love interest could emasculate you with there constant nagging infront of the other pcs
  18. Even a romance that ends badly, like in Baldur's Gate 2, when you change Virconia's alignment, are quite satisfying as long as they go somewhere, I'm pretty inclined to believe that no matter which romantic option you choose, that it will end sort of bittersweet, at best.
  19. Its going to be interesting to see how they craft a story at this time without upsetting the characters and events of the EU. The first game really seemed only to make mention of the events of the EU and not *meddle* in any of the places that were really important at the time. I wonder exactually how much licence they've been given to use the characters from those comics.
  20. Beast control kind of scares me, who know what evil a dark jedi could use this power for, and those unfortant beast
  21. Yes, its probaly a bad thing for you when the game is released, no one to agitate if everyone is off enjoying the game, I guess you just have to move on
  22. Ya there has to be something to counter force crush
  23. Since Exar Kun's spirit is on Yavin 4 in the EU, and Ulic Qel Droma died severed from the force(still don't know how the hell that would happen) I doubt they have anything directly to do with anything, but perhaps some knowledge they left behind? who knows?
  24. Or maybe you slept with his sister and theres going to be a shotgun wedding
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