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About Epsilon

  • Rank
    Nae'blis of the Obsidian Order
    (1) Prestidigitator


  • Pillars of Eternity Backer Badge
  • Pillars of Eternity Kickstarter Badge
  • Lords of the Eastern Reach Backer Badge
  • Deadfire Backer Badge
  • Deadfire Fig Backer
  • Black Isle Bastard!
  1. Just going to post and say thanks for the Linux version. What many developers are misunderstanding however is Linux users and potential Linux users. Theres a lot of people who will support a kickstarter like PoE and might pay more for the game due to Linux support. Or simply support it because of the LInux support, without actually being Linux users. I know quite a few of these people, they're Windows users, but they're always very positive about projects or games that actively support Linux, most of them because they want to use Linux in the future, but find that their 'one' favorite game isn't supported yet or they've not gotten tired of it yet. So they highly favor projects that favor Linux without being Linux users, because they want to use Linux in the future when they either have time to learn it, or theres enough games for them. I think this is a shadow segment or percentage of users, one thats very hard to calculate. But I've spoken enough with people both afk and on forums to be able to confidently say that it's a large group of people who think like this. There has been a few kickstarter projects that I will not name here, who decided that they didn't need to put a lot of effort into their Linux port, or simply cancel it entirely, because the statistics showed that the amount of people using it weren't that much. The backlash of doing that however was costly to them, as they suddenly found that alot of their WIndows users stopped playing the game and bad reviews started coming up on Steam from Windows users. This I think is due to word of mouth both from Linux users but also from prospective Linux users who get annoyed when their game isn't supported on the OS they 'plan' to run at some point in the future. This requires more study though, but it's definitely not just a matter of statistics when the statistics don't cover all the data. As an example a large portion of Steams data point to a large amount of Windows XP users, but in actual fact many of those are wine users on Linux, due to wine setting the windows version to XP per default when you run it. Understand that supporting Linux at this point is a matter of gaining goodwill from users and helping build a future without vendor lock in. tl;dr theres more Linux users and prospective Linux users than the statistics show.
  2. Encountered an odd bug, looks like prices are multiplied by 100. Have a look at the attached savegame, my character is in the Black Hound. Talk to the innkeeper and notice camping supplies cost 6200, one succulent meal costs 3700. The game was installed completely vanilla off of steam. No mods or anything, never touched the installation. EDIT: for some reason I can't attach the file to this post. So it's on my dropbox instead https://db.tt/60JJlHmk
  3. Wizard is kinda crap, it doesn't really fit in anywhere, cipher and druid do the things the wizard does, but better. That said max out int and might take a few points from con and put into dex to reduce cast time. Focus on aoe spells that knock down enemies, daze them or aoe damage over time.
  4. If you're using nvidia. open nvidia-settings either by sudo nvidia-settings or kdesu nvidia-settings or gksu nvidia-settings and set the monitor you want to be primary as primary in the "X Server Display Configuration" tab and remembering to apply and save to your xorg.conf. If this doesn't fix the issue you have to be a bit more specific to Xorg. By doing gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf go down to the "Section "Screen" " find the option Option "metamodes" and specify the resolutions you want the system to be able to use. Mine looks like this obviously you will have to edit the resolutions to fit your display configuration, but mind the setup, specifically notice where it says 'null'. It means that on any given resolution where ResXbyResy, null. Only the first specified resolution on the first monitor will be set on a full screen application, the other monitor turns off. It'll turn back on again as soon as the full screen application closes. I hope this helps you
  5. Barely played the beta outside of messing around with builds in the first area of the beta. Played plenty of Infinity engine games though, so hard it is.
  6. I could've sworn this forum didn't exist earlier... As the title says. Equipped capes don't render either on the character in the character window or on the main screen. And it looks like theres some physics issues with other pieces of cloth as well. Apart from that, no discernable issues. System is x86_64 GNU/Linux
  7. You know, it's actually kinda annoying. There I was thinking I'd make my superhero team with a monk named Superman, a fighter named Batman, a rogue named Batgirl, a cipher named Mysterio, a wizard named Green Lantern, and a ranger named Hawkeye . But when I realised that the capes didn't render, I had to forgo that for now. It's just not the same without capes!
  8. Equipped capes don't actually render on characters, neither in the character screen or on the main screen. x86_64 GNU/Linux
  9. A good way to pass the time whilst waiting for release is watching AMC's The Walking Bread.
  10. I'd like Nae'blis of The Obsidian Order. Thanks.
  11. They're smart guys. So they'll just do as they did with the beta keys; that is to say add them to our individual obsidian.net profiles, that they required us to setup after the kickstarter concluded. This way they only have to send out one email informing backers that their keys are now ready to be claimed on the backer site.
  12. Here's hoping this will be a roaring success so we can get many sequels!
  13. This. Time to burn the place down!
  14. It is a bit confusing to figure out whats what with all those editions on steam. It should be made clearer which version you're entitled to, depending on your backer level.
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