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Everything posted by DSLuke

  1. For such a game I would wait. Altough I don't know if Lucasarts can wait for that long without cashing for a game. Well surely they do have enough money and they own it to the funs.
  2. I would also like the idea of Knights of the new republic, of new rebuplic knights (product differentiaion) I would be ultra cool to have control over Luke Skywalker and his company, but a project like that should be epic (alowing for a play time well over 80 hours) to make it more difficult they could use the yslamaris creatures (or how they are called) so you could have some levels with no force at all (or at least for more parts of the level). NRK (New Republic Knights Volume 1) Yes I can feel it in the Force, it won't be a long time for it to be revealed
  3. Your febble skills are no match for the power of the dark side : LucasArts speaking
  4. hey Zabrek throw us a hand here, will ya? :D
  5. Seriously now. It is not impossible for someone strong in the Force to stay hidden from other Force users. Palpatine did that for years (even if he had the kyber crystal and could cloud the Ligth side of the Force)
  6. You always sense something in the Force, wait..... I sense it too!! :D Yes it was Kreia indeed the one who tried to poison you. :ph34r:
  7. I think the game needs to show Bastila and Revan together again (provided you have said so durng thr questioning at the beggining). So perhaps in KOTOR 3 you could play as Revan's daughert or son.
  8. I think it was implied that you could only do that in the last few levels of the game. I think in the last 1-2 hours it would be good and satisfying as well, as it would change dramaticaly the gameplay expirience for you. just my 2 cents
  9. Ok, HK-47 is a valuable character that added to the value of the game and I would definitely want to see him again!!! But for T3 I couldn't care less
  10. maybe we could use force persuade on the developers and LA to make them release the game earlier (talking about PC version), so that we would have to worry about it.
  11. I think so. It seems the term SIth was introdued well after episode 6
  12. Maybe Revan was confused after KOTOR (either LS or DS) and you must convince him to follow one path, so afterwards he join your party for the final battle. You and Revan against the 3 sith lords. and if you are DS then in the end you fight him or even you form a master/apprentice relation.
  13. I do have a question though.... What was Revan doing in Korriban?? Hasn't he found everyting that was there in his last visit?
  14. I think the game was fine as it was, maybe they could add a difficulty level for those who want to play it that way.
  15. Just imagine the complications such a thing would create!!!
  16. Maybe she has lost her connection with the force too :D
  17. It would be cool if your character could block some force powers automaticaly without the need to press a button. An example would be blocking the force lightning like Yoda and Count Dooku did in EP2. At intermediate level you could block lightning with your saber and when you get the prestige class then you could block them barehanded, thus giving you the opportunity to play without the saber during the last levels. We've never seen Sidious use a saber before B)
  18. are there any books written for that specific era??
  19. Yeah right and in the third gam the npc would have to ask what happened to both first two games, you would need half an hour to tackle with the question alone Also continuity wouldn't be a problem if the third game would take place long after kotor 1 and 2. Maybe we will get to see Revan and the new guy (pc in kotor 2) as spirits guiding you.
  20. What according to you is the best period for KOTOR 3 (as I firmly believe there will a third installement) Personally I would like it to be a bit later than both KOTOR 1,2, maybe 1000 years after them.
  21. It could be a remote, that keep yours enemies a little bit more busy.
  22. It seems rather strange that Lucas would in a relatively short time publish 2 products wit the word sith in their tittle. Episode 3 - Revenge of the Sith KOTOR 2 - The Sith Lords Rather Dark times indeed.
  23. Luke would slaughter them all. But I think Anakin could have handled Bastila one handed
  24. Generally I wouldn't want such scenes in such a game. But if they would include a scene with Darth Malak shaving :D then yes.
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