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Everything posted by DSLuke

  1. Besides I would rather to have the game one day earlier than expected than to have a demo of it!
  2. I totally agree with Fearless_Jedi on this. Anakin is a so much better fighter than Bastiila could ever hope to be.
  3. It just wouldn't be possible to agree on more than one subject, would it?
  4. Yeah right, and he hacked into the Matrix :D
  5. Can't say I like it <_< It seems to be totally uncreative Although it would be the last thing to bother me if the game is good.
  6. The most annoying thing was at the Sith academy. You have killed their master and/or his second in command and these sith scum thought they could make a stand against you, instead of pleading for their lifes :angry:
  7. Nah!!!! We PC users could have an extra area were we confornt an extra Sith Lord You may haven't heard of him but during the events of KOTOR he was trying to further develop his empire, Microsith his name is at last revealed. All pc users have to do is kill Darth Bill
  8. Maybe we should start a new topic about eu books
  9. It's a good place to start, but the only problem is you'll be spoiled and expect the rest of the books to be as good. But aside from a few, they won't be. Some will be just outright horrible in comparison. Stay away from the Crystal Star and the "Callista" trilogy if you can. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> So far the I'm only interested in Zahn's bools and for some of the NJO
  10. The only SW book I've read so far is Heir to the Empire which I must say took completely by surprize, as it was far better than I expected. I'm waiting for amazon now to deliver me the next two volumes of the Thrawn trilogy.
  11. Forgive me, but I'm old school and I believe that movies should have a certain way of telling things and not letting the viewer decide. If the viewer watns to do so, then effectively he is making the movie into a videogame. It's like listening to a classic song and given the opportunity to change it
  12. I'm thinking of bying some books of NJO, is it worth the money and time? Can anyone suggest anything?
  13. Finally, I agree with Laozi for once
  14. I disagree, I think time has come to learn old heroes new tricks.
  15. That's interesting. But I doubt it would sell a suficient number of copies to justify the development of such a movie.
  16. Every Star Wars game is concidered as EU I imagine that most of us would like KOTNR to take place only few years after ROTJ and if possibly incuding Luke in the game (as well as the other famous characters).
  17. No Star Wars books are just for fun, not for deep thoughts and analysis. Rarely they will offer something more.
  18. What is the point of having an expansion for KOTOR? the story did ended in an obvious way. For anything further they should create a new story thus a new game as they did.
  19. Why is everyone so critical of Lucas? In the end if it wasn't for him Star Wars wouldn't even exist.
  20. KOTNR = Knights of the New Republic Also which do you thing will be the most appropriate developer for such games.
  21. Too bad!! We missed an opportunity which might have come in handy later :D
  22. Finally some sense of humour in these forums
  23. I suppose you would follow the dark path then?
  24. Having Carth but not Bastila would suck.. On the other hand I might as well get my satisfaction by killing the most annoying character after Jar Jar Binks in the whole time span of Star Wars. So let hime come I shall have my revenge B)
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