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I just fixed Wounding Shot to allow stacking for dual-wielding hits and thought you may want the code. They didn't want to figure out how to avoid an infinite damage loop so they had to cancel any further applications of Wounding Shot after the first damage. Giving the first effect "Source": "Weapon" takes care of that but with stacking damage over time effects, you run into another infinite damage loop when you mix "ApplicationBehavior": "StackIfAlreadyApplied"and "ApplicationType": "ApplyOnTick" because the initial "deal damage on damage" effect is still active for the quick second it starts. Instead I used WillApplyStatusEffectWithParentValueOnEvent to carry the dynamic damage value but apply it with "EventValue": "OnInterval" which uses the tick rate. You'll have to change that duration to "UseDurationUnadjusted" to fit your preferences, and you'll want to clean up the bleed keywords I added but those won't do anything if they stay in there and are unrecognized GUIDs. { "GameDataObjects": [ { "$type": "Game.GameData.StatusEffectGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "Wounding_Shot_SE_ApplyByDamageDealt", "ID": "cd3aeb00-0c84-46a1-bc73-0ed387f58a96", "Components": [ { "$type": "Game.GameData.StatusEffectComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "StatusEffectType": "ApplyStatusEffectToEnemyByDamageDealt", "OverrideDescriptionString": -1, "OverrideDescriptionStringTactical": -1, "UseStatusEffectValueAs": "None", "BaseValue": 0.1, "DynamicValue": { "Stat": "None", "SkillDataID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "ClassID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "MultiplyBy": 1, "Operator": "Add" }, "KeywordsIDs": [ "b1eed000-64f6-426b-b4c2-773621c8b949", "b1eed333-64f6-426b-b4c2-773621c8b949" ], "DurationType": "UseDurationTimeUnadjusted", "Duration": 1, "MaxStackQuantity": 0, "ApplicationBehavior": "UseLongerDurationIfAlreadyApplied", "ApplicationType": "ApplyOnStart", "IntervalRateID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "StackedChildrenApplyEffects": "false", "InclusionConditions": { "Operator": 0, "Components": [] }, "ApplicationPrerequisites": { "Conditional": { "Operator": 0, "Components": [] } }, "TriggerAdjustment": { "TriggerOnEvent": "None", "TriggerOffEvent": "None", "ValidateWithAttackFilter": "false", "ParamValue": 0, "ValueAdjustment": 0, "DurationAdjustment": 0, "ResetTriggerOnEffectTimeout": "false", "MaxTriggerCount": 0, "IgnoreMaxTriggerCount": "false", "RemoveEffectAtMax": "false", "ChanceToTrigger": 1 }, "PowerLevelScaling": { "UseCharacterLevel": "false", "BaseLevel": 0, "LevelIncrement": 1, "MaxLevel": 0, "ValueAdjustment": 0, "DurationAdjustment": 0 }, "IsHostile": "false", "ClearOnCombatEnd": "false", "ClearOnRest": "false", "ClearOnFoodRest": "false", "ClearWhenAttacks": "false", "ClearOnDeath": "false", "HideFromCombatTooltip": "true", "HideFromCombatLog": "false", "HideFromUI": "false", "HideIfNoValue": "false", "VisualEffects": [], "MaterialReplacementID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "AttackFilter": { "KeywordsIDs": [], "KeywordLogic": "Or", "Race": "None", "IsKith": "false", "HealthPercentage": 0, "HealthOperator": "EqualTo", "Range": "None", "ClassTypeID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Source": "Weapon", "DefendedBy": "None", "Empowered": "false", "Disengagement": "false", "Stealthed": "false", "UseStealthLinger": "false", "PowerLevel": 0, "PowerLevelOperator": "EqualTo", "ChanceToApply": 1, "AttackHostility": "Default", "TargetType": "None" }, "AttackTargetFilter": { "KeywordsIDs": [], "KeywordLogic": "Or", "Race": "None", "IsKith": "false", "HealthPercentage": 0, "HealthOperator": "EqualTo", "Distance": 0, "DistanceOperator": "EqualTo", "HasDOT": "false", "IsMarked": "false", "TargetHostility": "Default" }, "ExtraValue": 0, "OverridePenetration": 0, "DamageTypeValue": "All", "KeywordValueID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "RaceValue": "None", "StatusEffectTypeValue": "None", "ItemValueID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "AfflictionTypeValueID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "StatusEffectsValueIDs": [ "e0cf27ed-6502-4e71-89e7-4656bc076dc8" ], "AttackValueID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "AttackOverrideValue": "None", "EventValue": "OnApply", "ClassValueID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "WeaponTypeValue": "None", "AttackHitType": "None", "SkillValueID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "AudioEventListID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "BedRestDaysMinimum": 0, "BedRestDaysMaximum": 0 } ] }, { "$type": "Game.GameData.StatusEffectGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "Wounding_Shot_SE_WillApplyRawDamage", "ID": "e0cf27ed-6502-4e71-89e7-4656bc076dc8", "Components": [ { "$type": "Game.GameData.StatusEffectComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "StatusEffectType": "WillApplyStatusEffectWithParentValueOnEvent", "OverrideDescriptionString": 114, "OverrideDescriptionStringTactical": -1, "UseStatusEffectValueAs": "None", "BaseValue": 0, "DynamicValue": { "Stat": "None", "SkillDataID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "ClassID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "MultiplyBy": 1, "Operator": "Add" }, "KeywordsIDs": [ "b1eed000-64f6-426b-b4c2-773621c8b949", "b1eed333-64f6-426b-b4c2-773621c8b949" ], "DurationType": "UseDurationTime", "Duration": 9, "MaxStackQuantity": 0, "ApplicationBehavior": "StackIfAlreadyApplied", "ApplicationType": "ApplyOnStart", "IntervalRateID": "25acc41f-26a4-4ef7-9b7d-0f1bf0ddfe9f", "StackedChildrenApplyEffects": "false", "InclusionConditions": { "Operator": 0, "Components": [] }, "ApplicationPrerequisites": { "Conditional": { "Operator": 0, "Components": [] } }, "TriggerAdjustment": { "TriggerOnEvent": "None", "TriggerOffEvent": "None", "ValidateWithAttackFilter": "false", "ParamValue": 0, "ValueAdjustment": 0, "DurationAdjustment": 0, "ResetTriggerOnEffectTimeout": "false", "MaxTriggerCount": 0, "IgnoreMaxTriggerCount": "false", "RemoveEffectAtMax": "false", "ChanceToTrigger": 1 }, "PowerLevelScaling": { "UseCharacterLevel": "false", "BaseLevel": 0, "LevelIncrement": 1, "MaxLevel": 0, "ValueAdjustment": 0, "DurationAdjustment": 0 }, "IsHostile": "true", "ClearOnCombatEnd": "false", "ClearOnRest": "false", "ClearOnFoodRest": "false", "ClearWhenAttacks": "false", "ClearOnDeath": "false", "HideFromCombatTooltip": "false", "HideFromCombatLog": "false", "HideFromUI": "false", "HideIfNoValue": "false", "VisualEffects": [], "MaterialReplacementID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "AttackFilter": { "KeywordsIDs": [], "KeywordLogic": "Or", "Race": "None", "IsKith": "false", "HealthPercentage": 0, "HealthOperator": "EqualTo", "Range": "None", "ClassTypeID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Source": "None", "DefendedBy": "None", "Empowered": "false", "Disengagement": "false", "Stealthed": "false", "UseStealthLinger": "false", "PowerLevel": 0, "PowerLevelOperator": "EqualTo", "ChanceToApply": 1, "AttackHostility": "Default", "TargetType": "None" }, "AttackTargetFilter": { "KeywordsIDs": [], "KeywordLogic": "Or", "Race": "None", "IsKith": "false", "HealthPercentage": 0, "HealthOperator": "EqualTo", "Distance": 0, "DistanceOperator": "EqualTo", "HasDOT": "false", "IsMarked": "false", "TargetHostility": "Default" }, "ExtraValue": 0.1, "OverridePenetration": 0, "DamageTypeValue": "Raw", "KeywordValueID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "RaceValue": "None", "StatusEffectTypeValue": "None", "ItemValueID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "AfflictionTypeValueID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "StatusEffectsValueIDs": [ "2abf3fae-21ea-4ce5-b83f-ccee8cdc4412" ], "AttackValueID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "AttackOverrideValue": "None", "EventValue": "OnInterval", "ClassValueID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "WeaponTypeValue": "None", "AttackHitType": "None", "SkillValueID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "AudioEventListID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "BedRestDaysMinimum": 0, "BedRestDaysMaximum": 0 } ] }, { "$type": "Game.GameData.StatusEffectGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "Wounding_Shot_SE_RawDamage", "ID": "2abf3fae-21ea-4ce5-b83f-ccee8cdc4412", "Components": [ { "$type": "Game.GameData.StatusEffectComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "StatusEffectType": "Damage", "OverrideDescriptionString": -1, "OverrideDescriptionStringTactical": -1, "UseStatusEffectValueAs": "None", "BaseValue": 0, "DynamicValue": { "Stat": "None", "SkillDataID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "ClassID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "MultiplyBy": 1, "Operator": "Add" }, "KeywordsIDs": [ "b1eed000-64f6-426b-b4c2-773621c8b949", "b1eed333-64f6-426b-b4c2-773621c8b949" ], "DurationType": "Instant", "Duration": 0, "MaxStackQuantity": 0, "ApplicationBehavior": "UseLongerDurationIfAlreadyApplied", "ApplicationType": "ApplyOnStart", "IntervalRateID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "StackedChildrenApplyEffects": "false", "InclusionConditions": { "Operator": 0, "Components": [] }, "ApplicationPrerequisites": { "Conditional": { "Operator": 0, "Components": [] } }, "TriggerAdjustment": { "TriggerOnEvent": "None", "TriggerOffEvent": "None", "ValidateWithAttackFilter": "false", "ParamValue": 0, "ValueAdjustment": 0, "DurationAdjustment": 0, "ResetTriggerOnEffectTimeout": "false", "MaxTriggerCount": 0, "IgnoreMaxTriggerCount": "false", "RemoveEffectAtMax": "false", "ChanceToTrigger": 1 }, "PowerLevelScaling": { "UseCharacterLevel": "false", "BaseLevel": 0, "LevelIncrement": 1, "MaxLevel": 0, "ValueAdjustment": 0, "DurationAdjustment": 0 }, "IsHostile": "true", "ClearOnCombatEnd": "false", "ClearOnRest": "false", "ClearOnFoodRest": "false", "ClearWhenAttacks": "false", "ClearOnDeath": "false", "HideFromCombatTooltip": "false", "HideFromCombatLog": "false", "HideFromUI": "false", "HideIfNoValue": "false", "VisualEffects": [], "MaterialReplacementID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "AttackFilter": { "KeywordsIDs": [], "KeywordLogic": "Or", "Race": "None", "IsKith": "false", "HealthPercentage": 0, "HealthOperator": "EqualTo", "Range": "None", "ClassTypeID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Source": "None", "DefendedBy": "None", "Empowered": "false", "Disengagement": "false", "Stealthed": "false", "UseStealthLinger": "false", "PowerLevel": 0, "PowerLevelOperator": "EqualTo", "ChanceToApply": 1, "AttackHostility": "Default", "TargetType": "None" }, "AttackTargetFilter": { "KeywordsIDs": [], "KeywordLogic": "Or", "Race": "None", "IsKith": "false", "HealthPercentage": 0, "HealthOperator": "EqualTo", "Distance": 0, "DistanceOperator": "EqualTo", "HasDOT": "false", "IsMarked": "false", "TargetHostility": "Default" }, "ExtraValue": 0, "OverridePenetration": 0, "DamageTypeValue": "Raw", "KeywordValueID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "RaceValue": "None", "StatusEffectTypeValue": "None", "ItemValueID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "AfflictionTypeValueID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "StatusEffectsValueIDs": [], "AttackValueID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "AttackOverrideValue": "None", "EventValue": "OnApply", "ClassValueID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "WeaponTypeValue": "None", "AttackHitType": "None", "SkillValueID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "AudioEventListID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "BedRestDaysMinimum": 0, "BedRestDaysMaximum": 0 } ] }
I thought of some more. Any of these look good or great? - specialist defense - +1 def vs defl/fort/refl/will when hit, -1 def all others - thinly veiled - -5% damage from non-veil percing - dazzling motions - distract 10% when grazed or hit - cross hazard - if foe is stunned, after 10s, paralyze 6s - suscept - AfflictionResistance -1 (upgrade affliction) to dex afflictions on non-resistant or immune foe - +1 armor if engaged or engaging two or more foes or flanked - insider threat - +10% damage when near 3 foes but not engaged, flanked, or suffering hostile damage within 6s - pin - immobilize flanked foe nearby after 6s if still flanked and the owner and another ally is still near - tailor-made - first hostile attack recieved yields +5 of the targeted defense until end of combat - setup - +2 acc with aoe attacks per engaged foe - mulligan - instant recovery if attack launches and no hits are scored within 2s, per 12s - settler - after attack launch, +10% damage on the next attack until movement - voyager - movement adds +10% damage for an equivalent number of seconds moved - if any enemy is stunned within 20s of combat, +5 acc to constitution afflictions until end of combat - first enemy damaged is immobilized via Halt casted on them - one chance - maximize damage, +100% hit-to-crit, +100% Recovery for one attack - +10 fort if under the effects of a damage shield - +10 will if under the effects of an arcane reflection or arcane veil - +1 penetration vs foes you crit vs reflex - Miss Understood - +1% atk spd when missed, if 10x then +1% crit damage per stack but removes stacks on crit, max 20 stacks - Still Moving - if you are still and any enemies are moving, +10 accuracy to dex afflictions - Wuthering, Wuthering, Wuthering Fights - +15% freeze damage or with wind attacks - +15% atk speed until three foes slain - cleared - if a nearby foe is killed and three foe corpses are also nearby, +20% damage on your next attack - try someone else - range -50% on ranged attacks on foe if foe isn't engaging, is engaged by owner and another, and has no concentration - +25 reflex vs dex afflictions after hit by a dex affliction from a hostile foe - streaking - on crit, +50% hit-to-crit, -10% on each successive crit - chance to stun per burn and shock damage dealt, same for paralyze w/ freeze and poison - -1 armor when dealing corrosive damage - On the Wrong Foot - Halt to the first enemy to enter an 8m radius around you at start of combat - Early Deafening - -10 Accuracy to foes' affliction attacks in aoe aura around you - +100% when grazed to miss vs Will until hit or crit - when allies are hit but you are not (cleared), +1% dmg up to 25% (aoe 10) - when you are hit with damage but allies are not, +2.5% max hp up to +50% - whirling - when you crit with slash damage -2% recovery up to +50% - fusillade - when you crit with pierce damage, +3% atk spd up to +30% - scorch - +50% chance to crit with fire attacks (impossible?), foe receives +1 armor vs burn when crit with fire attacks by you - crack - when you crit with crush damage, -1 crush armor on foe. When you crit again, -1 to all armor - slamming - +20% damage vs prone targets - taxing venom - 10% of poison damage increases the enemy's damage from poison attacks - restraining cold - 5% of freeze damage lowers enemy attack speed - crystal dusting - when you crit with freeze damage, the foe receives 20% increased damage from spells for 8s - dissolving - when you crit with acid attacks, foe receives +3% damage from all attacks, up to +30% - sleep a target, a quick cast spell vs Will - your first hostile spell pushes back foes, slows movement by 50% and deals 6 burn/frost damage per sec for 6s - stun nearby foes for 1s whenever you receive a might inspiration, but -5 dexterity and -5 resolve during might inspirations - essential phantom on all foes for 6s, unaffected by intelligence - ghastly haunt - 5m aoe frighten per 3s for 12s, around target foe (so big you might hit allies) - seal of the tyrant - if foes leave 4m aoe, stunned 6s and 18 shock damage vs fortitude - invidious - 10% instant recovery vs charmed or dominated foes - umbral corruption - party ability - for 15s allies recieve 60 degree 4m cone aura in front of them, each adding +5% damage received to enemies affected - umbral shine - party ability - for 15s allies recieve 60 degree 4m cone aura in front of them, each adding -3 Accuracy to enemies affected - blessing of the meek - party ability - +1 power level to all allies with <50% HP - ebullient defense - +10% attack speed to allies 4m around you until hit by foes - stinging third - every 3rd non-spell single-foe ability gains 100% hit-to-crit - blinding haze - foe ranged accuracy in a 4m aoe aura around you is reduced by 12/9/6/3 when 3/6/9/12m distance targeted - compounding blows - your melee attacks deal +50% damage but increase the armor of the foe by 1 - deft strokes - 20% increased damaged with non-spell abilities - trapper - +10 accuracy versus foes with a dexterity affliction - consequence - +10% damage to afflicted foes - isolator - +5 accuracy vs foes alone within 4m - blunt affectation - +20% damage until scoring a crit on foes
I read Eder's Scale Mail upgrades again and fell in love with Veteran's Maneuver - immunity to reflex attacks until hit twice. Similarly, tactical abilities like Brilliant Tactician and Checkmate are so cool and different than just the generic +10% burn damage. I want to make more cool effects like this, but it's hard to dream them up. What are some tactical strategies or abilities that you've found to be missing in Deadfire? Anything cool like this that you'd want to see in the game? Here's a list of other "strategic" abilities already in the game that I noted: - drawing cut - first wpn hit +dmg +acc - drawing parry - first 8s +defl - first to the fight - first 10s +10 all def - armor - capture - swap to near 2 allies/foes, +10 acc, stun, courageous - blessed defiance - near 2 foes +1 engagement - coordinated escape - immune engagement near 2 allies - unseen demise - untargetable 10s if killed 10s after escape - squid's escape - escape + immune to engage 3s + blind + confuse - attempted parlay - threatened by 3, +20% atk speed - certain mutiny - if ally charmed, swift + intuitive - shadow form - invisible on kill - bushwack - stun on invisible attack - mystical celerity - if mind inspiration, +10% atk spd - immune to push and pull - helm and belt - shadow fang - stealth attacks add raw DoT - hearth and home - teleport to ally - immortal will - can't be interrupted if injury - authority - vs mind afflictions +5 will aoe - veiled hood - when first attacked, arcane veil - veteran's maneuver - immune to deflection attacks until hit twice by other defenses' - tactician - +resource on interrupt - brilliant tactician - flanked all foes, no flanked allies, brilliant - tactician - not attacking same target -1 pen -acc - tactical dilemma - when flanked, shaken, confused - persistent distraction - on engage, distracted - sweep off your feet - prone foe if perception affliction on crit - insistence - instant recovery 10% when missed melee - chain breaker - instant recovery 10% when crit melee - subjugation - prone on crit - dug-in - until movement +2% atk spd when hit melee x10 - blessed by the void - affliction tier I on foe 25% when hit by affliction (upgrades to tier III) - dispersed suffering - hostile duration +20% aoe on kill - opening shot - recovery -5% melee per atk with this ranged wpn 30s - highwayman - +2 acc ranged per atk with this melee wpn 30s - fair trial - on first affliction, random tier I inspiration - grave bound - paralyze on crit if 10x stacks - hel sickness - sicken on crit if 10x stacks - misotheist - reflect punishment or condemnation attacks 20% aoe - reject the wheel - +10 fort,refl,will aoe 30s on kill - obfuscation - invisibility 8s 10% on crit - unseen killer - invisibility via shadowing beyond 1 per rest - mob rule - when 3 allies near +10 acc - Wrong Place, Wrong Time - when 3 allies near, vs no enemy allies near, +10 acc 25% interrupt - skrim - when using shield, +10% damage +5 acc - devious - when attacking same target +1 pen - quieting - can't use active abilities on foe if lower level 2s on crit - stand guard - can't move, +def as hp decreases - strategist - on engage, confuse - tactical - when engaged, smart - tactician - on engage, interrupt - leap - jump to area, daze removing engagement - Captivating Crystal - when crit 50% confuse, charmed if crits - warped scales - immune to gaze
You can remove via immunity but you have to make a keyword for it. I do it this way often because it's very controllable. Another easier but more limited way is to remove the status via the Trigger section of the status, where it says RemoveEffectAtMax. You make the trigger count increase from an event (such as OnScoringHitOrCriticalHit) then when it hits the max trigger count the status is removed, but you also have to have IgnoreMaxTriggerCount as false.
About Script
Grape_You_In_The_Mouth replied to Hoo's topic in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire: Modding (Spoiler Warning!)
I haven't figured out how to increase traps yet. For the Beam problem, I'd only guess that the power level scaling can be modified like any other ability. I haven't tried it yet. Intellect duration wouldn't be applicable from the exported data, afaik.- 1 reply
- 1
Here's a guide that worked in the Pathfinder Kingmaker game: I've been running across a few questions on how to modify sound files, so I decided to post a little tutorial here. First of all, download and extract this file: http://www.filedropper.com/soundbankeditor_1 Now go to :\Steam\steamapps\common\Pathfinder Kingmaker\Kingmaker_Data\StreamingAssets\Audio\GeneratedSoundBanks\Windows and find the appropriate soundbank (.bnk extension) you want to replace sound files from, an example is: PC_Male_Pragmatic_GVR_ENG.bnk Which is conveniently and obviously the soundbank for all the Pragmatic voicelines of male characters. Other sound files may be a bit more arcane, however, and you'll need to do some Ctrl+F sleuthing in the SoundbanksInfo.xml (from the same folder) to figure out in which .bnk the sound files you want reside. For example: main.bnk is where mastodon footstep sounds reside (instead of the more intuitive CRE_Mastodon.bnk). You discover this by Ctrl+F "blackdragon" and vetting it for footstep foleys, because apparently mastodons use black dragon footsteps. Now that you've found the .bnk file you want to modify, extract its audio data files (.wem extension) by using the python script you downloaded in the "Soundbank Editor" folder. (E.g. drag and drop PC_Male_Pragmatic_GVR_ENG.bnk on to soundbank.py) Type "extract" into the CMD window that pops up. Now you'll have extracted all the .wem files (each an individual audio file) from the .bnk, and will have populated the folder with them. Next, if you want to be able to play these .wem files and know what they sound like in-game, move all the .wem files you've just extracted into the "Divinity Sound Converter" folder. Run the Divinity Converter.exe and it will convert all the .wem files into .ogg files and place them into the NUMBERED folder. You can actually play these .ogg files with VLC media player, so now you can finally listen to what each of these files sounds like and thence make your own recordings to replace them with. These recordings need to be in the .wav format. (Further information about these sounds can be found in the SoundbanksInfo.xml by searching for their ids.) Remember to rename the .wav files you create with the ids of the .wem files you're trying to replace them with. For example if you're trying to replace 1072716689.wem with your own sound file, name your sound file 1072716689.wav. After you're done recording the sound files you want to replace the originals with, you'll need to to convert them to the .wem format. Download Wwise from https://www.audiokinetic.com/download/ and run the launcher. Create an account and log in. The functionality you need from Wwise is free. Click on the Wwise tab in the launcher and install the latest version of Wwise. Run it when installation is complete. Create a new project (name it Converter). Then, click on "Project" in the top left and in the dropdown select "Import Audio Files". Here, import all the .wav files that you have created. Once you've imported all the pertinent files, go to "Project" again and select "Convert All Audio Files". Go to C:\Users\user\Documents\WwiseProjects\Converter\.cache\Windows\SFX and you will find that all of your .wav files have been converted into .wem files. Take all of these files and bring them back into the "Sound Editor" folder from step 2. (Remember to clean up this folder first and delete everything but the soundbank.py to make things a bit easier.) Make sure all your replacement .wem files are named exactly the same as the original .wem files they're supposed to replace. Then highlight these files and the original soundbank file you want to modify (e.g. 66996788.wem, 91059350.wem and PC_Male_Pragmatic_GVR_ENG.bnk) and drag them simultaneously on to the soundbank.py. Type "replace" into the CMD window that pops up. A modified .bnk file named "changed.bnk" will appear in the same folder. Rename it to whatever soundbank you were trying to replace (e.g. PC_Male_Pragmatic_GVR_ENG.bnk) and drop it into the generated soundbanks folder in step 1. You're done. And as always, remember to make backups.